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I'm sick of the church trying to tell me how to do everything.

Who I must vote for, what I can and can't watch on TV, what I should learn and except in school ext...

Listen to our Christian Leaders that are speaking the word of a Christian??? God...sounds like they want to start the next World War.

Pat Roberts, ' Pat Robertson said Islam is a 'monumental scam' and claimed the prophet Muhammad was 'an absolute wild-eyed fanatic...a robber and brigand...a killer.'

Jerry Falwell, "Jerry Fallwell called the founder and revered prophet of Islam, Muhammed, a 'terrorist' on CBS's '60 Minutes' on Sunday, October 6 2002

Jimmy Swaggart, to U.S. Muslims: 'If you say one word, you're gone'

These are the Christian leaders that influence America's pulpits.

The life that Jesus led was not the life led by the everyday Christian, nor was his practice that of the church named after him.


2006-07-05 19:03:00 · 16 answers · asked by Olivia 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

are you kidding this was the customary way how Romans punished many criminals
and this custom did not evaporate with the death of one man .whose influence or importance did not gain momentum until maybe hundreds of years after his death

And the leaders of organised religion (Illuminati/freemasons)do want to start the war of all wars ,to reduce the world population by 60%
as do their business counterparts (Illuminati /freemasons)

in an age old quest for world domination
by using religion and financial structures
a bullhorn operation that engulfes the masses below from both sides

The horrible tyranny that is being created by the Bush junta is a threat to the entire world. For the first time in its history,
Western Civilization as a whole is in danger of being destroyed by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, DuPont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well.
This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century.

The Bush family, beginning with Prescott Bush, have served as satraps of the Rockefeller, Brown, and Harriman interests.
If some people are too unintelligent or morally deficient to see the tyrannous acts of the Bush administration, if some people are too cowardly to stand against those acts, it's still your individual responsibility as an American citizen to rouse them out of their daze.
Unfortunately it appears it will take at least one more 'al-CIA-duh'- style staged attack to provoke the populous into expelling the whole congress full of traitors and the hoards of other corporate lobbying cockroaches running around DC.
President Bush is simply a puppet of this powerful cabal, and their schemes will be carried out by whatever next president comes to power unless We the People deflect them from this insane, murderous plot for global dom-
inance. Source(s) http://houston.indymedia.org/

the religious systems are just another tool for the grand plan ,and the future of America will see a general ,national religon for all and those who opose will end up in concentration camps

2006-07-05 19:18:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Many of the disciples and early Christian leaders were also crucified as Jesus was.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and Jimmy Swaggart are pimples on the **** of the Christian faith -- huge public embarassments to Americans in general and Christians in specific. Whenever they are in the news, I read the article for laughs.

When they are on TV, I immediately turn the channel. Christianity is not a passive television program --not ever.

2006-07-06 02:13:03 · answer #2 · answered by urbancoyote 7 · 0 0

I agree, what I gather from Christianity is that is a religion of compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. But it seems these days that Christians are the least embracing of people. That is why I claim I am Christian, but I don't go to church, I just try to live my life the best I can and be the best I can to everybody. If I am punished for not participating in a group that condemns so many people, then that's that I guess. Pat Roberston is the biggest wacko allowed to speak to the masses in my opinion.
The church has taken on many new ideologies to seperate themselves from those unlike themselves, even if it has meant scrounging up the reasoning to back it.

2006-07-06 02:12:09 · answer #3 · answered by nukecat25 3 · 0 0

It is true that man has used religion for political gain. Nazi Germany had "God with us" engraved in German on the belts of Nazi soldiers. America said, "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." The law may even allow you to start the Christian Nazi Party, if you so desire. You can become a "reverend" for a few dollars through the tabloid classifieds and then further your political agenda with the world’s blessing, no matter how much it smears the name of Christ.

Jesus tells us in John 16:2,3 that there will be some who, in their error, commit atrocities and murder in the name of God: "The time is coming that whosoever kills you will think that he does God service." However, He informs us that these are not true believers: "And these things will they do to you, because they have not known the Father, nor me." (See also 1 John 3:15.)

Jesus told His followers to love their enemies. So if a man puts a knife into someone’s back in the name of Christianity, something obviously isn’t right. If we human beings can detect it, how much more will God? He will deal with it on Judgment Day.

"I know that the Lord is always on the side of right. But it is my constant
anxiety and prayer that I—and this nation—should be on the Lord’s side."
-Abraham Lincoln

2006-07-06 03:36:25 · answer #4 · answered by Adamray 3 · 0 0

I have to agree with you and that's why I don't listen to them. God doesn't like religion and you shouldn't either. You sound like you're on the right track but haven't done what Jesus Christ said to do. All the information you need to be pleasing to God is in His Book the Bible. Its the Word of God, or Jesus Christ.

Get a copy of the 1611 King James Version Bible (not any other) Its translated from the original Hebrew and Greek. Also, while you're doing that, pick up a Strong's Concordance as this will help you to translate the English back to the languages.

Great success studying and get back to us as we are looking forward to your new incite written here for us to read. ><>

2006-07-06 02:20:40 · answer #5 · answered by CEM 5 · 0 0

Well I haven't heard nor have I seen any one line up or volunteer to get on the cross for redemption.

You have to be careful of those religious leaders. The Christians have fought in or started more wars than just about any religion known to man or mankind. Look at the crusades and how long they lasted.

Christians think they are the only ones going to heaven. What about the Buddhist a known peace full religion, are they not going to heaven or maybe they don't believe in heaven.

I have never known a Buddhist to go to war, but those good old God fearing Christians are a different breed altogether, they will got to war at the drop of a hat and then call on their God through prayer to get him to help kill his enemy, when his own bible say Thou Shall not Kill, but that don't stop those Christian boys. No sir they have become experts at it.

Every religion is wrong except theirs and they will defend to the death that fact.

You have to take stock and come to your own conclussions about religion and which you chose to belong. Read lots of books on this topic, question lots of people of different religions get the answers you are seeking and trust me they are not all in the bible.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.


2006-07-06 02:17:35 · answer #6 · answered by Skip 6 · 0 0

At the risk of sounding like a real b1t(h, it dawned on me a few years ago; why are Christians are called sheep? My mother, being a minister, explained to me this was because Jesus was a shepherd and now Christians are his sheep, who he is to lead to the promise land but it seems modern religion has taken this to an extreme, treating their congregations as mindless sheep who will do as they say say just because it comes from someone leading a group. People in general want to be told what to do. I'm no exception! but I refuse to believe in something just because someone told me to! Now, I'm no theologian, but somehow I don't think any religion has nailed it yet and if God is truly the forgiving God most people think "him" to be, then I seriously doubt "he" would be opposed to you thinking for yourself as long as you get the core values right. Let Pat, Jerry and Jimmy lead those who don't want to think for themselves and do what you believe to be right. Too many people do what they're told just so they don't rock the boat. Go ahead and rock the boat if you believe your a good christian and want to do the right thing.

2006-07-06 02:18:18 · answer #7 · answered by Mel 3 · 0 0

Strangely... Jesus wasn't a Christian. He was Jewish. Right? Christians follow the teachings of Jesus. And as you have shown, the leadership really shouldn't be leading anyone. We live in a time of fear led by the fearful. I was raised Catholic, but I have a mind, heart and soul that can look beyond the mass agenda. I find bigotry in every facet of life. Unfortunately, people have to use labels to validate their words. People CLAIM to be Christian... as if they need to CLAIM their place in heaven. Unfortunately I LIVE to LOVE and RESPECT all of God's creations to the best of my ability. In the process, I can only hope that I have created a place for me in heaven. I cannot claim what is not mine to take. God will give me a place in heaven as He has given me a place on earth.

2006-07-06 02:13:27 · answer #8 · answered by SnoRiidr 1 · 0 0

No Peter died on the cross too.

As for the rest of it---none of those things have anything to do with being a Christian-- those are political beliefs

Remember Jesus died on the cross to wash away your sins, so you could enter Heaven and stand pure and clean before God --all that other stuff is from man, not God

2006-07-06 02:13:55 · answer #9 · answered by James A 4 · 0 0

1. Jesus wasn't a Christain, he was a Jew.
2. If I'm not mistaken, Andrew was Crucified in about 70 AD.

2006-07-06 02:08:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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