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I continually see answers that say"they do the jobs Americans wont do"......

Let's see,I've worked as a Janitor,Housekeeping so Im no stranger to cleaning Toilets.....Ive worked for a sign company digging ditches in AZ,I've spent a few summers working on a farm.....

Thats just naming a few jobs at min. wage.

I tried getting into construction(really good pay there)But I wasn't skilled enough or I didn't KNOW the right person....

Since I'm an American and Caucasion,these must not be the types of jobs people are talking about.

So Please tell me which jobs Americans won't do........

I am very interested in finding out what they are........

2006-07-05 16:20:07 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Pancha:I would do any job I had to, to put food on my table and keep a roof over my head...

2006-07-05 16:30:36 · update #1

Guess I should add...Min. wage in my state is $5.15hr

2006-07-05 16:33:44 · update #2

28 answers

There are NO jobs Americans won't do. We have teenagers who want to work in fast food, or waitressing, or chambermaiding or canneries, or mowing lawns, or cleaning houses, etc. while they are in school. We have moms who want to do these jobs during the hours that their kids are in school. We have young teenage and early 20s men who will do the construction labour, warehouse work, janitorial work, farm labour, etc. to help put themselves through college and during high school. Granted, most of these jobs are not something an American wants to still be doing after they have been in the workforce for 10 years or more, or after they have achieved their post secondary education, but there are lots of Americans who will do these jobs. Even lots of retired folks like to do some of these jobs to supplement their meager pensions; Walmart greeter, childcare giver, etc. Only catch is, they want to be paid at least minimum wage, which is the law for legal Americans working. And, when legal Americans work, they have to pay all the income taxes and deductions that come off their paycheques, so they cannot afford to do these jobs for less than minimum wage. Illegals, on the other hand, don't have these deductions and so they are able to do the jobs for less than minimum wage. Don't listen to those who say, "But, illegal immigrants DO pay income taxes!" No, most of them do NOT and the employers hire them because of that - they don't bother to even show them on the payrolls, as they pay them cash and so it is a huge savings to the employers. An American who applies for the same job that an illegal applies for will usually not get hired because that unscrupulous employer sees $ signs in his eyes and will hire the much cheaper illegal immigrant. As well, that employer sure doesn't pass on the savings to the consumers - no way! He pockets those savings and laughs all the way to the bank!

Another myth is that these jobs will be outsourced to other countries - a lot of these jobs CANNOT be outsourced! How do you "outsource" fast food jobs, waitressing, chambermaiding, mowing lawns, construction, agriculture, etc.? You can't! You can outsource computer tech jobs and so of course that brings down the pay rate of many of those types of jobs, but the bulk of the work cannot be outsourced to other countries. You can outsource sweat shops such as sewing and putting together goods and packaging them up, but that's no big deal. You can outsource manufacturing, as well. However, it is up to those countries who take those outsourced jobs to force the companies and employers to pay living wages to the people who do this work. Again, it is businesses and employers who are taking advantage of people for the sake of killer profits. Unions should be stepping up their work and helping to force these employers to pay decent wages in the outsource countries, too.

There are NO jobs Americans won't do! This is a myth perpetuated by illegal immigrants, their huggers, and the greedy companies.

2006-07-05 16:48:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Some American's won't do certain jobs. The way I see it, if it puts food on the table, I'm not above it. I've cleaned toilets before while listening to an Indian behind me laughing with his wife and speaking a language that I couldn't understand. Probably saying stupid American; she gets an average of $4.36 an hour after taxes and we earn more on one hotel room than she earns in a whole day. Upon coming home, I would work in chickenhouses picking up the dead and feeding 1400 chickens in each house; temps in the upper 90s and the smell of ammonia about to choke you out. Now, I attend nursing school hoping and praying to make a better life for myself. So, when I graduate I can make less $ than a man and an African-American woman. When I seen that hispanics were actually below me on the income list, I was so happy..........Some American's won't do a certain job, but many will. Those that won't need to be thankful that they have the choice to choose!

2006-07-05 16:46:42 · answer #2 · answered by cking1114 2 · 0 0

It depends on the individual and what he/she think is necessary to keep a roof over their head, clothes on their back, feed their family, but, they really don't want their friends and family members to know. The people who are saying they won't do certain jobs are the very ones who think they are above cleaning, cooking, washing, etc. for other people and they probably have good paying jobs. But, if they had to, they would do just about any job that pays in order to survive daily. Look at what happened when Hurricane Katrina devasted the Gulf Coast. Prior to the storm most of those people who had good paying jobs found themselves looking for work and doing the jobs they said they would never do. There is not such things as "jobs Americans won't do" and I say that because if a person lost their entire livelyhood, they would do whatever it took to maintain a living even if it's not the best, it's still a job that pays. The American Social Standard of Living has blinded a lot of people about what jobs are worthwhile and that is one of the reasons some of us think we are above cleaning, cooking, digging ditches, etc. Remember, it's better to make a dollar the honest way a day at a time than to make millions and loose it all in one day.This one is to humor you, the people who say they won't work as a mechanic, as soon as their car break down, the first thing they do is go to an automotive store to buy a book to learn how to fix their car. The people who say they won't paint, the first thing they do is go to the paint store...they don't realize they are trying to do a job that they said they would never do.....SMILE

2006-07-05 16:52:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are no jobs Americans won't do.

"Of 473 job categories studied by the Center for Immigration Studies for the year 2004, only four – plasters and stucco masons, dressmakers and sewers, agricultural graders and sorters, and miscellaneous personal appearance workers – had a majority of immigrant workers, and only 23 out of 473 job categories (less than 5 percent) had 33 percent or more. More to the point, every single kind of work done by illegal aliens in this country is also performed by Americans.

One of the reasons some jobs are increasingly being taken over by illegals is because they will accept jobs for lower pay. When a construction worker loses a $15 an hour job to an illegal worker who will do it for $8.50, that is not an example of a poor work ethic by Americans."

2006-07-05 17:32:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The statement "illegals will do the job that Americans wont do" is just the stupidest thing i have heard in my life! its saying that illegals will do the dirtiest jobs ever created! Also it is saying that Americans are "the upper class" and will never be maids,janitors,farmers, and other jobs that are "dirty". That is wrong! it doesnt matter what the job is. A job is a job and if an American has to bring their family forward they will try their best to get a job. So it doesnt matter if thier job is at min. wage it is what they need to bring their family forward. Thank you for letting me get this all out.

2006-07-05 16:34:51 · answer #5 · answered by azteka_boy8 2 · 0 0

Many Amercans will not do the jobs you listed on a long term basis for the pay you specified. Many foreign nationals will perfom these jobs on a long term basis for the lower pay grade.

A direct example: There is a sod farm not far from here that employs documented workers (primarily from Mexico and South America) for $8/hr. In the past seven years there has only been one US citizen who returned to work. Most quit before the season is complete. It is HARD work for comparatively little pay.

People "could" do many things. Many Americans aren't rushing to fill these jobs for the wages that are paid.

2006-07-05 16:29:07 · answer #6 · answered by bigtony615 4 · 0 0

Dr Evil is so in the right on this. Bush saying that they do the jobs we americans will not do is a nice way of saying, "hey there coming to take your jobs and I am not going to do anything about it." I cant believe that just because the president tells us something stupid like that, everyone automatically believes it. The employers are getting rich, and we are losing jobs. Its bad enough that business are shipped overseas everyday and thousands of americans are losing there jobs , but we should not have to fight with a bunch of illegal's coming over making dirty employers rich, and stealing our jobs. Wake up America. Think for yourself. Do not let the government and media think for you.

2006-07-05 16:41:02 · answer #7 · answered by dan67448 1 · 0 0

We americans now and days are so lazy. All we want is those high class jobs and fame. So then we just stay at home and dream about it. Americans used to do any job they were givin because they wanted the money and dont care what it was. But now we think we are so rich and powerful we dont need to do those jobs and we should do high class jobs. We are so lazy that we are just sitting on the coach watching tv and dreaming about our jobs, some live with their parents still.
Immigrants are now workin in those jobs because americans arnt doing them.

2006-07-05 16:29:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well then you are very rare because I work in a hotel and I have seen many housekeepers pass by here and you know which ones are the ones that stay longer? The hispanic ones. this one caucasian lady applied and she was hired, and you know how long she stayed here cleaning rooms? 2 hours and walked out. and they pay a dollar more from minimum wage.

2006-07-05 17:39:21 · answer #9 · answered by dianafedez 3 · 0 0

Thanks for bringing this up. I admire you because you worked these jobs and paid taxes, like a true American citizen. That puts you miles above the illegal immigrant thieves who "do jobs Americans won't do" and pay no income taxes, yet suck off our medical care system. Bravo to you. I am sick of those lame people saying illegals do jobs Americans won't do. Where does this information come from? Can it be backed up with factual data? No!!

2006-07-05 16:27:54 · answer #10 · answered by x 5 · 0 0

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