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Just in the last ten minutes, I've seen bestiality becoming legal as an argument against gay marriage three times. What gives?

2006-07-05 15:38:05 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

47 answers

true story, man wanted to marry his snake in india, im not joking its on tv last week

all i can say is, man wanted to marry his snake

now we obvoiusly aren't going to allow this,

i think the great compromise is civil union like they got in vermont

but will anyone listen to ol jim darwin, nope

2006-07-05 15:43:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 8

Well, Ms. Rage
I would like to say that as much you hate to see homosexuality and bestiality lumped together, many people, including me, do not like to accept gay marriage to be in the same category with the marriage between heterosexual man and woman.

It is this fear, that if we let this to happen, we open the door to other arguments that we are not willing to let in.

We need to draw a line that keeps us in a safer side. We can let them to do "their" thing, but to let them to be treated as married couple, I am afraid that we are opening the can of worms. And worms do not stop coming!

But we have also a lot of marriages between a man and a woman, that are not that healthy. Almost all licences expire and you need to do what you have to do to keep it valid. But this marriage certificate just stays and stays valid, even when people are not treating each other like married couple should treat. And terminating that license can be very costly. So at least gay people do not have that trouble now, and that goes for also all the people who are living together but not married to each other. Living together without the marriage was a big no no...look what has happened to that.

No matter what I feel toward gay marriage, I still think it is low to put it in the same category with bestiality...but remember, this is the cyber space and this is an open discussion column...somebody's opinion does not make things true. And sometimes things are not like they seem.

2006-07-05 16:33:30 · answer #2 · answered by SeeTheLight 7 · 0 0

Hey how can people say that everyone should stay out of homosexuals bedroom but then want to go snooping around in other peoples barns? What makes you better than the guy that wants to pleasure his sheep or the woman that really likes her dog? It must be all you humanist who think your better than the animals. That's not racist its speciesist. And it just as bad. How dare you discriminate against animals. They are capable of love also. Besides, if a woman and her dog love each other how does it hurt you? We better start teaching kids the true meaning of loving their animals now so that all you bigots will not have power over these beautiful creatures. 4H will never be the same.

Well those are some of the same arguments anyway. So once one perversion becomes acceptable the next is just a decade or two away.

2006-07-05 16:01:38 · answer #3 · answered by unicorn 4 · 0 0

The Lord created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Fluffy!

(Please forgive me - the Devil made me write that sentence!)

The logic behind the terminology 'straw man' is that a person who cannot possibly attack his opponent (because his opponent's argument is too strong) creates an 'easier opponent' to attack made out of straw: it looks like the opponent, but is only straw so can be attacked easily.

People who dislike homosexuality realise that their arguments against homosexuality are weak and cannot successfully be used to win an argument. So they link homosexuality to bestiality because it's easier to attack bestiality - and they hope that (somehow) this will damage the pro-gay-rights argument... It's ridiculous - and furthermore, tasteless. But that's the style in which they work.

"Try this one: Christianity must be banned. Some spiritual practices carry out virgin sacrifices, and if we allow the Christians they're religion, soon enough the virgin-sacrificers will be demanding their rights too and one day in the future a good atheists will not be able to live their lives without religion. It's a 'slippery slope'. We need to protect the sanctity of atheism at all costs!"

Nonsense? Of course. But if there were no nonsense in the world, you and I would have to go back to using the internet to do things like read newspapers and download MP3s... :(

2006-07-05 20:39:27 · answer #4 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 0

Mostly because people are nuts. I'm sorry, but being gay is not the same as having sex with animals. And I'M STRAIGHT! Geez, why is everyone so afraid of what everyone else is doing in the bedroom - if half of you knew the freaky stuff your STRAIGHT friends were doing, you'd have a problem with that too! So what are you gonna do - bring back all the laws about only being able to have sex in the missionary position? Oh wait, I think some of those laws still exist in some states - insane. Plus, a lot of you who have a problem with homosexuality, are out cheating on people who you are supposed to love and be faithful to. You are consciously deciding to hurt someone you love. You are making a conscious decision to rip the person's heart out and cut it into little pieces. Yet you want to be mad at someone else for loving another person, just because they happen to be of the same sex? That's just plain dumb.

2006-07-05 15:47:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It isn't acceptable. The argument that comes from people is that gay marriage opens the door for a person marrying their pet, and other such things. What they don't seem to realize, is that an animal cannot consent, and therefore such a thing could never occur.

The two are very different, and should be considered as such. Homosexuality is between consenting humans. Bestiality isn't with a human and with an animal that cannot consent, therefore, technically, it could be considered rape.

2006-07-05 15:43:31 · answer #6 · answered by TalkingIsASport 2 · 0 0

It is, of course, a ridiculous argument and the two are not comparable at all. That doesn't stop people from using it as an argument. People who are desperate to make a point are very seldom hindered by logic or clear thinking.


By the way, to those who would use the "slippery slope" argument, consider that it could also be taken in the other direction. If you limit marriage to being between a man and a woman, what's to stop you from limiting marriage to being between two people of the same race, or from the same country, or of the same socio-economic status? The "slippery slope" argument is pretty silly on both sides. (Thanks to Jon Stewart for pointing this out on the Daily Show.)

2006-07-05 15:41:10 · answer #7 · answered by mathsmart 4 · 0 0

The people who put homosexuality and bestiality into the same category are ignorant. They think that's a good argument against homosexuality, but in reality it only shows their ignorance. Just ignore them, they aren't worth spending your time worrying over.

2006-07-05 15:48:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, there are millions of homophobes in our country. If you are gay, you know that. And most of them are right wing, conservative, and/or rednecks who don't think or talk things through well enough to understand that someone is gay, not be choice, but by God's design.
And, since they see homosexuality as an abomination, they lump it together with perversions like bestiality. It's just their ignorance showing through. Ignore and move on.
And stay away from sheep.

2006-07-05 15:44:32 · answer #9 · answered by patricklee 2 · 0 0

Pandering to the "fear of the unknown" factor of those less educated, more zealous or just plain hateful.

How is it acceptable? Well it's *not* really acceptable and is quite idiotic at best. But just look at our social standards and it comes as no surprise that people will look for the easy answer rather than doing some serious soul-searching when thinking of such issues. It's easier to condemn and judge than it is to come to the understanding that *gasp* homosexuality exists, always has existed and won't "go away forever" despite the threat of fire and brimstone.

2006-07-05 16:55:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it is absolutely silly. Maybe I have too much faith in my fellow humans but I hardly think people are going to be lining up to marry the family pet if gay people are allowed to marry. Of course the comparison is very insulting to homosexual people. Makes me wonder about the Christian mind, for such sexual purists they seem very dirty minded.

There is also a guy on here that everytime someone askes a question related to nonbelief states just look at the prison population, implying that nonbelievers make up the bulk of our criminal element. This is also ridiculous there are surveys out their on belief in prison and almost all incarcerated people in the US are either Protestant or Catholic. So although they may not be following the belief systems teachings they do believe in God. I know that is off topic but it the tendency to throw out wild, inaccurate justifications for their beliefs is annoying.

2006-07-05 15:48:57 · answer #11 · answered by Zen Pirate 6 · 0 0

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