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I am being entirely honest here.

Before any of you decide to tell me I have nothing to compare against, I was in Catholic schooling for 12+ years of my life. If I ever had to do that all over again, I'd probably run away from home.

Being forced into one line of thinking is probably the worst thing anyone can do to a child. And yet, they have entire SCHOOLS to do it in.

Now, in everyday life, and even here on these boards, I see all these religious people howling about how everything that their bible/book/whatever says is right, and everyone else is wrong.

Why can't people try and help themselves, rather than hope to hell that something good will come their way?

Moreover, don't yell at/kill other people for not believing what you say. Speaking about Muslim/Islam people, regarding the kill-factor. But the western religions can be just as bad. Sometimes worse. Yes, there are worst things than death.

If anyone can give me a decent answer, I'll be a happy (unsaved) girl when I die. :)

2006-07-05 19:27:29 · 18 answers · asked by teabunny 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

:) I appreciate the comment about Buddhism!

Alright, not ALL religions have uptight jerkwads, but the majority seem to. Unless you see things their way, you're wrong.

The gay bashing I've seen on here particularly drives in that point. Aren't most religions taught to love everyone? Or did I miss the part that said Love everyone... "who is the same as you!"

Is open-minded-ness a sin? :( I don't recall that being on the chunks of rock the old fella brought on down from the mount!

2006-07-05 19:52:53 · update #1

18 answers

It is what I call Dogmatic Asphyxia, as in they'll go overboard into what is in their Bible, Islamic Qui'ran, Judaic Tanakh, Tok'ra* or whatever and take everything out of context, which, in turn, figuratively turns them brain dead from cutting off air (real world values) from thier brains.

like Islam, for example, they probably won't allow one to have contact with a Infidel (Non-Islamic). The average person would take it as "OK, I won't stay in business or marry someone who isn't down with Allah", but religious "nuts", for example, does the Al-Qaeda stuff and view Infidels as a death-worthy enemy.

Now for them, they might be the Catholic/Christian equivalent of someone who kneels in the front of the church going "YES!!!! YESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" in tears with both hands in the air, but 10 times worse.

Usually it starts out as a minimalist devotion, as in promising to appear in church every Sunday, then some point or another, starts even going to bible studies, then decides another point to read the bible cover-to-cover, then reads it again to gain a perspective and try to gain culture, then with this culture gain, start to base life around say... 20 DC (During Christ if there is such a year; I just made it up), like the days when the bible is ACTUALLY understandable instead of being Archaic, all people lived in caves/huts/stone cottages and had to hunt to survive.

After a while, anybody who doesn't have a tenet/belief system, or even that of a different religion (Islam, Judaism, etc.), is considered unworthy to God, but that is strictly of his or her own beliefs, and it was him/herself that got into fanaticism, so it's hard to say.

*Edit: Oops, Tok'ra is a fictional alien race in Stargate.

2006-07-05 19:55:16 · answer #1 · answered by edwardw818 3 · 1 0

I know that people can seem very uptight, but I believe that it comes from the fact that most religions do have very strict rules, and the beliefs of the faiths are often urging a person on a certain path. some people get so woud up that they forgeth to be human about religion, thereby defeating the purpose. I am a VERY religious person, yet at the same time, im not some psycho that turns red in the face at the word "sex" or, some (oh-no) profanity. the fact of the matter is that we are human, not divine, and we do fall. While we should do our best to stop ourselves from falling, when we do dall, we must be gracious, and admit that we are not perfect, and can NEVER achieve that.

...i know it's kinda disjointed. i had 5 trains of though collide right there....

2006-07-05 19:35:10 · answer #2 · answered by electrohero123 1 · 0 0

Well you havent met me, Im not uptight at all and Im a Christian. However the same can be said the other way around. The religious folk can say that being taught the way kids are in public schools today are narrow minded and "forced to think in one line" I mean really, they're taught they evolved from apes, for no reason and this is all there is.

As far as the killing goes, all races, religions (or lack there of) creeds and people have been guilty of it. We shouldnt blame religion for it, we should blame who is really guilty of it.... people who just dont care about anyone else but themselves.

2006-07-05 19:34:24 · answer #3 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 0 0

The Christian is no better than a non-Christian, but he is infinitely better off. It is like two men on a plane, one of whom is wearing a parachute while the other is not. Neither is better than the other, but the man with the parachute is certainly better off than the man who is not wearing a parachute. The difference will be seen when they jump from the plane at 20,000 feet.

Jesus warned that if we "jump" into death without Him, we would perish. Even harsher than the law of gravity is the Law of an infinitely holy and just Creator. Scripture states that sinners are God’s enemy (Romans 5:10) and that "it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31).

2006-07-05 20:16:52 · answer #4 · answered by Adamray 3 · 0 0

Those are very good points. I'm an aethiest and religious types really bug me, they think that by judging others for doing all the things they wish they could, they will get into heaven. Well, when they find out heaven doesn't exist, or that "god' doesn't want them in there because of all the judgement they pass on others, then they'll be sorry (and wish they'd been having fun all along).

2006-07-05 19:33:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the church needs more profitable users and christians are brainwashed by the churchs hunger for power how else would the church survive it it wasnt for the brainwashing messege they send its all about making money.And christians they spam everyone with their ignorant beliefs because they fear the fact that everyday theres more open minded people that dont fall for fairytales. They need to brainwash ppl so that religion doesnt die They are affraid of the fact that in about 10 to 20 years religion itself whont exist enymore and thats a fact

2006-07-05 19:38:01 · answer #6 · answered by Leviathan 2 · 0 0

Well, I have heard of people telling me personally that "they have experienced the greatest thing ever and they want me to feel the same way" So for some people, it is perhaps a --loving-- action, but you are right, it is taken all too far. I believe if you are exposed to a certain religion and in your heart you feel it is true, more power to you, but don't force others (especially your kids, it hurts relationships with them!!) to believe what you do. It's morally wrong and more over, is it what Jesus or God would want? Whether you believe in Jesus or not, he taught to love one another and I don't think taking away their freedom to choose is what Jesus meant. Please, lets all take a breather, jeez.

2006-07-05 19:38:49 · answer #7 · answered by decblackpsalm 1 · 0 0

I'm a Christian. I wasn't raised in a Catholic school, so I can't comment on that. but as far as us being all uptight, I don't know what you're getting at. you will never see me yelling or howling or anything else on here, I just try to be nice and helpful as I can be.
but yes, for a moment I am going to play the devil's advocate, so to speak. we do get a lot of nonies on here who are screaming at us on a daily basis.

I hate all you **** Christians just go ***** yourselves cause no one cares about your ***** religion. Why can't you leave us all alone?

I read stuff like that all the time on here. It happens on both sides, I admit. and believe me, I jump on Christians when I see them being rude. but let's not act like "our people" are innocent.

2006-07-05 19:39:58 · answer #8 · answered by cirque de lune 6 · 0 0

Maybe you should give Hinduism a try.

For God sakes, they created the Kama Sutra (Kamashastra).

They invented the idea of "make love not war" long before the hippies. Plus, if you practice Yoga, or Pilates (which is a form of Yoga) you are already practicing a part of Hinduism.

2006-07-05 19:50:24 · answer #9 · answered by jen 4 · 0 0

first of all u must understand what the true religion is? which is knowing/exploring/discovering ur self first,and this process is done thru inner/divine eye,without entering into the inner universe one cannot discover oneself thus religious,rest others r just civilization/socities,where as religion is total awareness,so forget what ever u have learnt,since these things will lead u more into darkness,explore the hidden treasure within u.better to chat with me on the subject for more details and clarity.

2006-07-05 19:45:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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