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Your soul mate is the "other you". This will be the one you spend the rest of your life loving, and getting to know. You will still argue and fight, but you will also complete each others sentences and instinctively understand the others feelings. This is the person you look for all your life, and no matter when you find them, they are always worth the wait.

2006-07-06 01:02:30 · answer #1 · answered by TLynn 1 · 157 28

First of all, I'll say what a soul mate is not. A soul mate is not your other half. They do not "complete" you. Nobody can complete you except YOU. You are a whole person all by yourself. The equation 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 does not work when it comes to relationships.

Put simply, a soul mate is that person who makes the equation

1 + 1 > 2

a reality. Together, you become more than you could have alone and you are able to achieve more as a couple than both of you could have done by yourselves.

This happens because you see the world in a very similar light. You are able to communicate your innermost feelings with no effort whatsoever. You are on the same emotional frequency and wavelength. You know deep down in your soul that your love will remain no matter what challenges present themselves. Time apart is irrelevant.

I always feel sorry for those who do not believe such a relationship is possible, but I understand because I once felt the same way. Even though I have been lucky enough to have found my soul mate again (separated for 25 years), I sometimes can hardly believe the power and intensity of such a love and what it can accomplish.

2006-07-06 07:05:31 · answer #2 · answered by lunatic 7 · 12 4

I think every individual has many potential "soul-mates".
What is a soul-mate? Some say that it is a person who fits you like pieces of a puzze fit together, others say that it is someone you spent a previous life with, some say it is a person who is exactly like you, while others say that it is someone who is different from and complimentary to you. There might be some validity in all of these.
To me a soul-mate is the person you feel a deep sense of calm and comfort with, not the person you would die for but rather someone you are willing to live for. A soul-mate is a person who helps you feel complete and also helps you understand your own weaknesses and incompleteness.
I say a person has many soul-mates in their lives because at different times in our lives we have different needs. So a soul-mate could be that friend you have had since sixth grade, who no matter how far away from each other you get, and how far your lives diverge you still maintain a friendship.
A soul-mate who is also a lover is the best possible thing. It can help create a strong marriage and long-lasting friendship within that marriage. By the same token any relationship always has its issues and problems and an argument with a soul-mate can be more bitter and heartfelt than an argument with just a lover. Because soul-mates often compliment each other, there can be basic differences in personalities, such as one person being extremly extroverted while another is extremely introverted. This can be the cause of many problems, of course, the willingness to work through the problems can be an indicator that you really have your soul-mate.
I think you know you have found a soul-mate when you feel a deep sense of rightness, calmness, happiness, contentedness, and completeness when you are around that other person.

2006-07-06 06:55:13 · answer #3 · answered by Blah Blah Blah 3 · 2 2

A soul mate comes from the idea that our souls collectively are one soul... the idea being that your soul mate was your pre-designed partner, like the two halves in the broken heart necklace that fit together perfectly.

People say that "opposites attract", which is true to a point, but your soul mate will not be a complete opposite of you. A soul mate should be just like you at the core. The opposite stuff should be superficial.

In astrology, a soul mate often has many of the planets in the same signs, but then has an ascendant opposite yours, so that all the house placements and the personality are "opposite".

The soul mate feels like a best friend, much more than a protector "knight in shining armor" or anything written about in romance novels. Your soul mate will "get" and appreciate you for who you are... and all that you can become.

You will know you have found yours when you realize that you are at your best with that person... that no other person, real or imagined, would "fit" with you as well.

2006-07-06 00:39:20 · answer #4 · answered by juniemoon 3 · 2 2

First, we need to define a "soul". Everyone has a unique soul; it's what makes you an individual. Even identical twins raised in the same house have different personalities because a soul is a spiritual fingerprint; like snowflaskes, no two are alike.

Now, what is a "mate"? That seems more obvuious; even a shoe has a mate! But what is the mate of a shoe? Something that is the same, right? Well, yes, they are both pumps or flip-flops or whatever... but aren't they opposite as much as they are alike? After all, one is right and one is left! If you had two left shoes, even the same size and style, they would not be mates.

So it's not just a matter of being alike or opposite-- it's a matter of being complimentary. Vanilla and chocolate... mustard and ketchup... why do these things match up so well? Because they are both alike and different. Take peanut butter and jelly, both things you spread on bread. The salt balances the sweet, the crunch balances the smooth. Too much of either, and you can't swallow it. The Chinese call it yin and yang-- you need two opposing forces that still fit together.

The image I always use when people ask why opposites attract is the anchor and sail. Without the anchor, the boat drifts aimlessly. Without the sail, it can never find new waters. You need both.

So back to souls. If you have a peanut-butter soul, you need to find someone with a jelly soul! If you are an anchor, you should look for a sail.

Your soul's mate is your other shoe-- alike and different in the right ways. Antoine de St. Exupery-- he wrote "The Little Prince"-- said that love lies not in looking at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.

And if you can find your other shoe, you'll know because you'll be walking in the same direction, together.

You didn't ask how to find your soul mate, but he'll show up when you do what you love to do... and he'll be right there doing it, too! So don't look for him-- try to find yourSELF first.

2006-07-05 18:08:26 · answer #5 · answered by hiredpencil 2 · 9 0

A soul mate is someone that you can begin and end a conversation with even if you haven't seen them for hours, days, months years, and you both know exactly what is going to be said. A soul mate is not necessarily your love interest or you may not even be intimate with them.

You'll know if you have found your soul mate when you realize that you can finish each others sentences, say the same thing at the same exact time, pick up the telephone before it even rings and know that they are on the other end. It isn't a coincidence, it is a connection, not just once in a while put the majority of the time.

2006-07-06 15:31:59 · answer #6 · answered by acesangel60 1 · 1 0

A soul mate is simply a person that you share your life with. A soul mate really is a spouse. It is someone who is your best friend and basically is the most intimate person in your life in every way. It is unfortunate that society has diminished marriage and devalued selfless love to the point that people are left looking for something that they are not even sure is real. This is not to say anything bad about the person who asked the question.

As far as how you will know, you just kinda do(which is not what you want to hear). So some more practical things can be asking trusted friends or relatives, be careful with this though it is ultimately your decision,prayer, and the best one spend lots of time together. Ask yourself this question when you are not with this person is the thing that you most want to do is be with this person? The best thing you can do in the search for your soul mate is be the kind of person that someone else would want as a soul mate.

2006-07-06 12:40:51 · answer #7 · answered by J J 1 · 0 2

A soul mate is someone who has a deep inner connection with you from deep within your core, you know that you are connected to them by the tug you feel - you may both have the same thought even thousands of miles away and suddenly call each other at the same time even though it was not planned. When together, you know what the other is thinking without needing to talk. You feel as if life is worth a great deal more simply because they are around. If they hurt you know, if they feel joy you know that too. It is a bond that goes much deeper than physical, and indeed does not necessarily mean that you are sexually connected (although a lot of people use the term to mean the one they are in love with). In fact, your soul mate could be the same or the opposite gender, a family member, a lover, a cherished friend, someone with whom you are totally platonic with, anyone! You also can have more than one that you are a soul mate with. I have more than one. My daughter is one of my soul mates - we have been connected telepathically (spiritually to some people) since she was born, I think since before actually. We have never had the time period where mother and daughter do not get along and we spontaneously have a feeling to call the other one, and one is calling on the cell while the other is ringing the land line or hitting the 2-way. She is now almost 27, and the feelings have grown stronger each year. We have the same ideas, thoughts - simultaneously, it is awesome to have someone who understands you that totally (we do differ with some things but they don't matter at all, it makes us unique).. I also have two friends to whom I am connected almost as strongly as my daughter, and if there is a problem, we know the other one is in need. My daughter and I have that as well - if there is any problem we are calling before the other even gets a chance to say "I need help". If you have a soul mate, you will know that you have found him or her, as your entire being will feel totally different when you are together or talking with them or even thinking about them. It is not a sexual thing - don't get that confused with being "in love". It is much more powerful than that, and they also will know as it is not a one way relationship but mutually connected, and it is the most awesome kind of relationship there is..

2006-07-06 12:24:24 · answer #8 · answered by still learning at 56 5 · 1 0

I don't think that there is any real definition to a soul mate. I think it is different for each person. Like the characteristics are what you want most in a person, someone you feel completely comfortable with. To know when you've found one, well, that's different all together. Because it depends on your state of mind at the time when you meet this individual. But if it were truly meant to be, it will be, and you will be all the happier for it. One thing to remember is that even if you find your soul mate, perfection is only something you can dream about. No one can truly achieve that so don't be too disappointed if you argue sometimes or have some stupid disagreements. It's bound to happen.

2006-07-06 04:55:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

These questions always irritate me on some level, because the definition of a "soul mate" has been skewed by romance novels and girly movies. Every person reincarnates in the same general time with a group of souls called their "soul mates." These souls could be any person in your life that greatly touch you in some way - mom, dad, dog, bestfriend, etc. They can also be a boyfriend.

Nowadays, when a person talks about a "soulmate," they're really talking about a "True Flame," the other half of their soul (every soul is a half, because it splits at creation). Your soul naturally seeks out this other soul during its multiple lives. Only when both of you are ready to recombine will this soul show up AND stick around. I'm not saying that these two souls will always stick together as soon as they find each other. Sometimes one soul is not ready and the two must part again.

So, you can have multiple soul mates, multiple partners you truly connect with, but only ONE True Flame. Doesn't that make finding your Soul Mate sound so much easier?

2006-07-06 02:26:58 · answer #10 · answered by MR. Tumnus 3 · 2 0

When two people not only love, but also care enough about each other to form and promote a strong bond breakable by nothing less than betrayal or death, and fail to do either for the remainder of their lives, they may be considered soul mates. Soul mates are formed over time, not found.
Not just anyone can become your soul mate; it is not like finding a needle in a haystack. You could fall in love with someone in your small town and the two of you could have a happy marriage lasting many decades, or you could move to a city far away and do the same with someone else. You will find some traits highly desirable and others less so in your search for a mate, and so you will have a limited range of flexibility in your willingness to accommodate different personality types as they may of yours, narrowing-down the range of the human population in which you might just find that pretty much perfect someone. If you expect to find your soul mate right off the bat, you never will, but that doesn't mean you can't- just don't expect to.

2006-07-05 22:36:20 · answer #11 · answered by Echinopanax 2 · 1 0

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