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I just read a comment that implied science is a religion.

Can anyone explain the difference?

Thanks for your answers.

2006-07-05 21:41:30 · 21 answers · asked by Left the building 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Science and religion are both belief systems created to describe the universe and our position within it. And they each require at least some faith in their specific philosopy from the believer in order for them to work.

However the differences are easy to see if you try to defy one of their laws:
-defy religion and people tend to react
-defy science and the universe tends to react

Religion is built from the top down. It begins it's explanations from the position of faith, and evidence is cherry picked or ignored to support those claims in the context of the current social climate. Adamray's post is a good example of picking and chosing evidence to support a belief system as seen through today's pop culture. But the bible can also be used to very strongly support slavery, polygamy, abortion, racial discrimination and divorce as well. Since those aren't very popular right now, I would bet that he doesn't have any cut and paste sermons ready to go to promote those topics just yet. Check back to see what he's saying in a few years when some televangelist who isn't ready to retire comes down with Parkenson's and has a revelation from God that stem cell research is backed by the bible.

Science on the other hand, is built from the bottom up. It begins by presuming that we have no answers. All of the evidence is studied and it is the theories which are picked or discarded to explain it. Everyone is free to dream up new theories and have them put them to the test to see if they stand. However, science will never have a complete answer because there will always be more questions. And because we are limited to using only the evidence we can currently observe, we run the risk of having to start over from scratch each time new evidence is discovered. Religion has the upper hand in this situation because it claims to be the ultimate answer, it's already complete and requires no additional thinking.

Chosing the path to follow is completely up to you. Do you want the questions (with some but not all of the answers)? Or do you want the answers (with some but not all of the questions)?

2006-07-06 03:44:34 · answer #1 · answered by Wayne S 1 · 20 4

Science explains the way things work, religion explains the why.

Religion is a "faith-based" belief in the idea that there is an organizing principal beyond human understanding that pervades the universe. It presupposes that this principal is beyond our understanding and presents a series of rules (dogma), that cannot be challenged, to interpret the actions of this principal and its effects on us.

Science attempts to explain observations by verifiable hypotheses. First you craft an idea of how something works, then design an experiment to test your theory, do the experiment enough times to make sure it's real, interpret the results and finally refine the theory and repeat the process ad infinitum. Attacks on dogma are necessary and encouraged.

2006-07-06 04:55:57 · answer #2 · answered by bootothead 2 · 0 0

Science is based on facts, theorems which can be verified and modified. Religion is based on belief, which not necessarily can be proved or modified. Science is NOT a religion. Based on our visual observations, physcical verifications, logical & mathematical analysis, we conclude certain theoerems which can be changes as per later developements. Remember the great Astro-Phiscist Stevan Hawking postulated, 30 years before, that nothing can escape black holes, including light. Recently, he himself changed the theorem that light can come out of black holes. This is not the case with religion. In case of religion, there shall be some well defined concepts said by somebody or book, which is to be belived without question.

2006-07-06 06:00:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1: Science is a new invention while religion is as old as the world we known today.
2: Science makes scientific research and want to prove everthing from the sun, moon and the whole universe, while religion simply had proven everything. the sun, moon, and the universe is the revelation of Allah's Power above all.
3: Science make an invention while religion turn science into a discover.
4: Science is smaller than the religion.
5: Science turn us into unbeliever and rebelious, while religion teach us to believe in God Almighty, and follow all of his prophets, angels and books.
6: Science taught us how to be a lier while religion teach us how to be fair and not steal.
7: Science tend to invade man's integrity

2006-07-06 05:00:50 · answer #4 · answered by dirtyking04 1 · 0 1

I try not to seperate the two. Religion tried to explain things before we knew them, then science came along and either backed up those
religous beliefs or disproved them (ooo that's gonna anger a few). But there are some ancient spiritual beliefs that really ring true by the known facts in science today.
Blessed Be...

2006-07-06 04:51:25 · answer #5 · answered by Helzabet 6 · 0 0

Everything. What's the difference between night and cheese?

1. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena

1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

Theists just can't grasp that someone doesn't believe in a god. So they decide that science is our religion, or that we believe we are our own gods or numerous other bs things. The arrogance of telling someone *else* what *they* believe astounds me every time. Astounds and sickens.

2006-07-06 04:47:45 · answer #6 · answered by The Resurrectionist 6 · 0 0

Further to Mr Fantastic's pretty cogent answer, it should be remembered that science only needs to believe that there is a HOW to the universe, where religion needs to believe there's a WHY.

If I was being especially smart-alecky today, I'd add that science looks at the universe and reaches for its toolbox. Religion looks at the universe and reaches for its soapbox.

2006-07-06 04:48:52 · answer #7 · answered by mdfalco71 6 · 0 0

That religion believe in fairytales and they fill in all the spaces in life with god.
Science goes to logical point in life tries to look for answers here and if they dont know the answer they keep researching.

In the end neither of them have all the answers but science is the best choice here.

2006-07-06 04:47:35 · answer #8 · answered by Leviathan 2 · 0 0

I believe it can be both if you look at the Dictionary definition of religion, it fits as a description for one's passion.

probably a play on words, i wouldnt read to much into it.

Good Question!

See the Definition(S) below, as they are listed in the referenced dictionary, in entirety and not cut down to fit, like the one of the other answerers, answer.


1. A belief in, or the worship of, a god or gods.

Thesaurus: belief, faith, theology, creed, persuasion;


spirituality, morality, religiosity, faithfulness, devoutness.

2. **A particular system of belief or worship**,

such as Christianity or Judaism.
3. colloq

**Anything to which one is totally devoted and which rules one's life.
Example: mountaineering is his religion**

4. The monastic way of life.

same dictionaries definition of passion..


1. A violent emotion, eg hate, anger or envy.

Thesaurus: intensity, zeal, enthusiasm, love, excitement, emotion, verve.
2. A fit of anger.
3. Sexual love or desire.

Thesaurus: sexual desire, lust, the hots (slang), fervour, adoration, craving, fascination, love.
4a. An enthusiasm;

Example: has a passion for bikes
4b. Something for which one has great enthusiasm.

Example: Bikes are his passion
5. Martyrdom.

2006-07-06 12:31:45 · answer #9 · answered by really? 5 · 0 0

Science tries to explain HOW the universe came about, while religion tries to understand WHY the universe came about.

2006-07-06 04:44:55 · answer #10 · answered by =_= 5 · 0 0

Science: takes nothing for granted. Takes learning from its mistakes as a good thing and a source of pride. Moves forward. Is in search of the truth.

Religion: takes everything for granted. Repeats the same mistakes a million times and is proud of it. Stays still and resists progress. Tries to hide the truth.

2006-07-06 04:45:07 · answer #11 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 0

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