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The Bible degrades the Prophets of God by vilification:

For a Muslim, many of the claims to be found in the Bible with regard to the prophets of God, and even God himself, are monstrous and preposterous. One is hard pressed to find a single prophet or messenger who was not a drunkard, an idolater, an adulterer, guilty of incest, a liar, and so forth. The Bible practically overflows with such stories from almost every Tom, Dick, and Harry. The messengers of God are even made to be guilty of multiple cases of adultery and worse. Abraham (pbuh) is alleged to be a liar and worse (Genesis 12:13). Noah (pbuh) a drunkard (Genesis 9:21). Lot (pbuh) a drunkard and guilty of incest (Genesis 19:30-38). Solomon (pbuh) a worshipper of idols in his old age (1 Kings 4-9), King David (pbuh) commits adultery with Uriah's wife and then murdered her husband (2 Samuel 11:3-4,15-18), David's son Ammon is guilty of incest and the rape of his half sister (2 Samuel 13:14). Aaron (pbuh) fashions an idol (the golden calf) for the Jews to worship (Exodus 32:1-4), to name but a very few of the many allegations to be found in the current Bible. (Misha’al Ibn Abdullah Al-Kadhi, What Did Jesus Really Say? [online Source]

Strangely, Christians defend the false portrayal of God and His prophets, yet have the audacity to charge the Prophet Muhammad with falsehood!

2006-07-05 21:02:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

finally a sane mind, but u know the non-muslims will come up with excuses. The allegations against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) come for ignorance, and anger over the fast growing religion of Islam, even though everyone will deny this. nice question though.

2006-07-05 21:07:16 · answer #1 · answered by suga189 2 · 1 2

A prophet is a man who thinks he is speaking for God.

It is extremely unlikely that God exists.

So, I don't criticize any of the prophets: Mohammed (PBUH) appears to have been a skilled leader, a great motivator, a visionary, and an awesome poet. But no angel actually spoke to him. The whole thing was in his head.

The same is true for Jesus, Elijah, Jim Jones and Joseph Smith.

2006-07-05 21:10:00 · answer #2 · answered by Verbose Vincent 2 · 0 0

Muslims do believe in much of the Bible, but unlike Christians they dont believe Jesus was the son of God. Which is really the biggest part of christianity. Each of the worlds religions believes theirs is the correct one. The only religion which truly respects the faith of others is Sikhism.

Christians however do not preach the killing of non believers. Practice of that is centuries old in the christian faith. But many sects of the Islam still proclaim death to non believers. That is dangerous thinking.

2006-07-05 21:11:53 · answer #3 · answered by Jon H 5 · 0 0

If "...the claims to be found in the Bible with regard to the prophets of God and even God Himself are monstrous and preposterous," why follow each Biblical name with the abbreviation "Peace Be Unto Him?"

2006-07-05 21:17:39 · answer #4 · answered by SedaCanela 3 · 0 0

WOW.... this is new to me..!!!
It is hard for me to believe that a Book of Allah ( God) could talk so low about the Prophets and Messengers of Allah...???
We know that Prophets and Messengers of Allah, are Chosen people, Elite of men, how could they make such blunders..!!!!How could Allah (God) chose such kind of people...???

We, we know Allah (God) dose no mistakes whatsoever.
So, all Prophets and Messenger of Allah could have never done such kind of mistakes and blunders.

So, the so called bible which talks so low about Prophets and Messengers of Allah , could only be a false book, a book written by men, and can't be the word of Allah.

The only true original Book of Allah, is the Qura'an.
Qura'an remains the only Book of Allah that is preserved un-changes and the only true Book.

2006-07-05 21:25:20 · answer #5 · answered by Abdulhaq 4 · 0 0

oh (my views) dont you tell me if you behave well we will BLA BLA BLA!!!!
just admit that the majority of the american people are racists!!
this morning in Maine during the after noon prayer some punk sneaked into the mosque while Muslims were praying and threw a pig head on them!!!
what did they do to him to insult their beliefs in such way???
they were in the most peaceful moment a human being can possibly be in.

2006-07-05 22:39:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm indescriminate in my criticism of prophets. I criticise them all equally. Mohammed was just as full of crap as Joseph Smith, Moses and David Koresh were.

2006-07-05 21:07:46 · answer #7 · answered by bigjarom 4 · 0 0

You said it yourself, all prophets are human, therefore sinners beside being messengers of God. Muhammad had had twelve wives.

2006-07-05 21:23:57 · answer #8 · answered by L B 2 · 0 0

Evidences and proof what you say are not important.

Islam is criticised because of the Muslims today. No one else can be blamed for it.

If you behave well all will respect you else........ this is the result.

2006-07-05 21:54:07 · answer #9 · answered by latterviews 5 · 0 0

Maan... Can anybody change the truth ??? Jesus said " you will know them by their fruit".... if your eyes can see , See the fruit.

2006-07-05 21:08:17 · answer #10 · answered by Shaan 3 · 0 0

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