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Well...it's like this...I would like to know more about the anti-christ and the second coming of Christ.....problem is I can't follow wat is said in the Holy Bible(in the chapter of revelation)....it's kinda abstruse...and can someone find out and tell me...Do U have any idea when the second coming might take place? I need clear details...

2006-07-05 22:34:13 · 11 answers · asked by Danny 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Luther was not the first person to make the claim that the pope is the anti-Christ. John Wycliffe came to the same conclusion some 200 years before Luther did. Unlike Luther, Wycliffe had everything to loose and nothing to gain from proclaiming this, but he did it anyway because that is what he believed. Let us examine the facts.

What is the beast (the anti-Christ)? It is a religious power that rises out of Europe after the fall of Rome (and 3 of the tribes of the fallen empire are taken out) that acts as sovereign nation. It has much wealth and wants to change the laws of God.

"And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. “(Daniel 7:24 - 25 KJV)

The history of Europe settles the matter. There were 10 kingdoms that formed directly after the fall of Rome. After three kingdoms were taken out (the Vandals, Lombards, and Huns), the "Bishop of Rome" rose to power and formed what we now know as the Roman Catholic Church and this position is now known as the pope. With this power, the pope has changed God's times and laws. Many Christians no longer observe the Sabbath (God's time and God’s law) because the pope has instituted Sunday worship; the Roman Catechism even has a different set of Ten Commandments in it than the Bible's. It is also obvious that this kingdom represented by the little horn is different from all the others. The Vatican is a nation that has great wealth (the little horn wares an expensive crown earlier in Daniel chapter 7) but is very small (like a little horn among big ones) and is wholly ruled by a religious leader unlike any other nation in Europe today. The Vatican is a nation because the USA has an ambassador to the Vatican.

There are even more clues to point to the papal system as being the anti-Christ.

"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." (Revelation 13:3 KJV)

The pope was taken out of power and made prisoner (wounded) in 1798 by Napoleon. But, the pope was miraculously healed from his deadly wound in 1929, by Premier Mussolini if Italy who gave the pope all his power back!

The whole world has wondered after the pope. Just look at everyone that attended the funeral of the late John Paul II - leaders of almost every nation in the world!

Also, we find this of the anti-Christ. " And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. (Revelation 13:5 - 6 KJV)

What is blasphemy? "The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God." (American Heritage Dictionary)

Does the pope blaspheme?

"Against this background of love towards Holy Church, 'the pillar and bulwark of the truth' (1 Tim 3:15), we readily understand the devotion of Saint Francis of Assisi for 'the Lord Pope', the daughterly outspokenness of Saint Catherine of Siena towards the one whom she called 'sweet Christ on earth'" (Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation VITA CONSECRATA, (On The Consecrated Life And Its Mission In The Church And In The World), March 25, 1996.)

"The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God. and the vicar of God." (Ferraris Ecclesiastical dictionary)

"All names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that He is over the church, all the same names are applied to the Pope." (On the Authority of the Councils, book 2, chapter 17)

"The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth." (Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, "Cities Petrus Bertanous")

"The Pope takes the place of Jesus Christ on earth...by divine right the Pope has supreme and full power in faith, in morals over each and every pastor and his flock. He is the true vicar, the head of the entire church, the father and teacher of all Christians. He is the infallible ruler, the founder of dogmas, the author of and the judge of councils; the universal ruler of truth, the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by no one, God himself on earth." (Quoted in the New York Catechism)

""To believe that our Lord God the Pope has not the power to decree as he is decreed, is to be deemed heretical." (the Gloss "Extravagantes" o.f Pope John XXII *** inter, Tit. XIV, Cap. IV. Ad Callem Sexti Decretalium, Paris, 1685)

I would say he dose!

I think the papal system matches up with the anti-Christ too much to be a coincidence.

As for Jeusus comming, no one knows when that will be, but I think we must be getting near that time.

2006-07-08 17:31:47 · answer #1 · answered by dee 4 · 2 1

We are not to know when the Second Coming is to happen. Jesus said we neither know the day nor the hour. Most theologians I have read and spoken with do believe we are in the end times however. The end times refers to a period in history when God is ready to end the battle on earth and Jesus is getting ready to come again.

I suggest you go to a Christian book store and find books written on the Book of Revelation.

What I found helpful for me was to read the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. It is a fictionalized account of the end times and the Second Coming, but it gives you a good idea of the meaning of the Book of Revelation. After I read the series, I had a hunger to do more study on end times, the Rapture and Second Coming.

2006-07-05 22:49:30 · answer #2 · answered by Sandy S 3 · 0 0

Danny, there are no end times as predicted in the Bible. Even Jesus himself said in Mathew 16:28, "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."

He claimed that some of his followers would actually live to see the second coming and therefore the end of the world. That was nearly 2,000 years ago and all those followers present at that meeting are dead.

The only reason that people like to talk about the end times is to spread fear which is a tool used to convert more people to their religion.

So why not worry about your life, your future, your career, your education, your friends, your family? Why not take care of the important things in life and not sit around worrying about the end of the world. If even Jesus got it wrong, how is anyone on Yahoo Answers going to guess the right answer?

2006-07-05 23:29:28 · answer #3 · answered by ZCT 7 · 0 0

Go to your local kingdom hall of Jehovahs Witnesses.They have a accurate and thorough understanding of the Scriptures.And would be only too happy to answer any questions you may have.They would even conduct a free home bible study with you.They have a excellent publication on the Book of Revelation.

2006-07-06 03:17:50 · answer #4 · answered by lillie 6 · 0 0

There are no clear details.

Just do what is necessary to get right and stay right with God.

Your life can end at any time. Christ can choose to return at any time.

Whatever spiritual condition you're in at either moment is on what you'll be judged.

2006-07-06 01:46:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no conflict, it’s probably that you do not understand that there are two “appearings”: two comings of Christ - both with an “R”. The first is the “Rapture”. That's when we hear the words, “come up hither” in Revelation 4:1 and we're caught up in the twinkling of an eye, I Corinthians 15:52. The dead in Christ rise first, then we which are alive and remain are caught up with the dead in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, I Thessalonians 4:16.

And I believe probably the most obvious would be events that happened in the Old Testament that seem like the Rapture. And, we have some in the Old Testament.

Well not actually what takes place at the Rapture, for then we get brand new bodies, to be like the body of Jesus, I John 3:2-3.

However, there were two men in the Old Testament who were snatched up to meet the Lord in the heavenlies. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him. Now it was a form of the Rapture, but it wasn’t really the Rapture, because he’s on the other side in his old body. It was not changed as he went up. And then in 2 Kings 2:11, Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven, but he’s still there in his body. All the others are there as spirits, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, 2 Corinthians 5:8. And James teaches us that, chapter 2:27, as the body went out, the spirit is dead, because that sprit is with the Lord. So it’s a total heaven, full of spirits, even the angels, except these two bodies, and they come back, and they are the two witnesses of Revelation chapter 11. And in verse 12, after they’ve been killed, because the crowds don’t want to hear their preaching, they are caught up into heaven.

I always remember a child being taught about the " Rapture" in the Catholic schools, but They called it" being caught up into heaven". Why do our churches seldom mention the event?

Catholic school they taught it as “being caught up”. That is I Thessalonians 4:17. You know, someone said you can't find the word “rapture” in the Bible. But you can in the Catholic Bible, the Latin Vulgate by Saint Jerome. When he gets to I Thessalonians 4:17, he uses the word “rapiamore” – it means raptured – where it says, “caught up” in our English versions. Why don't more churches do it? They don't study and they don't know what the Bible says. They don't study the catechism – they don’t study the Word of God. God forgive us for that situation.

He talks about a Pre-tribulation Rapture and the Tribulation is that seven-year period of judgment on earth – Revelation chapters 6 to 18 – because we go up in chapter 4 and it only begins in chapter 6. We call it a pre-tribulation Rapture and the Rapture is I Thessalonians 4 verses 16 to 18, when the dead in Christ rise and the living go up with them to meet the Lord in the air and all in the twinkling of an eye, I Corinthians 15:52.

However, during the seven-year period of Tribulation, the greatest revival in history occurs as 144,000 evangelists swarm the world in Revelation 7 verses 4 to 8, and they are preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom – Matthew 24:14. The King is coming and a multitude like the sands of the sea, Revelation 7:9, is converted and verse 14 says, “They came out of the Great Tribulation and washed their robes, made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Because of it, death comes to those new converts during that seven-year period in Revelation 6:9, 13:50 and Revelation 20 verse 4. Now Christ comes back with His saints, Jude 14, and Daniel 12:2 - the Old Testament Jews are raised and at that point, all those who died during the Tribulation are also raised. I hope that answers your question.

You notice. The 144,00 is Old testament evagelists. This will disappoint the Jehovah Witness'.

All of the Old Testament Believers have to be washed in The Blood of The Lamb. Jesus came to "Fulfill The Law of Moses. Not to change it. Jesus changed nothing, this was prophecied from the very begining.

Those who read the Bible literally, such as Tim LaHaye and Baxter agree that the end is imminent.

everybody is asking, “Is this is so, is this so?” Well, what do you have to say? Let me just go into this first, before you answer that. Paul Maier, he takes a very critical look at the end of the world scenario in the Left Behind series. And “Prophecy feeds fires debate – end-of-world books have an eternal appeal”. And “Different visions on how it all will end.” Well, you know, I just have to say that world “end”, I don't believe the world’s going to end. Neither does Tim Lahaye and all these other men.

I know Dr. Tim Lahaye, Dr. Hal Lindsay, Dr. Dwight Pentecost, Dr. Walvoord, and Dr. Grant Jeffrey. None of us believe that the world will end for at least another thousand years. Christ is coming as the King of kings and Lord of lords, Revelation 19:16, to rule and reign for one thousand years, Revelation 20:4. It is the amillennialist crowd who says there’ll be no millennium who’s preaching that it’s the end and that the end will come. Not these men, you’ve misunderstood them.

Well, doesn't the Bible speak about the end of the world? Yes, Matthew 13:39, 40,49, Matthew 24:3, Matthew 28:20 and Hebrews 9:26, but any Greek Orthodox teacher in their catechism will tell you that is not the end of the world. It is the end of the age of grace before we go into Christ's reign on earth. This world even after a thousand years is never going to end. “The earth abides forever”, Ecclesiastes 1:4. “Yahweh God created the earth, it shall never, never, never be removed”, Psalm 104:5. Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit the earth”, Matthew 5:5. For how long? “the meek inherit the earth forever and forever”, .Psalm 37:29 when Christ sets up his government on earth, “of the increase of his government, there shall be no end”, Isaiah 9:7, and when he sits on David's throne in Luke 1:32, He rules over the house of Jacob, Israel forever and forever and of his kingdom “there shall be no end”.

Hope this helps.

2006-07-05 22:46:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People have been preaching the "end times" since Christianity was invented.

Obviously, there is no such doctrine since every generation has been claiming the bible "prophesies" theirs is in the "end times."

2006-07-05 22:42:37 · answer #7 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

I do not knwo when shall be, but i know what shall happens first :
- When it comes A.Einstein will arise , and kill himself !

Well ... fears keep world so long ... :/
Maybe it's time to get rid of religions ?!?! - try for a sec to think in this way ... ( hmm - i will post it as a Question ... )

2006-07-05 22:57:38 · answer #8 · answered by Sun Sonic 3 · 0 0

here are no clear details, since revelations is the possible documentation of a dream of paul's. it is only one possible outcome of mankind. and won't likely happen in your lifetime.

2006-07-05 22:39:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here is some article that show we are in the end of times now......

2006-07-10 05:21:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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