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8 answers

Our biggest enemy is ourselves right now. Solve that and the other enemies will go away rather timidly. We are still a great nation but we are mortally devided. We have Democraps openly rooting for American failure in war. Why? for political gain. They literally are hoping that American's die so that they can get elected on these people's blood.

The Repugnicans on the other hand have used peoples fear such as of terrorism to institute what amounts to a secret police and a gross breach of the Constitution and everything that this nation stands for. Nothing new, the repugnicans did it before disguised as the war on drugs this time. So they too stand idle using the blood of dead Americans to furthor thier own means.

With leaders such as these who needs enemies?

Assuming that the American people wake up and throw both parties in the nearest river.

China is a clear danger to the US. It is aggressive, badly wants to expand it's borders. China is ruthless and going to be very desperate in the very near future. Years of killing female babies has left them a very male heavy society. China has been a backwards nation for centuries but was once a leader in technology. It has awakened from it's slumber. It is feeding on Western technology now but if we make the mistake of assuming that China cannot produce it's own inovations we are going to be mistaken. Unlike the USSR China has lifted many restrictions on it's best and brightest. It has opened up the economy and created routes to wealth. Ambitious Chinese will happily apply themselves to these sanctioned routes. China who is learning volumes from the goods manufactured in it's borders will have all of our technology, the industrial base to utilize it, the brain trust to advance it and both the will and means to colinize other nations.

Central America. For years ravaged by self induced poverty, a culture has developed which blames America for all of thier problems. Chavez is just a mild sample of what is to come. America didn't cause thier problems, they did. This will be impossible to show to this fanatical group which is rapidly gaining strength in the region and even among some American citizens. An attack from this direction would be led by undermining the infrastructure. It'd be a method of division first. Then sub division. Finally military action once differences became irreconcilable between American factions. The greatest weakness is they themselves are just as devided and prone to collapse. Economic improvements will undermine them quickly.

European Union. Composed of long time allies, it has however a socialist flair. Were a charismatic leader like Hitler to ascend to power in a cental nation, there is a real possibility that much of Europe could be assimilated. An aggressive mode could then be assumed. Europeans are the most survailed people in the world. They are also the least well armed and least able to revolt against a tyranical government. It is only through hard work have the kept out tyranical leaders. Sooner or later one will slip thorugh.

Arab terrorism will not be a threat much longer. They will either gain nucler or biological weapons and wipe out humanity or they will die off. As a group they have commited suicide by attacking fellow Arabs and the US has put heavy pressure on thier organizations. If the US were more efficient and showed greater resolve terrorism could be wiped out insdie a decade.

War between the US and China at this point is unavoidable. Whether the spark be Korea, Taiwan or Japan is more the question. Perhaps it will be India. Whatever the case, China is only biding time until it can strike us. If we are tied up in Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, it might be seen by China as a chance to take Taiwan. Something China has been threatening to do for some time. China thirsts for the technology there and it is a long standing matter of pride that China finally destroy the last opposing Chinese to the "revolution". If China were to get Taiwan our military would be crippled. Far too much of our technology is made there. An example is when one of the two Taiwanese memory chip resin plants burned down. Memory was like holding pure gold for a time. The price of it tripled in a week. I actually bought memory at that time sometimes just to hold on to it and resell it a week later at a noticable profit. What we could scrape out of mothballed US factories would still leave us vulnerable as China would have all it needed to crack our encryption and protection technologies. We'd be sitting ducks. Aircraft literally disabled and disarmed against the enemy. They would know our every move. Another harmfull issue is that some branches of the US military still use Microsoft products. The rest of the world has abandoned Microsoft because of the security problems. China HAS the source code now. They know exactly where those vulnerabilities are and will not hesitate to exploit them. We will be completely unable to keep a secret from the Chinese. Were the US to switch to Linux, we'd be using an OS with no known back doors and that has been heavily scrutinized for any such security problems. In fact the US Gov puts out a version of Linux which is ultra secure for exactly that purpose. China already has it's own version of Linux, and that is what China uses in sensitive areas. So it would be a war the US would find itself hard pressed to win. The Fall of China would force many US allies in the East to switch to China or risk invasion. Australia would be in dire danger. This would create an alliance of US, UK, Australia and India if they were smart against against China, Korea, Cuba, possibly some South American nations, Arab nations potentially which would draw Isreal in on our side, but push Turkey into the Chinese camp or neutrality. Egypt would have no choice but to follow the Arab lead. Most of these nations would not contribute anything significant to the war but thier joining in would draw other nations in.

Russia is the great free agent. They might side with US because a strong China is just as much a threat to them as us. Or they might take the chance to invade a little themselves. They might ally with China. Hard to say. Unlikely they'd be able to avoid staying out of the war.

The only way to beat back China is to remove both political parties now! Both are playing right into Chinese hands. A quick and effecient end to terrorists will be the show of strength necessary to get us out of the Middle east. A united America China will not dare face right now, possibly ever. We are because of bribes and other corruption exporting our economy and technology to our enemies. We are allowing American's to become hyphonated Americans. We are becoming a tower of bable language and culture wise. People can today grow up in ethnic neighborhoods and barely even know they are in the US not a forign nation. This is a problem a big one.

2006-07-05 22:28:13 · answer #1 · answered by draciron 7 · 2 0

Another major war you mean? Just because this doesn't have a title of WWIII doesn't make it any less, yes we're not fighting on out soil, but physically, mentally and emotionally what this war will do to the kids that were over there will be so vast we haven't even begun to see the degradation to society it will cause. Men and women, once the finest physical and emotionally trained in the world have seen and reacted to some atrocities that they'll never get over. HOw would you react when under sniper fire, you find two of your comrades who are so badly mutilated you after you pick up the pieces of their limbs, their fingers, their genitals, and start looking for their heads, your CO tells you they have to ship the bodies to Virginia, so they can perform DNA tests to see who's who.
If we can even project 50 years, I would not be surprised if we had another civil war. It may happen sooner, if these quacks don't get out of office (which they won't until 01/09) and then the new President will have to placate and pander to so many, people that are outraged and feel maligned for the last 8 years, and people who are so smugly, arrogantly superior in their belief in the right to be utter morons. Even if we go out 50 yrs w/no civil war, and with the sincere desire that this war is done by then, I'm not quite sure how the ""American Allies"" will respond. We may have shot our last wad here...And what a waste that it was George W. who was responsible for taking the last big shot!!!

2006-07-05 23:11:14 · answer #2 · answered by Sidoney 5 · 0 0

Enemies of america are within our own borders. They are the ones who defy the constitution, what Bush referred to as "nothing but a g****** piece of paper". They are the Christians who want a theocracy, to dictate the way this country should be ran by denying rights to those whom they deem unworthy--women, gays, any group other than white men. They are the ones who want to deny health care, assistance, anything and everything they can to keep the poor poor and help the rich get richer. Will there be a war? More than likely. THe question is will we be warring with another country or once again warring within our own borders to defend the principles on which this country was founded.

2006-07-05 21:42:35 · answer #3 · answered by Hillaryforpresident 5 · 0 0

I think the athiests will be America's next threat in the next 50 years. This group will be tired and sick of Americans with faith, Muslims, Christians, Jews, in America dictating them and telling them about god. The athiests will form an armed groups, and will fight for seperate state, they will have their own currency, which will NOT have any statements that mentions "God", they will burn down churches, mosques and all croses seen every where.

Where did I get this info?,, Today's events were predicted too, so I see how the athiests are getting desperate to change America, from the Dollar bill to our constitution.

2006-07-05 21:42:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that the next phase of competition will be for the development of the frontier, and what people will have the biggest stakes in new enterprise, whether in Antarctica, the sea floor, Earth orbit, the moon, etc. Right now, the Russians seem to be spending a lot on frontier research, new types of power plants suited for extreme or unusual conditions, etc.

2006-07-05 21:42:02 · answer #5 · answered by presidentofallantarctica 5 · 0 0

I proffer that the main enemy of 90% of americans are the wealthiest 10% of americans.

The wealthiest 10% will do more harm to you, on average, than any other nation is likely to during the next 50 years.

2006-07-05 21:38:03 · answer #6 · answered by timthinks 3 · 0 0

By then the world has ended.

2006-07-05 21:35:20 · answer #7 · answered by nonentity 3 · 0 0

any country the u.s thinks they control.

2006-07-05 21:39:27 · answer #8 · answered by adamlawrence23 1 · 0 0

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