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collected two of every species on the planet, fed them, kept all of them alive, and re-distributed them in their original environments post-flood?

And how exactly did this Noah character get the Ark up the Amazon, and through the great lakes?

And none of this "the continents hadn't formed yet" bullshit.

2006-07-05 21:04:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

1. Two of every animal? Scientists with modern technology still haven't discovered every animal on the face of the Earth.

2. The Earth was flooded by massive rains, right? Therefore the floodwater was fresh water. 75% of the Earth's surface is covered in salt water. Adding another 25% fresh would make the water "brackish" and kill all the fish, whether they live in fresh or salt water. So Noah also had to get two of every fish, even those deep-sea fish that modern scientists can't bring up from the ocean floor.

3. Barely any plants on Earth can survive submerged in "brackish" water for very long, so Noah would have had to get those too.

4. Noah would have had to have travelled to the North and South Poles, the Sahara and the Amazon to collect animals. On doing that, he had to install conditions that they can survive in (polar bears would sweat to death in Middle Eastern heat, elephants need wide savannahs to roam.)

5. He would have needed food for all these animals, including the carnivores, but he couldn't feed both the antelopes to both the lions, now could he? He'd have had to take spare prey animals.

6. Now, Noah would have to keep the animal's enclosures quite separate from each other to prevent them fighting or scaring each other, so the actual enclosure section of the Ark, in containing every living being on the planet with enough space for it to roam, would easily have to be bigger than a city. It would probably be closer to a medium-sized country.

7. Now, the Ark, with its enclosure section the size of a country, would still need to float. Therefore it must have a base spread out enough to support the weight, and the Ark would probably end up being much larger than Europe.

8. And, as a result of the huge size of this Ark, it couldn't have a flat bottom. If it did both ends would probably be poking out of the water, because the Earth is round and the boat would be like a line set at a tangent to a sphere. So the bottom of the boat would have to be concave to fit on the planet's round surface and actually float.

And supposedly this one guy and his sons built this thing in their backyard in three years??? It works from the perspective of the writers of the Bible, when all they knew where a hundred or so animals and they thought the Earth was small and flat.

It sounds like one of those religious metaphors to me.

2006-07-05 22:00:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Here you go:

http://www.absolutetruth.net/creation/page15.html - here is just a little piece of the action!


Many have questioned on the extent of the Flood the Bible records in the first portion of the book of Genesis. The Bible tells us that God saw the wickedness of mankind and that every "thought of his heart was evil." He decided to Flood the earth and destroy all life. Furthermore, the Lord singled out the last remaining righteous family, that of Noah. He commanded Noah to build an ark (large boat) to save his family and two of each animal from the coming Flood judgment on the earth.

Because of the miraculous nature of gathering the animals, flooding the entire planet, and the destruction of all living things except for those in the ark, some have suggested that the Flood was only local, not worldwide. That is, they suppose that only a region where Noah lived was flooded, and the rest of the world was untouched.

There are some fundamental problems with that view:

1) God asked Noah and his family to gather two of every animal to put into the ark, and when Noah's family had done so, God destroyed the world with a flood during which "everything on the face of the earth was wiped out" and "everything that moved on the earth perished". (See Genesis 6-9) This could not have been accomplished unless the entire world was flooded. The Bible's language on this point is very clear, and so to deny the universality of the Flood is also to deny that the Bible is truthful.

2) To say the flood was local is to call God a liar. God placed the rainbow in the sky after the Flood as a promise to Noah and all mankind, saying "Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life." If the Flood was local, and God was saying that He would never again send a local flood, history would have proved Him wrong! There are local floods all the time. However, we do serve a God who keeps His promises through all time, and He will never send a worldwide flood again.

3) The local flood view fails to deal with the amazing amount of evidence we have for a worldwide flood. Most fossils are formed in flood conditions, and most areas of the earth's surface indicate flooding. Many geologists believe that the Flood of Noah's day did much to shape the landforms we see today!

So... Now go and read the rest!

2006-07-05 21:19:36 · answer #2 · answered by Chellie 3 · 0 0

There is actual evidence of this great flood. And the mountain where the Ark Landed after the water receded still has evidence there being a boat of this size. No one said that what took place was easy I'm sure that there were problems on the Ark. I do not expect you to believe anything that I do...I just wish you wouldn't criticize the mass number that do believe it. 10 points for GreatWhite. Good job dude!!

2016-03-27 05:50:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ummm... he didn't do it himself. He had the help of his family and the people who chose to live a life of good... And it actually took longer than you think... Based on the hebrew calendar and other teachings, a year to us is 1,000 years to God... Also, he "allowed" people to live longer than we do these days. In the bible it says that he told Adam , that as punishment for his betrayal, he wouldn't live to be a day older... So, if 1 day = 1,000 years... Adam lived around 900 something... It went downhill from there, so Noah was around 700-800 something... and thus had several hundred years and enlisted the help of many others to help in his quest... I can't explain anything else as you requested to not receive anything about the continents not forming... but, keep in mind, dispersion and "evolution", if you believe in it... takes hundreds, if not thousands or millions of years... so, it wouldn't be hard for flora and fauna to spread over said period of time over all land masses wether or not they were joined together... I've never heard of the "Amazon/ Great Lakes" theory... What I stated I've learned as a kid going to church... it's really about what you believe... many people are more religious and others are more scientific about biblical events... So... before you dismiss this as more "bullshit"... It's what I believe, but I don't go forcing it or preaching it to anyone...

2006-07-05 21:18:25 · answer #4 · answered by Mexi Poff 5 · 0 0

Since the ark has been found, there is proof.

What you must remember, is the time when this happened. Two of each animal in the world, would have been two of each animal in that particular area at the time.

2006-07-05 21:20:02 · answer #5 · answered by Robin 4 · 0 0

Do you not realize that God did help . It took a long time to prepare and there was also the rest of the family that aided him . But God gave him the knowledge to do what he accomplished .As far as moving it somewhere it got moved when the flood came . Oh ye of little faith . Believe in Jesus Christ and embrace your salvation . God bless you and your family .

2006-07-05 21:12:19 · answer #6 · answered by robinhoodcb 4 · 0 0

Yeah Noah.

2006-07-05 21:22:06 · answer #7 · answered by Da Great 1 6 · 0 0

That's right. The problem is, people say the bible isnt meant to be taken literally, then you have other people of the same religion saying everything in the Bible is the absolute truth. I think God's having a good old laugh.

2006-07-05 21:09:00 · answer #8 · answered by Jimbo 6 · 0 0

I think it's like an analogy. Like the story is probably slightly exaggerated, but it makes a point. I'm sure his neighbors helped him out for free beer and stuff.

2006-07-05 21:09:18 · answer #9 · answered by alwaysmoose 7 · 0 0

Could write a huge amount on this but go here and do your own research:


2006-07-05 21:11:51 · answer #10 · answered by hippoterry2005 3 · 0 0

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