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I am 4 months pregnant and I have a tattoo on my lower back that isnt finished yet I still have more to add to it and the coloring in of it and I really really want to get it finished but I am afraid it will hurt the baby will it????

2006-07-06 07:55:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

21 answers

Wait until after the baby is born to finish your tramp stamp. It's not going anywhere and it's too much of a risk in case they accidently use an unsterile needle.

2006-07-06 07:57:29 · answer #1 · answered by Angie P. 6 · 0 3

Do not get it done until you have the baby. First it may get stretched out and look different when the pregnany is over. Plus you risk getting an infection becuase your immune system is lowered becuase of the pregnany. It would not be smart to do it while pregnant. I will list below an email I got from one of those daily newsletters for the expecting :

Thinking of commemorating your pregnancy by getting a tattoo? Think again. While the ink itself won't enter your bloodstream, there is a risk of infection any time you get stuck with a needle. Not a good risk to take when you're trying to stay healthy for two. Plus, a new tattoo that looks symmetrical on your pregnant skin might become lopsided or distorted after you regain your prepregnancy shape. If you already have a tattoo, no problem — just sit back and watch it stretch! (Your bikini-line butterfly might just start soaring like an eagle!)

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2006-07-06 15:04:18 · answer #2 · answered by Mommy2Be 3 · 0 0

Don't do it!! Is now really the time to accidentally end up with some infection or new disease? I know, tattoo shops are usually way clean, I have tattoos, so don't get me wrong. But why take that chance? Besides, it is highly unlikely that you will find a ligit tattoo artist to tattoo a pregnant woman. Five months is not an eternity, although it may seem like it sometimes when you are pregnant.

2006-07-06 15:04:44 · answer #3 · answered by AmandaHugandKiss 2 · 0 0

I have heard that no tattoo artist would tattoo a pregnant woman. I have also been told by a doctor that alot of anesthesiologists will not give a woman with a tattoo on her lower back an epidural due to something about the dye and the spinal column. you may want to check with the hospitol about this unless you dont plan on getting an epidural.

2006-07-06 15:01:12 · answer #4 · answered by LittleMermaid 5 · 0 0

Personally, I wouldn't even want to get tattooed while pregnant. I think tattoo can be an incredibly beautiful art form, but it's also painful and, by extension, stressful. My pain and stress would be my baby's pain and stress and for that reason alone, I'd choose to wait.

2006-07-06 16:11:58 · answer #5 · answered by mockingbird 7 · 0 0

i have 3 kids and 9 tattoos. No they will not harm your child in anyway. You just cant have it finished until you have the baby.

2006-07-06 15:08:03 · answer #6 · answered by misty_caldwell2001 1 · 0 0

I don't think it would hurt the baby but I am willing to bet most tattoo artists are not going to finish it now if they know youa re pregnant.

I think you should ask your doctor and that he/she would give you the best answer.

GOod LUck and COngrats.

2006-07-06 15:17:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you can wait till that baby comes out and plus since it is on your back you would have to lay on your stomach anyway but right now you got a baby in ya belly. wait, that's all i can say to that. ask yourself what is more important "the baby or the tattoo"

2006-07-06 15:12:36 · answer #8 · answered by Coast2CoastChat.com 5 · 0 0

yes it will. You don't want to do anything like that while you are pregnant. The ink gets into your blood stream then goes straight to the baby. You need to wait until after the baby is born and then if your not going to breast feed to do that.

2006-07-06 15:08:01 · answer #9 · answered by lil_gabby_2003 2 · 0 0

know it won't hurt the baby but i would wait till you have the baby. What is more important to you having your baby or a tattoo?

2006-07-06 15:00:50 · answer #10 · answered by r.n.b 2 · 0 0

No. But tattoo artists are hesitant about tattooing pregnant women. You can do it as long as it puts no stress on the baby. (positional stress. leaning against your stomach)

2006-07-06 14:58:42 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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