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In other words, falling away from God

2006-07-05 18:28:11 · 42 answers · asked by Maximus_2007 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

42 answers

The atheists will reject your idea, but it is true.. All of the sins of the USA are catching up with her..

2006-07-05 18:33:32 · answer #1 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 1 3

Some things have always been bad, and from the perspective that a person has during his one lifetime, some things can appear to be getting worse, and other things can appear to be getting better. In your lifetime, I suspect you've noticed improvements in speed of travel and communication, quality and availability of healthcare, and quality and availability of entertainment and educational options.

We both know what the bad things are, and I'll not go into that sad list after having just reminded you of how good we really have it. Though I am a Christian, and a rather conservative one at that, I cannot pin the entire decline on pagans. I'm not sure I can find even one big area of decline I can pin on pagans. People seem to be getting more interested in spiritual things, and that's a good thing. A person who is interested in looking outside of himself, and a person who has stopped limiting himself to the "scientifically verifiable" world for answers to the big questions, even if that person is pagan, is closer to finding God than a person who is not.

Don't close the door on avenues of respectful dialogue! You may teach and learn things this way.

2006-07-05 18:53:44 · answer #2 · answered by miraclewhip 3 · 0 0

It's just the Chrisian perspective. You can hold your faith and your view will not alter. Things are the way they are. Has nothing to do with God or the Devil or dropping Church attendance. People have had 2000 years of religious bigotry from Christianity alone. The Jews have it and so does Islam. As for the rest of us, well, we're just plain tired of all the religions thinking they indivudually and collectively hold some superior high ground. What you are seeing is a reaction to religions effect on society. People have learned that they have basically had enough false piety and looking to the sky waiting for a saviour when there's plenty of work we as a species need to be focusing on instead. Forget about the afterlife and live this life.

2006-07-05 18:35:56 · answer #3 · answered by amartouk 3 · 0 0

Why are you all worried so much about America falling away from God. What God or whose God? What is pagan in your terms? God has nothing to do with all this. The country and the world has always been like this. It is just your perception.

2006-07-05 18:33:40 · answer #4 · answered by crazyhumans2 4 · 0 0

I have a question for you; have you read the Constitution of the United States recently? Because the last time I checked the whole thing about freedom of religion was still in there, and since it goes against my moral code as a Pagan to down your religion I humbly ask that you do the same. This a country still based on the freedoms give to us by the Constitution, and Christianity is still top dog here, but other religions are finally starting to gain political power. Is this what scares you? Change of the Status Qua, but look again at Christianity has it all ways done what is right? The Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades are nothing to be proud of for Christians. I know this because I used to be one.

I converted to Paganism because it follow more closely to what I personally believed, and I do not en tend to proselytize to others as many Christians do. I see faith as personal issue, not a public one. We all have a choice; we can choose to do what is right, or we can choose to do what is wrong. The Devil dose not make us do anything, we choose to do it. That is if you believe in the Devil, I for do not. A friend once told me: If you give evil a name you give it power. I follow and worship The Creator (a being that is neither male not female) and Gaea.

I was always told that Jesus said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Well I am not without sin, and I am not casting a stone, I just think that if people want to believe in things that I do not personally believe that it is not my place to tell them what they are doing is wrong, but in return I expect the same in return.

There is another statement that comes to mind when I read your question, and it comes from a video game ironicly (go figure). "Like it or not; believe it or not. As will, your perceptions will not change reality, mearly color it." I am using this quote because it fits what I am feeling about this question.

Now if I have offended anyone I am sorry for that, but I am strong in this believe of mine, and I will not bend my beliefs just to fit in, nor have changed what I believe just to fit in with any one group of people.

24 y.o. Pagan College Student

2006-07-09 16:43:34 · answer #5 · answered by Phoenix Summersun 3 · 0 0

Answer: Its you. Your reality is pretty much based on your perception. Maybe you need a reality check? As in a changed attitude. Seriously, I'm not being sarcastic or putting you down. My point is that if you look for the negative, well that's probably what you'll see. And get. And you can blame it on pagans, or communists, or atheists, or any one/thing else. But it still comes back to the one that's doing the blaming. THEY'RE the one with the judgmental, aka negative, world VIEW. Change your line of sight. The things not any worse than it ever was. You just think it is. ~ Peace & Blessings ~

2006-07-05 20:09:57 · answer #6 · answered by Frat 4 · 0 0

Well, first of all, this country wasn't founded by Christian people. As a matter of fact, the only reason we occupied this land was to get out from under the rule of Christianity.

Secondly, the Native Americans thought this land was going to crap since we landed here because we didn't live in harmony with nature. Even the Native American prophecies foretold of what is happening today.

No, the reason this Nation, and the whole world, is going to crap is because of selfishness and narrow-mindedness. We're not living in harmony with one another as brothers and sisters.

If you see this world going to crap, why do you do something about? For example, instead of compiling about how damaged this world is, I help with charity drives, soup kitchens, I volunteer my time to the SPCA, etc, etc.

Oh yeah, and one last thing: I'm Pagan :)

2006-07-05 18:46:59 · answer #7 · answered by Joa5 5 · 0 0

That is your opinion.

Now let's look at some facts:
1. Among the developed nations, the United States is one of the most (if not the most) religious countries.

2. The non-religious countries tend to have higher education and less crime.

3. Citizens who live in areas of the United States that have a diversity of religious beliefs tend to have higher educations and standard of livings than the highly religious areas of the country.

4. When adjusted for population sizes, Christians and Muslim believers make up a larger percentage of prison populations than pagans and atheists.

If things are going to crap, you should examine your own household rather than blame others.

2006-07-05 18:41:12 · answer #8 · answered by imrational 5 · 0 0

Stupid child.

America is not becoming "pagan." And I imagine when you say "falling away from God" you mean falling away from Christianity? I assume this because of your use of the word "pagan."

A couple of points on that:
Not being Christian in no way denotes "falling away from God." There are many religions that worship and respect God that are not Christianity. Islam, for instance, gets a bad rep because of certain members acting out, but it is incredibly similar to Christianity in many ways. Hinduism focuses on a main god and teaches many of the same values Christianity teaches. Many of the "pagans" people often speak of in America are practicers of these such religions. So they are falling away from God? Not at all - they just hold different beliefs.

I know many people who practice other religions besides Christianity, not to mention people who practice no religion at all, and their value systems are incredible. They are good people and many of them are better at heart than a lot of Christians whom I know personally. So your assertion that America is becoming "pagan" is nothing but ethnocentric, short-sighted crap.

My point to you is this: America has problems...and it really has not much to do with religion. Get off it and grow up.

2006-07-05 18:37:36 · answer #9 · answered by chi bebe 3 · 0 0

Being Pagan to me was embracing the complete divine, not just the male aspect.

BTW what do you mean becoming Pagan. American was, is and always will be Pagan since this country was founded on the freedom of religion and most of the founders were Freemasons...Guess what they are Pagan.

You are silly.

2006-07-05 19:46:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

America is not all Pagan
Bush in power shows you that
Just because Values have change doesn't mean that it is Pagan.
The word "Pagan" means only not Christan
Some Pagan (not all follow Wicca & stuff like that remember that word Pagan simply means not Christan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pagan may refer to:
A believer in Paganism or Neopaganism
Bagan, a city in Myanmar also known as Pagan
Pagan (album), the 6th album by Celtic metal band Cruachan
Pagan Island, of the Northern Mariana Islands
Pagan Lorn, a metal band from Luxembourg, Europe (1994-1998)
Pagan's Mind, is a Norwegian progressive metal band.
A member of the Pagans Motorcycle Club
The world in which the Ultima VIII (or Ultima VIII:Pagan) computer game takes place
Pagan is the name of:
Dennis Pagan, Australian rules football player and coach
Isabel Pagan, a poet
José Pagán, baseball player
Pagan Kennedy, zine author
Niccolo Paganini, a famous as well as infamous violoninst
What is a Pagan? Wiccan Viewpoint. We are not evil. We don't harm or seduce people. We are not dangerous. We are ordinary people like you. We have families, jobs, hopes, and dreams. ... When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or ... What exactly do people think Pagan means. Many people think that it means "non-Christian ...homepage.ntlworld.com/spiritwolf/whats_is_a_pagan.htm - 37k -
Our Lady Of The Silver Mysts Coven. What Is A Pagan. wh. at is a what is a pagan- When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation.www.fortunecity.com/roswell/stokes/24/id39.htm - 15k -
WHAT DO THE WORDS. "PAGAN" AND "PAGANISM" MEAN? Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. What is a "Pagan?" Everybody has their favorite definition of the word "Pagan." Most people are convinced that their meaning is the correct one. ... and can be used without confusion among those who know its meaning. However, not everyone is aware of what it means ...www.religioustolerance.org/paganism.htm - 59k
the week that we commonly identify have been given pagan names. In The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation ... name, the Sabbath, which means rest. Pagan people of ancient times believed ...www.keyway.ca/htm2004/20040629.htm - 11k
We are dedicated to revealing the rich history and present identity of True Israel of The 745 BC Diaspora, and the restoration of correct doctrines received from the Apostles, according to the Scriptures. ... bounces back and forth between Triunism and Dualism. Both concepts are pagan and pre-date Christ ... word for "god", is "theos." " Theos" means deity: anything or anyone that's ...assemblyoftrueisrael.com/IsJesusGod/Whatisagod.htm - 7k

2006-07-05 18:46:37 · answer #11 · answered by mother_t_of_wpg 2 · 0 0

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