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32 answers

no, i don't. i believe the whole big bang theory much more.

2006-07-05 22:46:21 · answer #1 · answered by clim234 2 · 0 4

6 days, not 7.

actually, 6000 years. yes.

If a day equals 1000 years and 1000 years equals a day, then since Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, does this have significance for His Second Coming?

Let's see some things that really do seem to have significance, first of all from Ha'aretz "Small Quake Hits Dead Sea; Experts: Big One On The Way." And from Templemount.org "Israeli President asks Vatican to Reveal List of Temple Treasures, Vessels and Judacia they Hold."

I guess they had some things right there in the Vatican that they would like to know about and they would like to have. First of all,

the Rabbis said that there would only be seven days in world history because a day was like 1,000 years, Psalm 90:4, and it was patterned after creation. He created the world in six days, Genesis 1:31 and rested on the 7th day, Genesis 2:2. And since each day represents 1,000 years, and we Christians also set that according to II Peter 3:8, we then have four days of Old Testament time and three days of New Testament time for the total of 7000 years, So let's just deal with the three days of New Testament time.

Here is proof that this is correct, Hosea 6, verse 2. The Jews didn't have their own land for a couple thousand years and they say after two days, 2,000 years, He'll revive us - that happened in 1948, almost after 2,000 years, then on the third day which just started in the last number of months, He will raise us up that we may live in his sight, the Jews are raised in Daniel 12, when the Messiah comes and sets his foot upon the earth. Now here are two exciting signs that , They're expecting the greatest earthquake ever and it's right there at the Dead Sea fault and when Jesus Christ returns His Feet hit the Mount of Olives and it splits down the center and they say, we are waiting for that big one and that could be the return of Christ. But the most exciting thing, beyond that, is that the Jews are asking for all of the things the Vatican has from the old temples. Why? Because they have built the replica of the exact temple 269,000 square feet by the dead sea! And they are putting everything in it and getting all the Cohen's. For they are the Levites, they're prepared to do sacrifice so that when the real one is built, the one in which antichrist sits, 2 Thessalonians 2:4 and says he's god, Daniel 11:36, it will be ready. It's that close. Then Christ comes and sits in it permanently. Ezekiel 40 to 44.

Have a nive week.


2006-07-05 23:20:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Moses wrote that story so that the huge population of ignorant slaves he was guiding could easily understand the universal divinity as the cause for everything. Moses for sure understood things the way they are. But he couldn't go to all that detail about what God really is and how the Universe, being God itself, caused itself and whence it came. Let alone some millenia ago, even people these days have trouble understanding anything close to that. So the point is that there is nothing wrong if you accept the six day creation narrative as a definition, but if you prefer the non-symbolic facts you will even need to go much farther than the theory of evolution itself.

2006-07-05 23:01:52 · answer #3 · answered by Zack 2 · 0 0

You mean six days, not seven. YHWH rested on the Seventh Day (which is the reason for the existence of the Sabbath)/Allah established himself on His Throne.

No, I do not believe that the Earth was created in six days of twenty-four hours each. Some choose to take the Book of Genesis/Bereshit literally, others do not. In any case, I am neither a Jew nor a Christian.

2006-07-05 22:50:32 · answer #4 · answered by rayndeon 2 · 0 0

Most Christian fundamentalists who interpret everything in the Bible literally do believe that the universe was created in 6 literal days. Christian theologians and bible scholars however define "days" as used in Genesis 1 differently; i.e., "days" are not literal 24-hour days.The writer of the Genesis 1 account of creation has labeled this unit as a “toledot” or a genealogy. The “toledot” formula shows that there has been a common tradition in the pre-historic cultures of the Middle East that understood the origins of the universe to be a series of generations. The creation account is schematically and logically arranged, grouping together ‘generations’ or ‘successions’, seven in number and calls them under the category of “days.” In modern parlance we can think of these "generations" ("days") as "epochs."

2006-07-05 22:55:20 · answer #5 · answered by Phoebhart 6 · 0 0

Ofcourse Dear ,you will know from GOD words which is written in the Holly Qur'aan {{ Indeed,your Lord is Allah (GOD)who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then he rose over the Throne (really in a manner that suits his majesty).He brings the night as a cover over the day seeking it rapidly,and (He created) the sun,the moon,the stars subjected to His command.Surely, His is the Creation and Commandment.Blessed in Allah (GOD), the Lord of the Alamin(mankind,,jinn and all that exists)}}.

2006-07-07 06:29:04 · answer #6 · answered by fatush1234 2 · 0 0

NO I dont believed God finish created hreaven & earth including man in 6 days on the 7th he rested.

2006-07-05 22:46:29 · answer #7 · answered by Dave B 5 · 0 0

Maybe God did create the earth, but if it took him that long(billions of years), then he sure is not Omnipotent.

But I guess if you were God you can claim to be Omnipotent because there was no one before you. And there is no one to refute it until now that is.

Also, If you claimed that you created the earth in millions of years that would not have helped to get anyone to worship you.

So maybe we can consider this to be white lie

2006-07-05 22:50:12 · answer #8 · answered by Mohammed R 4 · 0 0

do not use the bible as the blue print to the creation of the universe, remember these kind of religious books were written by people who were averse to science. I am not an atheist or against any religion, all i am saying is that use religion as a guide to walk on an enlightened path and to be civilized human beings but do not mix up and confuse scientific facts with unscientific facts written in a book thousands of years ago by a group of people who would go any lengths to crush the scientific community and burn them on crosses calling them heretics.

2006-07-05 22:49:23 · answer #9 · answered by agnishul 2 · 0 0

No, I don't believe anything in the bible.

There's a lot of sevens in spirituality. This seven 'days' is most likely seven tones, colors of the rainbow.

2006-07-06 01:57:19 · answer #10 · answered by American Spirit 7 · 0 0

Not if you think that a day means truely "one day".
"A day" is symbolic language for a certain period of time.

If you look at the order of appearance of everything in the Bible, you will notice evolution has the same order.

2006-07-05 22:45:16 · answer #11 · answered by petitemaison 5 · 0 0

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