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K heres my story, I was born into a broken home. My moms freaks out, dad was a drinker, brother was very stubborn. Now half of them are dead. Dad died of drinking and everyone else in my family died, for whatever reason. Finally at the age of 15 it all hit me. It seems as if all the pain hit me at once. I quit talking to everyone. Noone knew why, but i was depressed. I began reading the bible and doing good deeds, for myself at least. Now I dropped that and im into music. I started smoking pot to ease my mind and honestly it helped, but now my brother knows and my mom. My mom doesnt care my brother hates it. He looks at me differently now. Now i have no friends at all. Its just me and mom. She gets mad alot she threw away half the dishes haha. So half the familys dead, i literally do not have one friend, its hard making them, im not exactly "cool" and everyone else is a nerd. My bros pissed, im failing school, moms depressed all the time. I dont know what to, get a job i guess. HELP!

2006-07-05 16:26:18 · 10 answers · asked by hot s 1 in Health Mental Health

10 answers

Don't blame it all on a broken home. Most people come from a broken home nowadays. Go see a counselour about your depression, and make better choices. Pot is only going to make things worse. You have to face reality and deal with it. It's up to you to make your life worthwhile.

2006-07-05 16:30:52 · answer #1 · answered by OkcRN 2 · 0 0

1. Stop smoking. I know TOO MANY people that have started using pot to escape, then suddenly they can't escape pot.
2. You do have a friend, your brother cares.
3. If you fail school, there is no shame in going again. These days people are having a hard time finding a job WITH a cllege degree, nevermind without a HS diploma
4. Your mother sounds like she's a very hurt woman. She must love you, but with all the trials she's had, it may have confised her priorities.
5. You reading the Bible is a search of purpose and comfort, you're looking for answers and nothing's wrong with that, everyone is.
6. You need to focus on YOU. Get a small job, get a diploma, grab hold of your dreams.
7. Realize you are a STRONG person for living this, and it the end it will make you stronger. God Bless...

2006-07-05 16:48:58 · answer #2 · answered by celiarosequill 2 · 0 0

You know you are depressed and thats the first step to getting better. There are a lot of steps but only you can do it for yourself. Break down the barriers that seperate you from your peers, you classify some as nerds and state that your not cool, but these are all barriers that just dehumanize everyone. Start something, something you enjoy, and FINISH it. You have tried so many things but are just bouncing around from one thing to another with no real goals in mind and without finishing what you started. If there is anybody positive in your life, extended family, old friend, teacher, anybody, talk to them, you need some positive energy and feedback in your life. Pot isn't the answer- it just makes you 4get about your problems but does not solve anything. Seek counseling. You can do this on your own and because of your age it can be kept confidential. It does not have to be through a center but can be through a local church or other organization. How you react and respond in these tough times will help form the kind of man you will be as you grow older. Trust in your faith but do not expect God to do things for you, he will give you the resources and people and opportunities but you have to make the decision to take these steps yourself. I can tell you that taking these steps will lead you on the right path, it worked for me at your age when I had similar problems and now I am passing what I know on to you. Perhaps someday when you are older you too can explain how you turned it all around to some confused teenager. Feel free to e-mail me if you would like further info on where to turn.

2006-07-05 17:00:10 · answer #3 · answered by blasted 3 · 0 0

1st: STOP SMOKIN POT that will help you concentrate more on your school work, smoking that stuff only makes it feel better, it doesn't make the situation better.
2nd: Yes get a job and you will find friends, belive me, and you will be away from the house so that will make you feel more relaxed.
3rd: Get your mom help, she needs it, (no offence)
So if you stop smoking your brother will respect you again, why not talk to him about how you feel and he can try to help, it sound like he really cares about you.
Do you want to end up friendless, pot head, jobless and unhealthy? well take my advice for your own safety please!
Good luck.

2006-07-05 16:37:39 · answer #4 · answered by tamilia4u 2 · 0 0

When you are ready, stop smoking pot. It may feel good, but self medicating is never, ever a good idea. This is coming from someone who smokes regularly and I'm all about choice when it comes to drugs so I'm not going to pile on some "just say no" crap on you. You're smarter than that. Smoking is an avoidance behavior. Avoiding crap is getting you nowhere.

Next, I'm glad to see you're into music. Having a creative outlet can be a great way to relieve stress. Have you thought of learning to play an instrument? Hell, just singing into a hair brush in your room can be an awesome way to blow off some stress.

Do not drop out of school and get a job. School is your job. Talk to your teachers about getting extra help. They should be able to direct you to some tutoring services that are offered in your school or in your school district. You don't have to get straight As or turn into some goody goody teacher's pet. You just have to get the homework done and pass the tests. Anything beyond that is really up to you.

You do not have to be "cool" to make friends. I'm a big geek and I have plenty of friends. Don't be too hard on the nerdy kids: I know from experience that they make the most fiercely loyal friends. My friends would give me the shirt of their backs if I needed it and I would do the same for them. If you can't rely on your family right now then you must rely on your friends. Have you tried joining a club or going to a youth center to meet people? Maybe you could exercise your love of music and join a band or a choir?

As for your brother being mad at you, let him be mad. The only one he is going to hurt in the end is himself for letting his prejudice get in the way of a fulfilling and needed family bond. He's probably mad at a lot of things right now too. You do have the same mum and you both lost your dad. You can't fix him or make him not mad at you. Just take care of yourself and let him come around in his own time.

Your mum is also going through a lot of stuff. She feels like her family is falling apart and she doesn't know what to do. She feels the situation is so hopeless that she might as well give up. You can't fix your mum. Just like your brother, she needs to come around in her own time.

You badly need an adult role model in your life right now. Is there a teacher, councilor, extended family member (aunts, uncles, etc.) or community leader you trust enough to confide in? If there is, drop by and talk with them for a few minutes. You don't have to have a 6 hour long soul baring conversation with them. Just talk about whatever is on your mind, even if it's just the weather or a TV show you saw. If it feels right to say something more then do it, if not then don't sweat it.

I went through a lot of crap when I was growing up too. Not the same crap, different crap but still CRAP. I also watched a lot of my friends go through similar and worse things to what you're going through right now. Almost all of them have turned into strong, healthy, independent adults because they took the time to do some of the things I suggested.

I'm not trying to make you do anything. You could ignore this message for all I care. You might think I'm talking about of my butt. The choice is yours to make and I hope whatever choice you make is what will benefit you the most.

2006-07-05 16:47:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

baby this breaks my heart, my parents are divorced when i was a baby and then dad got remarried and it was hell, i started cutting when i was 14 and went through some really tough times and as i got older and had babies, it came through that i was bipolar and needed to be on meds, so i got a great mental health doctor and was put on the right meds, started to go to an all woman group therapy and life is finally gettin okay and managable, so i wish you the best and feel free to contact me

2006-07-05 16:33:25 · answer #6 · answered by SUNSHINE 5 · 0 0

close your eyes, take a deep breath, and count to ten. Calm yourself down when you feel upset, so you can think logically about the situation. You have alot going on. Maybe you could start some counceling.

2006-07-05 16:36:16 · answer #7 · answered by Jenn 2 · 0 0

1. Stop smoking

2. Make your mind clear of any guilt or negative thinking.

3. Go to Church. Turn your heart to God

4. Take things one by one - try to improve academically...

2006-07-05 16:31:00 · answer #8 · answered by keyRun 2 · 0 0

i dont understand how everyone can b dead and then you go into saying that your mom and brother are pissed at you so if there all dead then how................................

2006-07-05 16:32:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow sounds like you have alot going on!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-05 16:30:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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