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Assuming that I am an atheist, how would you convince me that God exists? Quoting the Bible would be fruitless because as an atheist, I would not believe in it. Threatening eternal damnation would be ineffective for the very same reason. So how would you convince me, and if you could not, how would you redirect you energies?

Answerers of the original question are welcome to participate.

2006-07-05 18:39:28 · 23 answers · asked by Nobody 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm not trying to frustrate anyone; I'm just trying to get people to think.

2006-07-05 20:03:57 · update #1

23 answers

I wouldn't try to convince you. You have a right to be an atheist. If God hasn't convinced you that He exists, how could I? I'm willing to answer any question that will help you, and I'm willing to be kind to you and assist you in any way possible, but it's your choice to believe in God or not.

Don't get me wrong, I am a Christian who believes in God.

But God's government is all about choice and love, not about threatening or coercing, etc. He doesn't force anyone, why should I?

People have a right to live their lives any way they want to, and they have a right to say anything they want to and believe anything they want to. They can claim God does or does not exist. It's all their choice. In the end they will be judged by the law of the Creator God that rules the Universe--regardless of what they say, do, think or believe, Christian or atheist or anything else. And the Judgment will all be totally fair and impartial, based on our choices.

It's not my world. I didn't create it. I didn't make the rules, and I don't have to worry about enforcing them. Someone else will be taking care of that, and He has been kind enough to let us know ahead of time.

2006-07-05 18:57:31 · answer #1 · answered by Einsteinetta 6 · 2 0

Too many Atheist think that the Bible is all that to the Christians. The problem with that is yes it's important, but it isn't everything. The Bible tells of GOD's dealing with people, and we can learn from that. I may not ever be able to convince you that GOD exists, you though can't disprove that he doesn't. It is not about the word as much as it is the feeling of the spirit, and the spirit can't enter in unless you allow it. If you feel the way you do then very likely you will never have the opportunity given you. I think that a person can have more of an impact on someone by living their life in a GOD centered and focused way. If a person truly follows the teachings of Jesus in their lives they can and will influence others by their actions and life styles. My life is spent not on trying to convert others but living how I know I should and therefore others can see the influence of the gospel in my life. It is what makes me happy and gives me focus. I love my family and kids and we have a good life, but I give the credit to Heavenly Father for his teachings and what I have learned from his scriptures.

2006-07-05 19:00:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Personally, I think you are just trying to frustrate good hearted people and you really don't care whether there is a God or not. LOL

But,if I were honestly trying to convince you of a God.... I would point out to you the extreme balance, cohesion and grace of the universe. Look... how gracefully the planets and stars, nay, even the galaxies, intertwine and mingle! Look again, much closer now, at how our cells work , with so many intricate little parts doing their own part of the job-- the vaccule holding water to keep it from getting too dry... --wowza.

Now, how about looking at the Navigational system of the Birds of flight? Take the geese that fly south for the winters where they can lay their eggs in warmer weather and hatch their young in more temperate climates... and then ,when the young can handle it , they fly back north for the summer to their regular homes which are now ripe with food. All of this is done by a built in instinct and the flying is controlled by an innate radar....
Or how about the human hand? it seems relatively simple... a palm, 5 digits, no big deal. No big deal? The hand, no, the THUMB is what separates us from the beasts. Because of that opposable thumb, we can hold things that other creatures cannot.... scissors... pencils... pliars.....chopsticks....a saxxaphone.....we can type and play piano. With a hand we can hold something as hard as a rock to crack walnuts with or something as soft as our infant child and rock her to sleep when she awakes crying in the night. Our hands can comfort a sick friend, scupt dough into delicious bread, carve a form out of marble or carress the face of a loved one. Our hands are a miracle unto themselves, yet they didn't occur by random.

Can you look at these things in our world, in our lives and honestly say you do not think that a wiser, greater being than ourselves had something to do with their coming about? Surely, the beauty, the whimsy, the creativity and the pure genius shown in the creation of the entire universe couldn't have come about from some 'big bang'.
I hope you think on some of what I've said. I doubt what I have said will single handedly change your mind, but I can hope that you find a connection with your maker, because he would like to find that connection with you . And I can tell you from experience, knowing him , and being comfortable with him and spending time getting to know him is worthwhile. He has a lot to teach us all. I can introduce you if you'd like....

2006-07-05 19:25:34 · answer #3 · answered by heatherlovespansies 3 · 0 0

I surely count number on love between a guy and a woman. Is it a sport? perhaps, even if it really is achieveable to p.c. of each and every thing that takes position to us in existence as being part of a sport. If it really is not a sport, what's it? A burden? A undertaking? an chance? it really is not in straightforward words achieveable for genuine like to exist between a guy and a woman, it actual takes position for truly some human beings. what's also genuine is that many human beings finally end up being cynical and holding and feeling detrimental issues about love. Is it love's fault, or might want to or not it really is that some human beings merely are not all that tremendous having having and holding relationships? From what i can tell, love between a guy and a woman can quite exist, yet so can love between a guy and a guy, a woman and a woman and the different combos each and every person can arise with. If actuality, it will be achieveable to love your self, human beings and all that exists in creation. If it really is part of a sport, i'd pick to keep playing!

2016-11-05 23:14:45 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I would use some proofs of God's existance ONLY as bait to get the athiest caught on the hook of God's law.

As you witness, divorce yourself from the thought that you are merely seeking “decisions for Christ.” What we should be seeking is repentance within the heart. This is the purpose of the Law, to bring the knowledge of sin. How can a man repent if he doesn’t know what sin is? If there is no repentance, there is no salvation. Jesus said, “Unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

Many don’t understand that the salvation of a soul is not a resolution to change a way of life, but “repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” The modern concept of success in evangelism is to relate how many people were “saved” (that is, how many prayed the “sinner’s prayer”). This produces a “no decisions, no success” mentality. This shouldn’t be, because Christians who seek decisions in evangelism become discouraged after a time of witnessing if “no one came to the Lord.” The Bible tells us that as we sow the good seed of the gospel, one sows and another reaps. If you faithfully sow the seed, someone will reap. If you reap, it is because someone has sown in the past, but it is God who causes the seed to grow. If His hand is not on the person you are leading in a prayer of committal, if there is not God-given repentance, then you will end up with a stillbirth on your hands, and that is nothing to rejoice about. We should measure our success by how faithfully we sowed the seed. In that way, we will avoid becoming discouraged.

“If you have not repented, you will not see the inside of the kingdom of God.” Billy Graham

2006-07-05 18:46:21 · answer #5 · answered by Adamray 3 · 0 0

Look at a new born baby (preferably your own but PLEASE dont rush out and get pregnant LOL), does it have a soul? Can you you make a soul? Are you even able to come up with a Scientific answer for what a soul is? Or how about a scientif porpouse for it? now if you belive in a soul, then you need to explain where it came from right? and since you or me or bob the builder didnt make it then someone, much greater then you or i must have right? and if you DONT believe in a soul then why do you love, or feel (emotions), or cry, or are any diffent in any way from all other animals, plants and even other humans? God is the maker of that soul and if he didnt want us to have free will and come to him on our own im sure hed lean down and whisper it to you himself :)-God bless

2006-07-05 19:17:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is the third time I posted this link because this person who used to be an atheist is telling his own experience that God truly exist. Assuming that you are indeed an atheist, a christian would find it very, very difficult almost impossible to convince you that God really exist. But take it from a former fellow athiest and it's all up to you.


2006-07-06 06:49:24 · answer #7 · answered by *** 3 · 0 0

Personaly, I like this question, I love that you are getting us to think, this is a real world senerio. As beleviers of the Gospel, these are the things we should be working on, Jesus sent us out in the great commision at the end of Matthew, to go out into the world and make disciples. And in the world there are atheists. So good question. All I can do is to tell you about what God has done in my life, in other words to give my testomonie. I could tell you how when I was 18 I left home and moved to the other side of the counrty, where I became involved with drugs, how I was addicted to Meth for 10 years of my life, that I couldn't hold a job, about all the things I used to do to get drugs, about how I ended up homeless, on the street, and haven't seen my family in over 13 years. And then I would tell you about this woman who stopped to talked to me one day, who told me that God sent His son, Jesus to live the sin less life that none of us could, that He died in our place on the cross, where God laid the sins of the world on Him. And that all I had to do was beleive in Jesus, that He died for me, and that on the third day He rose again, and that I would have eternal life, in heavan with God. And that God has delivered me from drug addiction, from the streets, and given my family back to me, who didn't want anything to do with me. And let them know that I too was once an atheist, and tried to prove that God did not exsist, but God was patient with me, and loved me the whole time, and that He loves all of us, and that is why He sent me here to you today, it is no accident that we would meet today.
That is what I would say to an atheist, and if they did not receive that, then I would just........... LOVE THEM!!!
That is all..............God bless you all and I love you all.

2006-07-05 21:11:37 · answer #8 · answered by joshuatrinchero 2 · 0 0

I would (If I had the money) take you around the world to see all the wonders and splendors God created. I would unravel the intricacies and the genius behind the design of DNA and the solar system. I would show you how so many great minds knew God and looked for him through science. I would show you the beauty behind the people and tell you how I see God's love in each of them.

Mostly, I will continue to live as Jesus called me to. My life shall be my testimony.

2006-07-05 19:01:42 · answer #9 · answered by JG 3 · 0 0

God has given us the gift of free will and allows us to make our own choices.

As a Christian, I am charged by God to live a godly life and let His light shine through me as an example of His love. As such, I try to live my life in such a way that people ask me why I am so peaceful amidst the chaos. Basically, they want what I have, so I tell them. After that, they can chose their own path.

God is not a thief that He would steal your hearts. He only wants hearts that are freely given. Otherwise the stolen hearts would eventually rebel.

2006-07-05 22:00:33 · answer #10 · answered by Sandy S 3 · 0 0

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