I was at my grandparents golden (50!) anniversary
My parents will celebrate 50 on 2 Aug 2012!
I would had silver (25) on 24 Feb 2007 but my "used to be husband" committed adultery on 27 Jan 1998
COMPROMISE!!! COMMUNICATION!!! Give and take! Work things out between the partners! Kiss and Make up! For better or worse until DEATH do us apart!
2006-07-06 10:20:11
answer #1
answered by Susanne R 5
For those people who have been married forever were from a previous generation and they grew during the time when is was important to be married, have a family, etc. Also, at that time it was expected of them to stay married. As time went on they learn to get through their problems because a divorce would make them outcasts by Society, family and friends. In todays Society, it is expected and socially acceptable if people don't stay married forever. The best advice I can give you is don't compare your marriage to those marriages that has lasted forever, different time, different social standards. It's not your sole duty to make your marriage, you and your husband should be working together to make the marriage better. Whatever the 2 of you did together before the marriage, try doing those things again. There should be no sole ownership in the marriage, the marriage should be as one. if the two of you try not to focus on what people think or living a materialistic lifestyle and get back to have fun together and separate, that's a start. Nagging each other is not going to improve the situation, but laughing together will, especially when you laugh about the stupid stuff each of you did to make each other mad. If it's a money thing making your marriage fall apart, laugh about that too, but together on how to improve your financial situation instead of agruing about who paid for what or being selfish about what you buy with your money. If you can't afford a night out on the town, make is a night at home, candlelight dinner and all. If you have small children (lock them in the closet, just kidding) purt them to bed and just have a quiet "US TIME" together without discussing your problems.
2006-07-06 10:32:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First of all, if you didn't have problems, chances are you are from a different planet. I have been lucky enough to have been married for over thirty years. Is that forever? For me it seems like yesterday, but that is just me. There is going to be a natural ebb and flow to your marriage. There will be days when your problems will seem insurmountable. It depends (at least a little) what you dwell on. If you want to concentrate on the negatives, you are going to find them. I have seen far too many good people get caught in the bad and wonder years later what in the h--- happened? Be careful of taking advice (even this) you get what you pay for! Only you are going to know whether the relationship is worth staying in. I just encourage you to take your time before you end it. Best advice, whenever you can, do that something special for your other half. Always, ALWAYS, let them know how much you care. I can never hear it enough, can you?
2006-07-06 10:36:57
answer #3
answered by claymaten 1
They say the first five years of marriage are the hardest, then after that it tends to get better as each year passes. As long as both of you guys don't have wondering eyes and are willing to sacrifice to stay together then things should work out. You can always go sekk counseling if you are having a hard time. But you gotta a give a lot and take a little. Be open and honest with your feelings. if you want attention let him know and vice versa, if you need space let him know and vice versa. You can always look in your newspaper and look at all the anniversaries in it then see if they left a number or where they are going to celebrate and then go ask the older couples that have been together for 20 yrs or more. They should know alot about marriage.
2006-07-06 10:22:57
answer #4
answered by sweetsugakb24 2
First of all, every marriage has problems... it's how you deal with the problems that make things work for the long haul. I've been married for one year and have been part of a great newly weds group with my wife. After everyone became more comfortable and got past the "we're perfect newly weds" we realized that everyone else has similar problems and struggles. There is a great book called Love and Respect, by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. I stronly recommend it as it has really strengthed our communication skills. Men and women are very different and can sometimes drive each other crazy. In a nut shell, I recommend getting involed with or starting a newly weds group for support, focusing on what works and become more forgiving (both of you!) Get help and don't give up! Best wishes.
2006-07-06 10:24:42
answer #5
answered by Stephen H 1
No matter how you feel about him couples always have problems. I have been seperated for almost a year. I think people who have been married for a long time have a system. Do you get annoyed that he doesn't pick up his towels in the bathroom? Simple things like that can be an issue. Is it worth a lifetime of happy memories though. That is the question. Your fights or your marriage. Decide. Some things are important and need to be addressed the rest you need to decide how important they are.
2006-07-06 10:26:59
answer #6
answered by Erin D 1
Good question, look at the ones who have been married more than 25 years: There are those who just learned to ignore their partner to the extend where ther could not care less and then there are those where one partner adjusted to the other and so to speak gave up his/her identity to make it work, and then there are those who started out with love and made it stay by paying attention to the others needs. I agree, compromising is probably necessary here and there, but if all that keep it up is a compromise or "standing on you head" just to make it work... Not all relationships are meant to be forever even if we would lik to think that. Good luck!
2006-07-06 10:27:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Keeping God first, living in Gods word and his will for your life, having the mind set that you will be together forever no matter what, making absolutely certain that you are making the correct decision in marring him, that you two are compatible, Premarital counseling, these are some of the ways you can ensure a long happy marriage. There is also a really good Bible study book entitled the eleven reasons families succeed, it is a great resource.
2006-07-06 10:50:56
answer #8
answered by AlwaysRight 3
Well they say that first year of marriage is the hardest full of most problems. If you have problems already then join the club of newlyweds. Married people stay married forever because of commitment. If your loyal and committed to the marriage then you'll make it for life. And lots of prayer!!
2006-07-06 10:25:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This day and time is very trying on married couples. You have to both want the same things in life. I think that most arguments between maried couples is about MONEY. If you really love him and he really loves you, you have got to compromise, and talk about your problems without arguing. Set your sights on the same things, and try not to get in over your heads. Don't try to keep up with the Jones.
2006-07-06 10:35:34
answer #10
answered by smoke 4