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God commanded us to do unto others as we would like done to us. Jesus taught us to forgive those who sin against us and to pray for our enemies salvation.Churches have outreach ministries for addicts and criminals. Jesus taught us that through prayer God would change the hearts of Kings. Why is it that we dont pray for God to change Satans heart and ask for forgiveness?

Lucifer was an angel before he was cast down from Heaven to Earth where he continues to torment and mislead us. Humans are above angels in the spiritual hierarchy. We have power over angels and we can command them. That is why we are able to resist Satan and chose Jesus if we want to. If all Christians prayed for Satan to repent it would seem to be possible for us to produce dramatic results. Why dont Christians pray for Satan to repent and plead Gods forgiveness? I have never heard of this being offered for suggestion by any Christian in any Church. Why?

2006-07-05 17:48:05 · 28 answers · asked by hydnophora 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Great question! Poor Satan always gets the short end of the stick, doesn't he? Christians claim that ALL things are possible with God, but then they'll say it is impossible for Satan to repent and gain God's favor. So, I guess that means the Bible is lying when it says that ALL things are possible, because if this particular thing is impossible, then the word ALL should not be in there. It should read, "Most things are possible with God," and then specify which things he cannot do.

2006-07-05 17:55:21 · answer #1 · answered by Antique Silver Buttons 5 · 12 8

Well, I think it is very important to look at this in a different way, if there was no satan or if satan were to repent, what choice would that leave for us? Because right now we choose to either follow God or follow satan. God is the creator of everything, and He knows what we will do before we even do it, so God knew already that satan and 1/3rd of the angels in heaven would fall and rebel against God. God has a plan, He is a God of order, and all of this is in His plan. So, God already knows the out come for satan, the angels that followed him and any of us that do not call on the name of the Lord, for salvation. And that is the second death, talked about in the book of Revelation, being cast into the lake of fire. And I do not believe that we have power over, angels or that we can command them, I know that Jesus Christ has power over them, and can command them, and that we are to call upon Him. I could be wrong, but I don't know where in the Bible that it teaches that we have any power over angels.

2006-07-05 18:23:46 · answer #2 · answered by joshuatrinchero 2 · 0 0

I know it's a little long, but I assure you it's right. Please read on:

Satan, like Adam and Eve, are beyond repentance. The Bible states that the willfull disobedience of ones with such wicked heart conditions have no possibility of being forgiven by God (Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26, 27). Satan knew exactly that what he was doing was against God's purpose. Since God accomplishes his purpose by means of his holy spirit and since Satan worked against God's purpose, a sin against the holy spirit was what Satan incurred. There is no forgiveness for such a sin (Matthew 12:31) Even today, Satan is waging war against all who would call themselves servents of God (Revelation 12:17).

God has the ability to read hearts and knows that Satan would not repent. This can be seen in the fact that God has already pronounced Satan's judgement of annihilation (Revelation 20:10).

We can be confident that God is a lover of justice and that he does not hastily cast people off. However, for those willfully and maliciously working against him, there is an inevitable judgement of condemnation.

In a nutshell: Satan was once an angelic son of God. But, he did not stand fast in the truth, became a liar despite knowing quite well that this would bring untold troubles on God's name and on mankind. Such a sin cannot be forgiven by such a righteous God.- John 8:44; Ezekiel 28:14-15 describes Satan's fall into disobedience.

2006-07-05 17:53:05 · answer #3 · answered by johnusmaximus1 6 · 0 0

Humans are NOT YET, above any
angelic hierarchy. You resist by your
own will, and the love of the Father.
Now, why doesn't anybody tell you,
that Lucifer, and all his hosts, do have
a reason to exist that way. They help
in creating your character, see what
you're made of. Humans are not always mislead by Satan, but love to use that as an excuse for commiting heinous crimes.
Then "repenting" after a life of crime.
Religious zealots, will not tell you the truth.
They have to keep you afraid, in control.
You have NO POWER, over angels.
You can only pray to God, and wait.
Humans still have a long way to go,
and learn to live without fairytales of
a power that only belongs to God.
The day you command angels, is the day
you have a starring role in the Twilight Zone...
Do you feel God cheated you out of your glory ? oh no wait, it was Satan !!!
Most humans need a scapegoat still.
Everyone hates a tattletale.

2006-07-05 18:13:19 · answer #4 · answered by nightflyerkin 2 · 0 0

It is already written what Satan will do. Satan already lived with God. He knows what is in Heaven and the riches that is there. He had it all, but still chose to go against God. Showing that Angels have free will also. Praying for Him would be a mute point.

2006-07-05 17:52:40 · answer #5 · answered by Cee 1 · 0 0

The Angels were created differently from Humans, the Angels know God's glory better than Humans do.

Angels were not made to be able to repent if they sinned because they were made to be able to know well enough the consequences.

Not to mention satan and his demons enjoy what they are doing that they never wish to repent nor would it ever be possible for them to repent cause they were created with a different mentality than us Humans.

The blood of Jesus washes the Sins of any Human who accepts him but his blood cannot wash the Sins of satan and the demons.

2006-07-05 17:53:30 · answer #6 · answered by MrCool1978 6 · 0 0

For Satan to repent, he would have to have remorse or offer some genuine contrition for his actions. However it really would not matter if he did.... Why???? Well ignoring that he is the father of lies, angel of light, knows scripture better than anyone walking this planet ... forgiveness is not available to him or any Angel....

Angels were created and existed in heaven. They were pure and have free will to worship God or not. It was by their own action that evil grew in them. Lucifer looked to himself, ignored the fact he is a created being and somehow convinced other angels he was equal to or better than God. Again ignoring the source of his power and strength was the one that created him to begin with.

Jesus being God, could have made some arrangement for such a thing without coming to earth. But he did not do that. Why?... no one here knows.

Forgiveness of the kind that would be needed was never available to ANYONE until Jesus not only died, but was resurrected from the dead 3 days later.

His death and resurrection was how WE regained access to the Father in heaven. We lost that contact with the fall of Adam and Eve.

God is pure & holy. So cannot look upon things that are not pure. We needed a go between, someone to stand in his presence on our behalf. With Jesus death and resurrection "forgiveness" for us was available for the very first time.

Satan has no "go between" He is prisoner on earth till judgment day

Jesus did not go through all that for angels. He did it for us....

It really is Amazing Grace. We don't deserve it. We can't earn it. It is free to us because of Christ's suffering we can be saved from sin that would cause us eternal suffering.

That suffering will not be shared with Satan or the other fallen angels. That suffering will be in the emptiness created by being completely removed from the presence of God. Even Satan does not know what being completely remove from the love of God is like, he is still here. In hell we would be exposed forever to the torment of sin we chose to live in.

If you think you don't hear the voice of God now, wait till his presence in everything around you is removed and all you face is your own filth.

The good news is it does not have to be that way. We have a choice. We can bask in the presence of God in all his glory. Drink from the river of life and enjoy all his wonder forever. It is a choice.... What will your eternity look like? There is no middle ground. Please Choose today!! We are not promised tomorrow....

2006-07-05 18:45:04 · answer #7 · answered by skating265 2 · 0 0

We, as Christians, have lived on this wicked earth with disease, hunger, drought, famine, crime, hatred, weeds, pollution, etc. and have never ever stood before the LORD of Glory and the KING of kings. We have not been in His physical presence, actually in heaven, and seeing the fulness of His glory. So if we screw up and then repent, it is understandable that we would be forgiven. Also we have lived all of our lives with temptation, due not only to Satan and his minions, but also to other humans who are absolutely imperfect to downright evil.

When Satan was Lucifer, he was in heaven, in the presence of God and all the fulness of His glory, he was in company of angels and in a place where there was no sickness, disease, poverty, hunger, drought, famine, war, sorrow, weeds, thorns, prickers, biting insects and dangerous animals and pests, nor was he tempted by anyone. For this Lucifer to have done this WITHOUT TEMPTATION, but due only to his own pride is without excuse or pardon.

God understands our souls to be frail cuz he knows our circumstances and the frame of our birth. There is no pardon for Satan because he has NO EXCUSE for what he did. He is and always has been beyond forgiveness.

2006-07-05 18:09:49 · answer #8 · answered by Shalom Yerushalayim 5 · 0 0

Actually, the early Church performed masses for repentance and salvation of the fallen angels until 4th century. Indeed, we should take after the piety and obedience of these early Christians. Unfortunately, satan and his army are beyond repentance. Universalism and Origen's teachings state something similar: that everyone will eventually be saved, since it is God's will for everyone to be saved, not condemned. These are, however, rejected as heresy. (Although I would like to believe this might be true.)

2014-03-08 11:12:43 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Angels aren't bound to the rules of time and space the way we are. We turn to and from God in a series of small choices throughout our lives. Angels make one decision: to be with God or to be against Him. This is why Satan hates humanity: we can make mistakes and then repent and be forgiven. He recognizes this as God's love in us (as you've mentioned, "Humans are above angels in the spiritual hierarchy), and wants to destroy it in us because, as they say, "misery loves company!" and "vengeance is sweet." Don't take this as reason for feeling bad for Satan: he knew what he was doing when he rebelled, even more so than we do when we sin, I would venture to say, and he did so according to his own free will. He made a choice in eternity, and he will live with that choice for eternity.

2006-07-05 18:08:29 · answer #10 · answered by Stephen 2 · 0 0

who said they didn't? the reason Lucifer fell is because he CHOSE to rebel. he is still in rebellion. When lucifer decided to try and exalt himself over his creator- he was kicked out of heaven. lucifer's lust for power, and his pride lead him to take the dominion of earth from Adam and Eve in the garden of eden. Now for him to repent and ask forgiveness, he'd have to relinquish his pride. he won't do that. he'd have to give up the power he holds here on earth, he won't do that either.
satan tried to tempt Jesus in Luke ch. 4 to keep from facing God's judgement. and there are lots of people praying right now, for war to end, abortion to end, the list is endless! as long as satan exercises as an independent and might I add, jealous spirit being what you suggest will not happen. I suggest you read Revelation.

2006-07-05 17:59:56 · answer #11 · answered by blkrose65 5 · 0 0

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