If you will be traveling overseas, make sure you have a current Passport. Many countries will require a visa, so check out the visa requirements at www.zvs.com. They can get the visa for you in a convenient way.
To look for hotels, flights, rentals, package deals, check out these sites:
www.cheaptravelnetwork.com, www.travelocity.com, www.orbitz.com, www.priceline.com, www.qixo.com, www.kayak.com, www.cheaptickets.com, www.expedia.com, www.hotwire.com, www.cheapflights.com, www.mobissimo.com, www.farechase.com, www.sidestep.com, www.globester.com
Just make a list of the places you are most interested in seeing, and go to each one. Travel books by Frommer's, Lonely Planet adn the Rough Guide can help fill in the spaces for you with tried and true recommendations.
Have fun!
2006-07-06 07:52:23
answer #1
answered by TravelOn 4
Start saving up for it.
If you're wanting to travel internationally, check at a local university...many times the Modern Language Department will offer a Spring Break trip to France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico, etc. My alma mater offers such a trip...The French trip to Paris is not only for French students, community members (and beyond) are encouraged to travel with us. We had a girl come with us from California one year. It's a lot of fun...you're in a group, so you don't feel lost or alone and you get to see sites you may never have seen before.
If you want to travel to another part of the USA, definitely save up for it. There are many great places here to see.
I strongly urge anyone interested in traveling to do at least some research. Even if you do go with a tour group, it's nice to have some background information prior to setting foot on foreign soil. You may want to venture off on your own, so researching the area where you will be visiting is a good idea. Maybe there's a smaller museum you want to visit that is not on the itinerary. Take a phrase book if you are not fluent in the language of the country you will be visiting. Don't forget the passport and money belt.
2006-07-07 05:29:14
answer #2
answered by worldglobetrottergirl 4
Well you are in the right place, the internet! Start by thinking of cities that are near you that you are curious about. Then look up things to do/see, places to eat, historical sites, weather & cultures/people (if applicable)of that city. If it sounds interesting enough, check out websites with low airfare (if thats your method of travel) & hotel rates. expedia, travelocity, orbitz, hotwire, & priceline are all good ones. I prefer expedia or travelocity. Its simple to book on there but you have to pay all at once with a CC though. I dont know where you live (Im assuming Chicago since thats your category??), but if you want a few suggestions, Id say Orlando, Vegas, Nashville (not as lively as Vegas or Orlando though), Myrtle Beach (VA), or Atlanta. Now if you dont mind going far Id suggest a Caribbean cruise. It may seem pricey at first but if you look at what you get for your money, its WELL WORTH it, trust me!!
2006-07-06 07:55:03
answer #3
answered by WhatheHell 4
Well first start off by thinking what you want to get from it. I mean do you like culture or technologies, do you like peace and quite or busy streets, then look at your bank account and see what permits you. Plus look into if you want to bring someone with you. Then once you decided on a place, Check out cheap flights or couches to the place. then look into cheap hostels, or if your staying for a while find a cheap apartment or room in a house sometimes it can be cheaper to rent an apartment then rent a room in a hostel. then find out living cost wise, if it would be cheap to live there and if theres a lot to see while your there.
Good luck on your travels
2006-07-06 07:53:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You start by visiting this site if you are in the USA or canada already http://www.gogowwv.com/home/default.asp
2006-07-06 09:19:19
answer #5
answered by onyi 4
2006-07-12 04:01:00
answer #6
answered by PamM 3