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i have lead quite an evil life so far and i have recently decided to ask God to help me be a better person. i know i should probly get in to church somewhere but i feel really uncomfortible in church on account that i have a huge pentagram tattooed on the back of my neck and no money to get it removed or covered up and everyone sees it and gives me odd looks and what not. when i walk in to a church i also feel that i am not worthy of even being there and given a chance just because of things that i have done to myself as well as others. i also spoke against god in the past and some people say that that is unforgiveable, but if your truely sorry than will God forgive you anyway or should i just give up? i dont have a clue where to turn for help and i just feel so alone. does anyone have any advice on what to do.

2006-07-05 19:03:54 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Try out a street ministry, if there are any in your area, first, and get comfortable there, they certainky will not look down on you and will embrace you,. It doesn;t matter if you are actually down and out or not. Or try a salvation army chapel.

I mention these because I know you won't be looked down on or turned off by peoples attitudes towards you there, and then as you get more secure in your decision and new life, you can go from there.

Blessings, bro

2006-07-05 19:10:31 · answer #1 · answered by Pichi 7 · 1 0

Don not worry about what people says….U should go to Church
Jesus recognized that there are conditions to be fulfilled before forgiveness can be granted. Forgiveness is part of a mutual relationship; the other part is the repentance of the offender. God does not forgive without repentance, nor is it required of man. The effect of forgiveness is to restore to its former state the relationship which was broken by sin. Such a restoration requires the cooperation of both parties. There must be both a granting and an acceptance of the forgiveness. Sincere, deep-felt sorrow for the wrong which works repentance (2Co_7:10) is the condition of mind which insures the acceptance of the forgiveness. Hence, Jesus commands forgiveness when the offender turns again, saying, “I repent” (Luk_17:3, Luk_17:1). It was this state of mind which led the father joyfully to welcome the Prodigal before he even gave utterance to his newly formed purpose (Luk_15:21).
Mat_1:21; Mat_6:12; Mat_6:14-15; Mat_18:23-27; Mat_26:28; Mar_2:5; Mar_2:7; Mat_9:2; Mat_9:6; Luk_5:21; Luk_5:24; Mar_3:28; Mar_11:26; Mat_18:35; Luk_3:3; Mat_3:6; Luk_24:47; Joh_8:11; Joh_20:23; Act_2:38; Act_10:36; Act_10:43; Act_13:38-39; Act_26:16-18; Rom_4:7-8; Eph_4:32; Col_2:13; Heb_8:12; Heb_9:22; Heb_10:2; Heb_10:17-18; Jam_5:15; Jam_5:20; 1Jo_1:7; 1Jo_1:9; 1Jo_2:1-2; 1Jo_2:12; 1Jo_5:16; Mat_12:31-32; Luk_12:10; Rev_1:5

So believe ur sins are forgiven. Don’t think of the past sins u did but think with a hope that now Jesus is with u in guiding you….

2006-07-05 19:17:27 · answer #2 · answered by Tom 2 · 0 0

Honey, what you have done in the past doesn't matter. When you ask God for forgivness, he forgives you. You should definatly find a good church that can offer you some decipleship, which just means that they will help you to get to know God better. You might need some one on one with some counselors to help you work through your issues. Just remember that you will always get "reaction" from people, but your salvation is between you and God. Even Christian people can sometimes be cruel because they don't always understand. I have a pretty bad past. I was into drugs really bad, self mutalation, and just overall a very self destructive personality. I have been saved for 12 years now and it was a little rocky at first. I slipped away for about 4 years, but I finally got back to church and now I am a Sunday school teacher. God has delivered me from my addiction and my destructive personality. I am not the same and I never will be. Just remember that Jesus died on that cross for you. He came into this world for sinners. All sin is the same to God. It doesn't matter what you did. Read Acts chapters 8 and 9. Saul, who God later changes his name to Paul, hated Christians. He hated God. He killed Christians. But God got a hold of him and he ended up being a huge minister of the Gospel. He wrote 2/3 of the new testament. You are worthy of being a child of God. That is the whole reason God sent his only son to die on the cross for you. I would love to talk to you more if you are interested. You can email me saybreath@yahoo.com. If maybe you just need a friend. God bless and I will keep you in my prayers.

2006-07-05 19:29:27 · answer #3 · answered by sami_d 2 · 0 0

We all have light and darkness within us. Just because you have chosen to do mostly negative things in the past, it does not mean that you are bad or a lost cause. Never that! You have obviously decided to take a new, more positive path in life now, and that is really all that counts. There is no reason to seek forgiveness from God, since God forgives us before we even think of apologizing. Usually, the forgiveness we are really seeking and needing the most is that which is the hardest to get: Forgiveness from ourselves. It may be time for you to take a hard look in the mirror and say "I forgive myself, and I am worthy of another chance". It might be hard to say it at first since it will probably seem like a lie, but if you say it enough times with a lot of feeling, you will actually start believing it and when that happens, your life will change! There is probably no one on the planet that judges a person more harshly than oneself and when that harsh judge inside of us gives us a pardon, there is no freedom or joy quite like it. When you forgive yourself, others will sense it in you and will be so much more likely to give you a chance. You DO deserve another chance, so it is probably time that you gave it to yourself. You really are the one in control of this, you always have been.

2006-07-05 20:25:28 · answer #4 · answered by Tea 6 · 0 0

I have had the same problem going to church myself, and I don't have the pentagram tattoo, (I have mine where I can cover it, and had retired most of my skull jewlery.) but I think I understand where your coming from. My philosophy has always been to learn my own way, study on my own, and research the big questions that bother me.

If you're looking for companionship and guidence with others there are many on line chat rooms, websites and books that can help to fill the void that you might be feeling, you just need to look for them.

Another thing you can do is see if you have someone who might be willing to accompany you to church so that you have a friendly face there going in, and as you get to know the church, and the people who attend it, you can see if it is a place you want to try. There are many churches out there, and I think doing a little "shopping around" is always a good idea.

Another thing to think of is something I heard a speaker say once, "You can't clean a fish before you catch it." So don't worry about how you look, or how people might react to you (I know, easier said then done) and for any one that tries to throw some Bible verses your way you can try throwing back some of these:

" Judge not, that ye be not judged" Matthew 7:1
and my personal favorite:
"How can you think of saying, `Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye?" Matthew 7:4
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone" John 8:7

If all else fails...you can try wearing a scarf. I would also really think about the feeling unworthy part. If God is willing to forgive you (and it says that he is) then you can forgive yourself and move on. Don't let yourself feel bad about what might be on the outside of your body that people can see, because it's the inside that really counts. Every one in church has also done things that they aren't proud of, so when you see them looking at you, remember that they can't see right because of the "log" in thier eyes...Don't give up. You will find what you are looking for.

Happy hunting.

2006-07-05 19:52:05 · answer #5 · answered by Stone_Angel 4 · 0 0

I believe in a loving God, and if you are truly sorry, then I believe you will be forgiven. Don't ever feel unworthy of entering a church, after all, isn't it there for everyone?? You don't need a special invitation to go, you have as much of a right to be there as anyone else. If you still feel uncomfortable in a church, there's nothing to stop you from praying at home, or anywhere else you like. God is everywhere. Church is not a phone, He can hear you anywhere. Becoming a better person is your choice and the follow through is up to you. Use prayer as a support in your life. Cheesy as it is, I found this little line a comfort in rough times (I've had my share) : "God, I cast all my cares on you, because you care for me." Good luck.

2006-07-05 19:11:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you should find a church that is accepting of you! There are a lot of wonderful people in this world. Maybe grow your hair out until you can afford to get that tatoo removed. God is an amazing God, and I am so glad that you have found the Lord. You said you asked God to help you, but have you asked Him to live within you and ask Jesus to be your Savior? Just making sure. Never give up. Life as a Christian isn't always easy, but it's worth it. God bless you! If you need any advice or anything, just send me a message. I'm so happy for you! :))))))

2006-07-05 19:15:41 · answer #7 · answered by SarahJane 3 · 0 0

Look man, know one can judge you for what youve done. Its in the past. As far as the pentagram goes, wear a turtleneck, its ok. And if you go to a church where people do judge you, then you shouldnt be there. All you need to do is believe that there is a God out there that believes in you and will forgive you of all your trangressions. Hes done all the work, all you need to do is accept him. Nothing is unforgiveable. You can do it. I would recomment looking up THE CASE FOR CHRIST by lee strobel. Its an awesome book that answers alot of questions you might have. Good luck buddy.

2006-07-05 19:09:52 · answer #8 · answered by invaderzim 1 · 0 0

God doesn't say you have to go to church on Sunday's, He asks you to take Him into your life. Plenty of programs on TV do a church program. Also, get on a Church based website, or chat room. God forgives all, even though we wouldn't. Find a friend who will sit with you in church, if you ever decide to go. Explain that the pentagram is a part of your past, and you don't have it removed because that's all behind you now (not to mention that it's expensive!) oh, you could get some conselor, it works.

2006-07-05 19:08:33 · answer #9 · answered by ooh_rah07 4 · 0 0

First of all, DO NOT GIVE UP! Have you ever watched Starting Over on the tele? You can also go to startingovertv.com. Check it out. And what makes you think you "have" to go to church? And who says you have to believe in this "God"? You've acknowledged your wrongdoings which is a great first beginning! You also sound remorseful. That's another "plus"! Can you now forgive yourself? Have you tried getting still & quiet? Meditation? Counseling? I agree with delving into philosophy. Religion has become much too complicated, even though it doesn't have to be. Believe in yourself and all that is "right" & "good". Practice thinking positive thoughts & doing good works. We definitely need more "good" in this world! If you would like, you can email me at: smokefeather12001@yahoo.com. Believe me, you're not the only human in the world to ever do bad things. But it starts with our thoughts, which come from our perceptions. Mis-perception comes from lack of learning, ignorance. Ask of yourself what & who you want to be. Have any blessings to be thankful for? Perhaps there is someone much worse off than even you. Keep Hope Alive, In You. Best Of Luck & Take Good Care!

2006-07-05 19:28:39 · answer #10 · answered by Smokie 1 · 0 0

Aww, Hon, God loves you.. He doesn`t care about your tattoos or anything you did before. He is just like any other father and is glad to have you come home. DO NOT GIVE UP.

Go to church. If you are not treated with respect, Wipe the dust from your feet and go to another. God will lead you. Get a bible and please read the New testament first... Get one of the new international versions. They are in today's language and you can understand it a little better.

Now check these two places out. http://jdm.org/jdmDefault.aspx
and http://kcm.org/ These people rock. Jesse is an old rock and roll star.. Very cool..

God bless & Hugs from Texas. {:-)

2006-07-05 19:14:26 · answer #11 · answered by jaantoo1 6 · 0 0

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