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32 answers

I think so. In Revelation it mentions the pale horse (in original Greek bible it was mentioned the green horse) and the color green is the color of Islam, that horse killed one third of the world by sword, and later it was the prophet of the Antichrist. How this would happen? I think in the following way..:
Islam says that Christ is coming again to preach Islam. And when AntiChrist comes, they gonna influence him assuming he is the true christ, and they will follow him and so on... according to revelation. Because Antichrist will be preceded by the prophet.

2006-07-05 15:31:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Actually the false religion referred to in the new testament has nothing to do with Islam.

The false religion is when Christians failed to be Christians, i.e. following Jesus to reach the father. Think about it. Any non Christian religion just does not count, God will sort it out, but when the Christian religion because something else, the way is no longer available.

One last comment, take a look at Acts and see what Jesus answers his disciples when asked about the restoring the Kingdom of Israel. Read it and consider it.

2006-07-05 15:29:36 · answer #2 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

I think the false religion is pseudo-Christianity, a new age laced ideology whose touchy-feely, warmed-over 'goosebumpiness' will so infect the Church and corrupt it that they become the Laodacean Church of Revelations 3, and all sects of Christianity will feel 'comfortable' with it. There are signs of it's presence already throughout the Church, and there are warnings of the great Apostasy, or falling away, in Timothy and Matthew.

I think Islam is just going to be the fuse on the powder-keg.

2006-07-05 15:53:11 · answer #3 · answered by claypigeon 4 · 0 0

This is exciting, and I’ve said this for years, and it’s come to pass. Ezekiel chapter 38, we have Gog, Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Rosh. All cities in Russia today. As the war of the latter years, and the latter days, Ezekiel 38:8-16. As they come from the north against Israel, Ezekiel 38:15-16. North of Israel, of course, is Russia.

But there’s another army there and it’s Tarshish, with all of her young lions, Ezekiel 38:13. And that is great Britain; the Great Lion of Britain is the insignia of the nation like the Eagle is of America. And there it says Tarshish with all of her young lions, that’s the English speaking nations of the world united for the great war, when they go up against Jerusalem and the American people and the English speaking people are on the side of God and His chosen people the Israelites

2006-07-05 17:34:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. But I do think that hateful, ignorant Xians are going to try their best to turn Muslims into the next bogeyman - thereby exacerbating an already touchy situation. I also think that Xians will continue to stupidly believe that the most hallucinatory book in the Bible - Revelations, is supposed to be interpreted "literally" (whatever that means).

I think the more important question to ask yourself is: why am I looking so hard for an excuse to harm others?

2006-07-05 15:30:18 · answer #5 · answered by Good Times, Happy Times... 4 · 0 0

Probably not. Revelation speaks of the "false prophet" of the last days getting people to worship an "image." If we can take that literally, this rules out Islam. Islam absolutely forbids the use of "images" in worship.

2006-07-05 15:26:03 · answer #6 · answered by The Nerd 4 · 0 0

No actually Islam is the true religion of the Prophets including Jesus. The false religion is the pagan blasphemous Jesus worshippers. They pray to Jesus instead of God and worship crosses and images. They are in fact anti christ. Islam is pure

2006-07-05 15:32:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No I think and do belief that Islam is not a false religion.Islam religion with a complete Holy Qur'an is given by the Allah Almighty and spread out in this world since the beginning of 7 th century through our prophet and messenger of Allah called Muhammad the last prophet
.According to Holy Qur'an which its originality is always
maintained by printing in original verses in Arabic and translated to other languages all over the world with or without interpretation In the Holy Qur'an are spoken that there are only four Holy Books given by our God as a life guidance i.e Zabur through Daud or David prophet,Taurat through Musa or Moses prophet,Injil through Isa or Jesus prophet and Islam through Muhammad prophet. But the three Holy books before Holy Qur'an were dedicated not to all mankind.,only to a smaller group of people such as for Jews or Israelis .Holy Qur'an is given by Allah for all human in this whole world.The other religion such as Hindhu,Buddha etc according to Islam teaching are not religions
It is only a belief that should be included in culture category
,because its guidance is not given by Allah..I feel sorry I am not intending to humiliate its followers.So in my faith all religion are not the same although I know that all of our beliefs are intending each followers to a right deeds..But right deeds in one religion to another are different..Holy Books Zabur,Taurat and Injil or Bible is given by the same God Allah Almighty but these Holy Books now are nor original anymore.Some of non originalities have been ammended in our Holy Qur"an such as no trinity,Isa not a son of Allah,Holy Spirit is Jibril Angel,no inherited sin etc.Islam is the one religion with a quickest growth nowadays in the world..Islam will be and always be the correct choice of religion until the end of the world..The deviation in our society in implementing of Islamic religion is not the wrong of Islamic teachings .It is only the non right implementation of certain followers who acted not incomformity with the real teachings.

2006-07-05 16:52:06 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

islam is not false religion.....islam is peace religion...islam only have one god...no trinity concept....how come god spirit come in the human body and we call that man god....if ghost spirit come in human body can we call that human ghost????????nonsense.only one god,jesus is only one of the mesengger.about muhammad marreid 9 yrs girl...muhammad is a really gentleman.not like your opinion.track record muhammad...all the wife he married is a single mother or old then he age.why?????
muhammad want to protect,respect,and give full of love...and the only virgin is aishah...yes he married,but request by aishah family and formlity as a wife until aishah matured enough...not 9 he having sex.father in law muhammad is a really close with muhammad....can u think..why women really like with muhammad,because muhammad is really gentleman person.and why most of he wife is a single mother...??? he can get virgin what??? he is a great leader what??? but muhammad know main priority is protect poor woman first,,this fact to show how caring muhammad...not for fun ,is all about responsibility..can u imagine how trust,respect,great your friend untill u can given n offer your daugther....how great muhammad...if u read history u will know who abu bakar as siddik.must be some one really great right.

2006-07-05 17:25:16 · answer #9 · answered by faizalnicholas 1 · 0 0

Islam is not the false religion. The anti christ will come with that.

2006-07-05 15:25:38 · answer #10 · answered by Wiser1 6 · 0 0

I think as long as Christians believe that there will be war, death, terrorism on both sides, and chances for peace and understanding will be ignored. Islam has been an organized religion almost as long as Christianity.

2006-07-05 15:26:58 · answer #11 · answered by jay5002 3 · 0 0

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