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2006-07-05 16:26:02 · 14 answers · asked by apakejadahnyaini 2 in Politics & Government Military

14 answers

It Is bringing them back.

One at a time

Each in their own box.

2006-07-05 16:52:45 · answer #1 · answered by sickofthelyes 1 · 0 2

Some of you people remind me so much of the hysterical drama queens of the vietnam era with their exagerations, lies, and deceptions.....your minds are so closed to the truth that you simply are immune to it...you can't see it. you accept every half baked conspiracy theory that anyone comes up with as long as it leads to the same conclusion...that Bush is an evil liar, and this war is immoral. Well you are right. You are surrounded by conspiracy, but it's not what you think. Try to get away from your shrill slogan chanting friends, your latest publication from the socialist workers party, and CNN, and try to think for yourselves. Just ask yourself if all these troops telling you about what they are accomplishing are lying. Think about whether you think George Bush would really sacrifice American lives for oil or some personal gain. That's a pretty serious charge, but where is the proof and what are the sources of the story. What ARE your sources? Why do you feel about this war the way you do? Can you honestly say it is your own opinion? The truth isn't always easy to find. Sometimes finding the truth is like searching for diamonds in a garbage dump. Especially if you knew the nature of who is behind the lies about this war. Though many, probably most of the radical left despise religion, they are the biggest evangelists around. Their methods are devious and deceptive and they spread their twisted perspective like a virus. I'm not speaking from my opinion...I am speaking from experience. All I ask is if I've given you any cause for doubting the position you've held on this war that you just consider what I've said and investigate unbiased sources. I'm not some politician and I have nothing personally to gain by any of you changing your minds. I only care about the truth, because I love this country and I hate what I see happening to it.

2006-07-05 20:13:24 · answer #2 · answered by RunningOnMT 5 · 0 0

When the job is done.
I'm so tired of people simply using body counts. It cheapens the life of the soldiers - and I knew some of them and will not stand by and let it happen. Then went over to make a difference and they DID that. The media is NOT telling us everything that happens.

One Guard unit - Foxtrot Battery -:
located and detonated 150 IEDs (those are the bombs that kill randomly)
11 Bronze Star medals
108 Army Commendation medals
26 Purple Hearts
Delivered over 100,000 gallons of water
built 1 school
refurbished 6 schools
built 6 water treatment plants
(Source - SSG Jason Adams - author of the book "Active Duty: Letters To Home From Iraq - he was THERE and in Foxtrot battery).

"I really don't care why Bush went into Iraq
I know what I did there and I'm dang sure proud of that..."
Luke Stricklin (from American By God's Amazing Grace)

In 2005 alone, USAID-supported emergency campaigns immunized 98 percent of Iraqi children between 1-5 years old (3.62 million) against measles, mumps, and rubella,
Also in 2005, USAID immunized 97 percent of Iraqi children under five (4.56 million) against polio.

In 2002 outside of Bagdad electric was limited to a couple hours daily. Currently, all 18 governorates receive nearly 14 hours of electricity daily, an incredible improvement for a country emerging from decades of conflict and little investment.
USAID efforts have added 1,400 megawatts (MW) of generating capacity to the national electrical grid, expanding access to 4.2 million Iraqis throughout most of Iraq.

Over 4 million Iraqis who had no clean drinking water in 2002 now have safe, potable water piped to their homes following USAID efforts to refurbish water treatment plants in 15 cities.

I know people over there now - they've taken food supporters send over to them and give to the poor in Iraq. They've collected items for the children - who don't have a voice - and many ordinary Iraqis have hope for the first time in their lives.
Over here we're so spoiled with having so much at the flip of a switch people make it about denying such things to others.

I pray they all come home safe and I know many won't and haven't. But don't cheapen their lives making them a statistic. They deserve better than that. And I'll take their word over a media outlet or someone sitting here on the sidelines criticizing.

2006-07-06 01:57:04 · answer #3 · answered by Jan H 5 · 0 0

No, and there will always be a station in Iraq, so there is no comming home. If something happens in the middle east it took us, Marines, 5 days to get there and set up camp. That could mean disaster. Five days is way to long, but since we are already over there, it would take a couple hours.

2006-07-05 17:02:02 · answer #4 · answered by jay 2 · 0 0

Here are the facts, we have lost 2500 + men and women in Iraq. In the same length of time they have been there,100 times that amount of Americans have been murdered in the US. Over 2000 military persons have died in accidents alone. Therefor they are actually safer in Iraq then in the good old US of A.

2006-07-05 18:26:57 · answer #5 · answered by JUNK MAN 3 · 0 0

No they should not if the job is not finished. If we brought the troops home tomorrow the terrorists would declare a victory. If they feel they scared us off then the terrorists would invade us and attack us here. It is heartbreaking that troops have died in this war but, chickening out would be a greater dishonor to their service. By not finishing the war we would, in effect, be saying those soldiers died for no reason. What happens if we leave and the terrorists think we have no backbone, they come and attack us here and your family is maimed or killed in the process. Will you still believe it was right to chicken out or would you rage against the government because they did nothing to stop it?

2006-07-05 16:41:18 · answer #6 · answered by Red 2 · 0 0

Yes they should. If you support our troops and love your country, you see the truth, and bringing home all of our people from Iraq will be a very good first step to heal the wounds of our nation.

2006-07-05 16:30:15 · answer #7 · answered by Michael R 4 · 0 0

Yes! They started a war over weapons of mass destruction that they never found! Its like asking a kid for his lunch money after lunch! And then beating him up when he won't give it to you. Korea actually has weapons that they are testing and launching. Hmmm what is wrong with this picture? Maybe the president that was never really elected in the first place.

2006-07-05 16:31:17 · answer #8 · answered by hodagwriter 3 · 0 0

Not until the job is finished - a few months now. Between 9-18 months & we will be home. The other choice is to have gone for nothing & lost 2,537 soldiers. In WWII we lost 45,000 Allied forces in a day, now we want no sacrifice unless for us.

2006-07-05 16:39:53 · answer #9 · answered by Wolfpacker 6 · 0 0

They should, but they won't. It's easier to invade Iran from where they are, and they already have 30000 troops on the N.Korean border(most heavily defended border in the world).

2006-07-05 16:31:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes....all of this death is not needed.....same goes for Iraq.....fighting leads to death.....and death should not be the answer to a problem.

2006-07-05 16:32:23 · answer #11 · answered by evildunsparce@verizon.net 1 · 0 0

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