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anyone agree on this? that all these goody-two shoes that believe ur bad if u do anything 'ungodly' and are judgemental of anyone not christian, are giving christians a bad name. It's people like this that make it hard to be a christian in middle school/ highschool and still try to fit in with the 'punk scene'. I wish people could see that if your Goth and you do a few bad things, you can still be christian, and that just cuz ur christian doesn't mean ur a goody-two shoes. anyone out there agree with me?

2006-07-05 15:32:58 · 39 answers · asked by libbykins202 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

I think being a Christian doesn't mean being perfect that is impossible it means trying your best to be like Jesus and follow in his shoes. Sure you are going to screw up. We all do. But do I think you should intentionally do wrong? No. I also don't think the way you dress or the way you wear your makeup has anything to do with it. After all, I am a Sunday school teacher with her nose and tongue pierced. Anyone who judges you for your sins is sinning in the process. So I say let the Holy Bible your guide. God will lay it on your heart if you are doing wrong.

2006-07-05 15:38:48 · answer #1 · answered by vanembryzoe 2 · 3 1

I'm pretty sure you think we Christians are judging you huh? Well they aren't giving Christians a bad name the more the better. And since Christianity is the most popular religion more people are born a Christian so your really just mad because some Christians say that being gay is a sin it is yeah but I don't care. You see your giving us the bad name by saying others give Christians a bad name! You don't know what Christians do! Read the Holy Bible!

2006-07-05 21:19:32 · answer #2 · answered by Da Great 1 6 · 0 0

I think in younger people trouble just kinda happens due to bad judgement, not like your trying to be unchrist like or anything. Christians give themselves a bad name by being so judgemental of others and so hypocritical. Being a christian isn't about always being perfect all the time. Trust me christians in general are far from perfect and should worry about themselves and the world would be a better place. I say believe in God and try to be a good person to yourself and to others and you'll have a good life.

2006-07-05 15:40:38 · answer #3 · answered by bones54 3 · 0 0

You cannot sreve two masters is what the Bible states. For you will hate the one and cleave to the other. You can't be a true Christian and ride the fence. Choose this day whom ye shall serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. That's still in the Bible. This does not make a Christian a goody two shoes. If you're in a war, which we are {spiritually speaking} you must make it unquestionably clear who's side you're on. Read your Bible and then take it up with God. As a witness for God, I'm just in sales, He's in management.

2006-07-05 15:49:30 · answer #4 · answered by loviesteele 2 · 0 0

Being a Christian doesn't make anyone perfect it just makes them forgiven. Those who judge will be judged by the Almighty. God is the only one with the right to judge. And I do agree with you to a point. If you are just going out to try to get into trouble than that is wrong thru the eyes of God but if ya just screw up but not on purpose than hey we all do.... Ask God for forgiveness and move on. Just try not to do it again. Being a Christian means we are trying to be more like Christ which today is a rarity but that is the way it was intended to be.

2006-07-05 15:43:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree with you totally. Sounds to me like you feel you are a real Christian, and you also know you screw up sometimes. You are perfectly normal. You don't judge others, from what I get from your question, but others judge you. Try to keep in mind that those that are judging you aren't as intelligent as you are, so you have to give them a break, don't hate them, but try to not conflict with them either. They have closed minds, so there is no point. When they've lived some life, as obviously you have, then they'll think back and be sorry they treated you the way they did. Trust me on this. Ron Couch

2006-07-05 15:40:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, there is a problem with that. people (in general) read a book by it's cover without getting to know if you are Christian or goth. sadly in high school you are even labled by the crowd you are with. these are not just Christians judging, everyone judges, I bet if you are really honest you will see that you do the same thing. it's human nature.
for example: you see an old man dressed in rags, sitting under a bridge, instead of going up to talk to him, aren't you likely to assume that he is homeless? or poor? ..you just judged him without talking to him! what if he is just wearing the style of a homeless guy because he liked how it looked?

why do you want to be labled as someone you aren't? unless you are goth you shouldn't dress like one, it's false advertisment. you will confuse both the christians and goths.
be yourself, in the long run you will be happier.

2006-07-05 15:49:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree. I used to get similar flack from people because I claim to be a witch, but I still believe in Jesus. I think he was a cool spiritual dude that was probably a reiki master. Eventually I think all the judgements Christians do will push everyon away.

2006-07-05 15:38:08 · answer #8 · answered by gaiastar 3 · 0 0

Hallelujah! I feel you sister, praise the lord! No, really, you're right. However, if you're a Christian then you'd probably know to place more focus on fitting in with the lord than fitting in with the crowd. Do what is right for you and don't compromise yourself for the sake of fitting in with others. You're confused and I am not a Christian. I hope you find your way just the same.

2006-07-05 15:44:20 · answer #9 · answered by will 4 · 0 0

Christian fundamentalists give Christians a bad name. It's outrageous how all the real important stuff that Jesus taught gets poo-poohed away for the hot controversial topics.
We're supposed to love our neighbor (not ostricize and ridicule them for stuff we're not fit to judge about. God is the judge, not man.)
We're supposed to help the poor....not vote in a man who glorifies and aids the rich or, as he calls them, "his base."
And no, we're not supposed to to be judgemental of anyone non-christian. Christians are not perfect.....they should strive to do the right thing. But let's face it....we all make mistakes.
What ticks me off is Christians who say you aren't a good Christian if you don't vote Republican. Please, I'm part of the Christian Left and proud of it.

2006-07-05 15:40:58 · answer #10 · answered by fendor 2 · 1 0

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