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I have heard that many people who agree with abortion say that since they don't know whether that which is inside a mother;s womb is human or not, abortion is acceptable. My question: Why, if one doesn't know whether the fetus is a human or not, would one take the chance of killing a person?

2006-07-05 15:35:49 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

35 answers

Talk about a touchy (& popular) subject. It's a very good question, kinda like "If you were out hunting & saw something that might be a deer, but could also be another hunter, would you take the shot?" Answer, no, I wouldn't, & I would think most others wouldn't either. Here's another one, why does the goverment have the right to tell you wether it's your right or not? I don't really agree with abortion, but I also think it should be a personal choice, to a point. I think the gov't has their hands in our personal lives a bit too much. Take seatbelts, for instance, even though I would wear one no matter what, I'm told that by law I have to to save my life. Souldn't my life be my choice? Or how about this, did you all know it's against the law to attempt to commit suicide? If I'm upset enough to try aren't there bigger things to worry about than wether I broke a law?!? Ok, sorry, wild tangent there, but when it comes right down to it I personally feel that if a organism has human DNA, doesn't that make it human? If the fetus' DNA were checked for ID it would come up as human so to me that makes the fetus a person.

2006-07-05 15:48:46 · answer #1 · answered by Daddy 2 · 15 5

This is a lame reason to have an abortion- if the fetus is not human ( when its' conceived by two humans !!! ) , then what is it ?! An alien? An animal ?
Now seriously, some people claim that having an early abortion, when sonograms cannot pick the baby's pulse,is fine, since the fetus is not yet considered " alive ". I can discuss this with you for hours ( i'm a sociologist and we study those social things in college ) but i dont thing we have the time here :)

Anyway, if you are considering having an abortion ( i'm not sure about that,its not clear from ur message ), you dont need those stupid reasons, because usually life itself gives you plenty of real reasons to make you decide on an abortion. It's your life, your body, your future and your responsibility. Nobody has the right to judge you.

This comes from a woman who is trying to conceive.
Good luck !

2006-07-05 16:03:22 · answer #2 · answered by meg 3 · 0 0

For years now i have had to live with the fact that I have had an abortion. I knew then what i know now, that the baby inside was a living soal and would end up in heaven. Thats what I believe.
I was in an abusive realationship and had one child age 2. I knew that she would never be loved as much as the one I was carring. I never what this for my daughter Sam, who by the way is now 13.
I knew if I left he would find me. I even went as far as to fake my period so that i could move with ease. This did not work.
I made the choice to end the pregancy. When I got there their were people with signs and people shoting that I was killing a baby. That only made it harder. i could feel them remove the baby and cried through the whole thing. I knew I was doing somthing I was against.
For the longest time I beleived that I did not have the right to ever have another child. I was depressed and even tried to kill myself weeks after.
I geuss what I am tring to say is that It is know ones right to judge a thing like this. This is something one must judge themselfs and hopefully have much support and love from others no matter what the choice was.
I wish you the best of luck and hope that your are at peace with what ever dession you have made.
God bless

P.S. I know have not only my 13 year old but am married to the most wonderfull man I know and I have a 3 year old boy and also am trying for my last. I have forgiven myself.

2006-07-05 16:06:31 · answer #3 · answered by ikis&tel 2 · 0 0

Your mind is already made up so I wont plan on being in running for "Best Answer" Pro Choice people do not talk about what the fetus/embryo is human alive etc. This is A very touchy area and not even the issue. Its the Pro Life people that put the "murder" spin on this. all the Pro Choice people want is for women to have " a choice"! Its a VERY tough choice and I know person who have made that choice it isn't easy and it follows them throughout their lives. but it was "their" choice not some Judge unrelated to any party. Pro Choice people never say its easy and the whole what is life issue is not what they are talking about. Abortion will exist regardless if they ar legal or not. Should we return to the back alley coat hanger abortion days!? Its about choice a VERY tough one that will follow that person forever. However its still a choice all Pro Choice has EVER asked is to allow "The Choice"

2006-07-05 15:44:23 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

so let me ask you this there is a woman who is on drugs and pregnant she doesn't want the baby but has it cause it is illegal. she does not give the baby up for adoption. she leaves her 2 year old at home so she can get a "fix" and the baby dies due to neglagence. all of that could have been avoided if she could have gotten her abortion.. so instead of hurting an unborn fetus... which studies show have no feeling before the 12th week... we now have the death of an alive child that can breath and cry and feel... it could have all been avoided. it is an individuals decision and wether you want to believe it or not a lot of women should not be having children but they still have sex and you cannot be there to make sure all the women and girls are not having sex.

2006-07-05 16:04:33 · answer #5 · answered by stefani 2 · 0 0

Perhaps, in their mind, they see the fetus not as a living being.
It is just a group of cells that "could" form into a baby if allowed to continue to grow and develope. So, therefore, destroying what could be is not killing. This is also why abortion is probably only legal during the first few months of pregnacy in most states.

2006-07-05 15:46:25 · answer #6 · answered by Hestia 4 · 0 0

I am against abortion in most cases, but would you offer an appology to someone in this sircumstance. A woman wants an abortion, her doctor agrees, you and the government prohibit it. She has a baby who is chronically ill because of the mother's drug use and is abused for a year and a half before the mother accidently kills her hild in a drunken stupor. Is it your fault for that child's pain. Are you really willing to step in between a medical and personal decision and risk a life. I think abortion is wrong 99 percent of the time, but who am I to say or to make a law to say.

2006-07-05 15:42:23 · answer #7 · answered by me 4 · 0 0

The entire question of abortion concerns no one but for the woman who is pregnant. It should have never become a political issue, because the entire debate over abortion stemmed from religious beliefs. The separation of church and state should apply and this should be the end of the debate. My philosophy is simple: If you do not believe in abortion, don't have one. However, you have no right to impose your religious beliefs on even so much as one person in America.

2006-07-05 15:41:40 · answer #8 · answered by thebushman 4 · 0 0

Some believe that it is a human at conception and others do not, they go on the biological development of the fetus. Leave religious reasons out and everyone is better off. If you believe that it is religiously wrong for you than don't do it and give others the right to choose for themselves based on their beliefs--called freedom of religion.

2006-07-05 15:44:36 · answer #9 · answered by phaz7 2 · 0 0

Re: tatmomx7

Abortion advocates call an unborn baby "a blob of tissue", and not a human. They neglect to explain their position on when this "blob of tissue" magically turns into a human baby.

So in answer to the question, the pregant mother would have to be in denial, lack simple problem solving skills, or just not care.

2006-07-05 15:47:03 · answer #10 · answered by AlwaysRight 2 · 0 0

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