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Ive studies scientology and know most info about it and seems to be the most insane idea ever thought up. But people pour money into it for no reason. Its a money making machine.Its a waste. What do you think?

2006-07-05 19:05:03 · 16 answers · asked by invaderzim 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

What is so strange about people believing aliens inhabited the earth thousands of years ago and were inslaved and humans all have alien spirits called thetons in their bodies and by paying massive amounts of money to the church leaders that you can be allowed in on the secrets of these magical powers.

Sounds pretty solid to me.... I mean it sure clears up all those questions I had about my foot fungus.

Honestly can you argue with a cinimatic masterpiece like Battlefield Earth?

Jesus couldn't even BEGIN to take on a PSYcLO...

2006-07-05 19:23:59 · answer #1 · answered by Brocktoon 3 · 3 2

IMO The Church of Scientology is a cult.

They believe it because they are slowly indoctrinated into the beliefs. It is a form of clever social control which reduces the members ability to think critically, so that in the end they will believe what is told to them. If scientology was upfront and told potential members the truth, barely anyone would sign up. The higher up you go, the more absurd the theory and practise becomes. Foxtail for example is apparantly a pre-clear or at least has not started the OT levels, so he isn't privy to a lot of information that would utterly change what he thinks of scientology. Unfortunately by the time he gets there, he will most likely be sufficiently transformed to believe whatever they tell him.

People pour money into it because they sincerly believe that scientology is the only hope for the planet, and they must be cleared themselves to help others effectively. The current estimate for completing 'the bridge' to OT8 is about $380,000. Although it could be much more than this. Don't get me wrong though, plenty of intelligent well adjusted people join Scientology, unless you are forwarned the techniques they use can be very compelling - and don't forget they outright lie to get adherents, waiting till you are sufficiently brainwashed before you telling you the real purpose and truth behind scientology, such as the story of xenu.... http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/xenu

Hubbard also told outright lies to his adherents to get them to trust his works. He told them he extensively travelled the east with wise men - he did not. He told them he was a war hero - he was not. He told them he had uni degrees in physics - he did not.
He told them he extensively researched dianetics through the scientific method - he did not.

See here for the truth about L Ron Hubbard: (it's a whole book)

Here is the documented evidence of Ron's life:

It is a money making machine, but much worse it takes people's lives away from them, and removes people from society and their families. It is a dangerous vicious cult.

This site is the main critical site of scientology available, it has many official documents from courts, govt.s, books, scientific reports, & ex-members.

Or see scientology in action in these video's

For comparison here is the church's official site:

2006-07-07 08:02:55 · answer #2 · answered by Xenu.net 5 · 0 0

a) It does not cost to be part of Scientology - unless you want to donate
b)L Ron Hubbard (henceforth called LRH) used his money from writing his fiction works to fund his years of research that led to Dianetics.
c) The church was actually started by a group of people studying Dianetics
d) We are NOT mentally challenged or 'stupid' quite the opposite, since being in the church my IQ has been raised 9 points! to 134
e) Scientology does a lot for the community - Narconon, Scientology Volunteer Ministers, Applied Scholastics, HELP - All funded heavily through church donations.
f) Silent Birth does not say that the mother cannot make any sound...it is to reduce the people screaming "PUSH PUSH, I CAN SEE THE HEAD - C'MON JUST ONE MORE!!!!!"
g) Psychiatry is a Psuedo Science!

LuLu - Here I am - Im not in Hollywood - I'm in Adelaide Australia!

Grow Up! Please learn to write cohereantly

2006-07-06 07:54:24 · answer #3 · answered by foxtel_iq 4 · 0 0

Most people seem to want to believe in something, they are searching for meaning in life.

There are other religions that are equally strange.

The Raelians believe that a french racecar driver drove to the top of a dormant volcano and stumbled across a UFO. The aliens made him their emissary on earth and revealed that they were the ones that actually created humanity using the tools of genetic engineering.

Mormons believe in religious texts that were given to Joseph Smith on golden tablets by an angel. The tablets no longer exist, but Smith translated them by stuffing them in a hat, sticking his face in the hat, and translating them.

Muslims believe that men who lead a proper life will be granted paradise with dozens of virgins.

Christians believe that their god cursed humanity because their ancestors disobeyed god, even though (according to xian mythology) they couldn't understand that disobeying god was wrong (how could they know right from wrong without eating the fruit first?!?). Then, instead of just forgiving man 4,000 years later, God intentially sends his son down to be purposely tortured and killed.... as part of a plan to forgive humanity!!!!

So, in answer to your question: scientologists can believe in something made up by a sci-fi writer because, apparently, people want to believe in something... no matter how insane that belief is.

2006-07-06 10:55:03 · answer #4 · answered by imrational 5 · 0 0

Ever notice that many actors are Scientologists? People who would want to be an actor obviously want the attention and therefore have self esteem issues. Most people with low self esteem will become sheep and follow whoever convinces them to. Hubbard probably has a constant pain in his side from laughing his way to the bank everyday to deposit all his sheeps wool!

2006-07-06 02:14:28 · answer #5 · answered by mattsmom 2 · 0 0

Yeah of all religion Scientology defiantly is insane, on a plus side it makes Christianity look positively reasonable even to an atheist(me)!
But hey it's their money and its fun to know people r actually that dumb and that i'm not one of them!

2006-07-06 03:01:56 · answer #6 · answered by bobatemydog 4 · 0 0

The same way Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe something that was made up by science fiction writers.

2006-07-06 02:08:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wouldn't know, but expecting a women in labor not to scream is insane, especially considering that she isn'tallowed to have drugs for the pain. I should know, I've given birth to two children. Then to go on and say that depression does not exist, when science has proven that it does. It seems pretty screwed to me.

2006-07-06 03:04:47 · answer #8 · answered by Proud Muslimaah-Beautiful Islaam 3 · 0 0

Everyone has to believe in something ....

I believe I'll have another beer!

It is about as effective as believing in the money-grubbing science fiction of scientology

2006-07-06 02:12:09 · answer #9 · answered by cat38skip 6 · 0 0

It is a mockery of religion. L Ron Hubbard was once quoted (before he wrote Scientology) that a way to really get rich is to start your own religion.

2006-07-06 02:09:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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