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'The lord our God is one Lord'

2006-07-05 19:22:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Starting just after the first Apostles' deaths, the 'christian' congregations began allowing pagan beliefs into the christian church in order to get converts to come also. MANY of Christ's teachings have been "watered down" and some have been downright forgotten by most of the world's leading churches that claim to be "Christian".

The teaching of the Trinity .
This teaching is NOWHERE to be found in the New or Old testaments, but it is found in ancient Rome and among many pagan triune godships.

The teaching of the Cross.
The Romans weren't using the cross as at the time of Christ's death. However, the ancient Greeks used this symbol heavily in their worship of their many false gods and goddesses.

Two birthdays are mentioned in the Bible. In the first one, Pharoh's Baker is beheaded and in the second one, King Herod's LIVE IN girlfriend's daughter does such a great little dance for Herod, that he promises her anything, up to half of his kingdom. His life-in, furious at John the Baptist for condemning her for her blatant sin, told her daughter to ask for his head on a platter, and it was given her. Not very good examples for celebrating a person's birth. Also, each day should be dedicated to God and God alone, not a person on Earth.

Christmas and its traditions--

Christ's birthdate is not known, and yet is celebrated on the same day as the holiday of Saturnilia , the Roman Sun holiday. The traditions of x-mas have no christian basis either. ( Find Santa in the Bible, or reindeer ,or elves, eh? LOL )
Its like having a birthday party for someone 1.on the wrong day.2. giving everybody ELSE presents and 3. giving credit to a fat ugly man for the presents that YOU bought for everyone 4. being obligated to buy presents for people, when gift giving should only be done out of love.

The theory of ONCE Saved, ALWAYS Saved.
This has never been a part of Christ's teachings, though you find it now in many of Today's church's. Today, if you've been 'saved' , you're set.

Nope.Not so.

Christ told us to "Beware he that is walking, the he not stumble". You could be sailing along, thinking you are doing fine spiritually and fall flat on your face from temptation. And you have to earn God's favor over again. You don't just say "oh, oooopsie, sorry God, I goofed up...MY bad" and go on. you have EARN your forgiveness and it isn't witha few paltry and worthless "Hail Mary's" either. You have to show it by your actions, your prayers and your heart condition. But your ACTIONS especially have got to show it!

Jesus hated the money changers, and the profit makers in the temple. How do you think he would feel today seeing all these televangelists , wearing Rolex watches, living in mansions and driving around in limosines?

How do you think he would feel seeing his 'disciples' on tv in rhinestones and sequins, huge diamonds on their fingers and gold watches on , begging for money? Saying that "GOD said" they would DIE if they didn't get 'so' much money?

CRYING for forgiveness because they had committed adultury TIME and TIME and TIME again ?

Also the falling into disuse of the Divine Name, God's name, Jehovah. The early Christians knew and used God's name on a regular basis. Up until 1984, you could find it in the King James Version of the Holy Bible but since then, 'men' have found it nessecary to hide it even further by removing it even from there. Who would want to hide the Supreme Creator's Name from mankind? Who would have the most to GAIN by keeping this a secret from man and thus impeding mankind's relationship with God? Satan, of course would have the most to gain ! The bigger the wedge he can drive between man and God, the more he can take down with him in the final battle at Armegeddon. He doesn't want to kill us, just to make as many of us as he can to turn their backs on Jehovah God. So, removing God's name from as many texts and places where it would be found as possible, is just another step way to drive a wedge further between man and god.

There are other differences between modern and original Christianity, many differences. If you would like to discuss more of them, email me. I'd be happy to talk about them.

But did you know that there is still ONE religion out there that whole heartedly believes in Jesus Christ's teachings, because they know that what he taught was not his, but his fathers' word?

2006-07-05 19:57:17 · answer #1 · answered by heatherlovespansies 3 · 0 2

Read "Jesus the Man" by Barbara Thiering, a very interesting read. This puts Christianity into the historical and religious context of the time. If the question is which church preaches a Christianity most pure to its original Church in Jerusalem, then this must be the Armenian Apostolic Church, which was founded in the first century AD:
The earliest accounts of the introduction of Christianity into Armenia date from the 1st century A.D. when it was first preached by two Apostles of Jesus, St. Bartholomew and St. Thaddeus. The Armenian Apostolic Church has been around since the days of the apostles and therefore has a rightful claim as one of the oldest denominations in Christianity. Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity as its official religion, in 301, when St. Gregory the Illuminator converted Tiridates the Great (the King of Armenia) and members of his court.

2006-07-05 19:26:24 · answer #2 · answered by Chris C 2 · 0 0

Jesus did not carry forth christianity. Jesus changed into Jewish. Christianity did not exist till about 2 hundred years after Jesus' lack of existence. @Thor is a loving God Too: actual maximum Norse beliefs did not get up till about the sixth century, although probably as early because the second one century

2016-11-01 07:06:52 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Jesus didn't preach Christianity, Christians preached Jesus.

2006-07-05 19:27:33 · answer #4 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

Good question. Jesus told us to love others to trust Him and His word and Christianity today does not look like that much of the time. Trust in Jesus the only way to God, trust His word and let Him empower us to love others and the church will look a lot more like it should.

2006-07-05 19:26:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Sh’ma Yisreal Adonai Elohainu Adonnai Achad.
Hear O' Israel the Lord God is One God.

Still being said and believed around the World.

The offshoot of Judaism still exists - just too many worldly preachers getting money and politics in the way of TRUE CHRISTIANITY.

I have lists of Great Churches around the WORLD that are worth attending!

2006-07-05 19:30:55 · answer #6 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 0 0

we all worship one God, we just call him different names. And what Jesus preached was actually a moderate form of judaism, not christianity. Above and beyond all, Jesus was a jew.

2006-07-05 19:26:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most people were taught some kid-friendlier "lord". Probably jesus-face spirit-soul god-body= our lord or some fruity sh*t like that. It's easier to brainwash kids with things that appeal to them you know?

2006-07-05 19:28:32 · answer #8 · answered by Redeemer,Savior,Deliverer-MARINE 3 · 0 0

Jesus didn't preach "christianity". He taught as a rabbi would teach.
"christianity" means "followers or disciples of Christ" it was originally a derisive term used by Greeks to describe all the followers of Jesus' teachings- Jew and Gentile alike
"Christ" means, in Greek, "the Anointed One and His Anointing".
and to fully answer your original question... nothing.

2006-07-05 19:27:16 · answer #9 · answered by blkrose65 5 · 0 0

Do we really know what Jesus preached? Its hard to believe he never wrote a Gospel? But yet where is it?

2006-07-05 19:31:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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