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why is christianity saying that islam and judaism are soo intolerant? they are intolerant!!! they kicked jews and muslims from jurusalem because they claim "we worship the devil". when indeed it has been proven that the last crusades were deliberetely the cause of greed.
when islam ruled spain and jews and christians were peacefully allowed in, why did the christians massacre us??
why does christianity say that islam mistreats women with the scarf, when christianity says in clear print: any women who does not were there veil should shave their head bald!!!! islam just encourages it, not forces it! how come muslim women are made fun of due to their scarves, but nuns "are totally another story".

why does christianity put women down? saying that it is eves fault we are sinners. and that it is her fault that every women is punished with pain in pregnancy! is this fair? one persons fault punishes the innocent??

why does the bible have so many versions with sooo many changes?

2006-07-05 14:45:42 · 41 answers · asked by blah 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

41 answers

Books 1 and 2 of genesis contradict each other... This fact should be a simple omen to all. It only takes 3 minutes of reading to discover this and yet so many people still blindly believe. Read and discover for yourself!

2006-07-05 14:50:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Well, you certainly aren't Jewish - your resort to the Islamic talking point about the "changed bible" is proof enough of that. (BTW, that's an accusation unsupported by any real evidence.)

The only many "versions" of the Bible that there are, are the translations. There is only one version of the originals. These are the authoritative texts: the Greek bible (for the New Testament and deuterocanonicals) and the Hebrew Tanakh (for the Old Testament.)

A good translation (such as the NRSV) will footnote all the manuscript attestation (which in fact is superior to that of the Quran), so that's a total non-issue.

Christians do not make fun of hijab. Bigots do. I have never heard of such a thing emanating from any Christian denomination I am familiar with.

As to the crusades - you do realize that that is nearly a thousand years ago? I suppose I could respond by asking why Charles Martel had to stop the muslims from invading Europe, but that was a thousand years ago too. And I might point out that muslims only "ruled spain" because they came across Gibraltar and conquered it from the native christians, renaming it Andalusia, but that's a thousand years ago as well.

So perhaps it is best that we all get over the middle ages?

2006-07-05 15:15:52 · answer #2 · answered by evolver 6 · 0 0

I'm a Christian, and would rather not answer most of your question, but I do want to comment about the scarf. You're right that Christian women should either cover their head or shave it. I do wear a headcovering (my avatar doesn't show it because I haven't found a scarf to "put on" it yet.) I do not think Islam is punishing its women by making them wear scarfs on their heads. I also think that Christian women could learn a lot from the submission of Muslim women. We should have marriages where each party loves the other and they respect each other, but in the end, women should submit to their husband's will, as long as his will doesn't go against God. Christian women have gotten way too caught up in "feminism" and have forgotten their place in the family.

2006-07-05 14:53:46 · answer #3 · answered by married_so_leave_me_alone1999 4 · 0 1

I wouldn't be too quick on promoting the idea that all muslims are innocent, and that it is the Jews and Christians who are intolerant. Christians and Jews are, for the most part, living together peacefully. Pope John Paul II most recently went out of his way to build up a solid relationship between the Jews and the Christians, apologizing for any appearance of inaction during the Holocaust, and calling the Jewish people our fathers in the faith. One of Pope John Paul II's best childhood friends was Jewish, and they visited many times even during PJP's papacy. Perhaps it is not we who are the problem.

As for Christianity diminishing the beauty of women, I suggest you take a look at Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body, especially the part which talks about how woman "created" man, in the sense that she completes his identity and allows him to live in "the image and likeness of God" through the Communion of Persons.

As for all people being punished for Adam and Eve's mistake, what do you propose? Do you think that God made us to be as corrupt as we are? Do you think that God wanted us to live in misery and despair, with hunger, disease, drought, war, violence, murder, promiscuity, etc? If that's what Muslims think of Allah, then I sure am glad to be Christian! At least Christianity explains why we are the way we are, and says that we don't have to live this way... After all, isn't Baptism a freeing from original sin? It is in Catholicism! Anyway, it may not be fair, but, if you understood the Creation account properly, you would see that it is not just an issue of "fairness," but an issue of justice. Again, Theology of the Body does a very good job talking about this.

The Bible has many versions with many changes for several reasons. First, it is the result of the inadequacy of the English language to capture the spirit of the original Latin and Greek texts. Secondly, it is the result of translators trying to translate accurately from a dead language written in a Book that goes back many hundreds of years. Thirdly, it is the result of the Protestant Reformation, which decided that the authors and keepers of the Scriptures were no longer important, and that people could translate the Scriptures themselves, without any help. Yes, unfortunately, Christianity is divided, and we have many "Scripture-scholars" running around, but the Catholic Church stands united, with the Pope as its leader on earth, and Jesus as its divine head.

But before you talk about the intolerance of Christians and Jews, you should note very well that it was not Christians nor Jews who flew airplanes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. It is not Christians and Jews who have beheaded (on camera) many innocent people, some of whom themselves were Muslims. It is not Christians and Jews who have declared Jihad on the entire Western World. Some people have forgotten making the promise that "we will not forget September 11th." I am not one of those people. Watch what you say, and take care of the problems within your own faith before you try to deal with others.

2006-07-05 15:29:39 · answer #4 · answered by Stephen 2 · 0 0

I've seen all religions have hypocritical followers. Especially when people get too carried away with interpreting parts of ancient texts written by various authors over long time periods literally. I would say this is true of ANY ancient sacred texts. If you are honest in reading them the fact that they aren't such shining examples to follow is evident and the questions as to inerrancy have to be asked. In fact, many scholars have pointed out forgeries, question of authorship, contradictions, etc. This is not to say they don't carry some wisdom that could inform our lives.

The Bible does contain a passage by Paul that states women should have their hair shaved off if they go to church without covering their head. Many Christians though aren't always that informed about all aspects of their own sacred text or take a more liberal interpretation. I think the latter approach is appropriate since we have grown in our understanding of equality since those days. For instance, the new testament condones slavery as well but we all know now that is just wrong. Of course their are so many Christians that just pick and choose what to believe from the Bible and yet stubbornly insist that those parts they chose are absolutely unquestionable. Islam has its sticky points as well as you must know. You point out that it is just a suggestion to women to wear the scarf but I have heard of fundamentalist Muslims throwing acid on women out without being covered in middle eastern countries, also of women being beaten or even murdered if bringing shame to their husband in some way. This is wrong as well. Apparently some Muslims understanding of your sacred texts leads them to believe these actions are appropriate. Christians have committed atrocities against people in the name of their religion but to be fair so has Islam. I wish we all could be a bit more tolerant and less arogant about our "truths".

2006-07-05 15:06:57 · answer #5 · answered by Zen Pirate 6 · 0 0

First of all, i think u should consider that the bible was written by a human being, they're not perfect n make mistakes just as everybody
Nuns wear a veil 2 symbolize that they r "engaged" 2 God, it's something like a ring, but nobody saids they can't take it off.
Christianity doesn't put women down, if they do....i think we wouldn't even exist, we wouldn't be able 2 go 2 heaven, 2 enjoy life etc.
The bible has sooo many changes cause ot was written by different people....not by God himself...
Hmmm......i'm not sure of the other quetions.....hope that helped a little

2006-07-05 14:54:24 · answer #6 · answered by ºjesº 2 · 0 0

The bible was written by a bunch of men in the days when condescending to women was the norm. I'm Catholic myself, but I am a firm believer that it doesn't matter what you believe in. It only matters that you believe. Why don't you take a 'serving' from each religion. Every religion on Earth has pros and cons, as well as truth and untruth. Perhaps God intended for the truth to be spread out, as it surely is. You've heard the story about the tower of Babel? How we were all living as one people in that one place on Earth? God decided to split us up and make us different races with different languages. Perhaps he took the whole truth and split it up amongst us, and only if we come together again and live as one people, will we again have the whole truth. Besides, whatever the truth is, none will know until they die. We can only guess. Anybody who says otherwise has no idea what they're talking about, and you shouldn't listen. And as for bible cover ups, most were done for political reasons, Mary of Magdalene for example. Religions cover up whatever suits their purpose to do so, especially the Catholic religion.

2006-07-05 14:55:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

christainity is the truth. John 3:16 say "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life" The bible that Christains follow has never been rewritten into someone elses words unlike some of the other religions. Religion isnt what gets you to heaven it is the relationship with God. If you amit that you are a sinner and believe that god sent his son to die on the cross for our sins and commit you life to christ and mean it with all your heart. and if you ask god to come into your heart he will do so. God loves everyone and cares about us all. There is only one true God and thats the only person we should worship.
the reason that we are punished with the pain of child birth is because god told eve not to eat from the tree and she did and so he punished her since that time child birth continued through out the world. noone really knows why he punished us all for her mistakes but it was for some kind of reason. There are so many different versions to the bible because some people take the bible and translate it into their own words.

2006-07-05 15:00:40 · answer #8 · answered by brittanycchs 2 · 0 0

I am not fond of Christianity. I think people forget that the Christians slaughtered people of other believes because they did not want to convert to their religion. That is just hypocritical. They wanted the world to live by their religion. They were wiping out others. What sense does that make? Did anything really change? Stupid! I think everyone should believe what they want to believe in, not try and dominate the entire world. You cannot force ANYONE to believe a certain way. It has to come from within you. I think that most Christians I met personally (not to put anyone down) are Idiots that live by "do as I say, not as I do"!!

2006-07-05 14:50:26 · answer #9 · answered by Roxie 6 · 0 0

What you seek is truth, People can not give you the truth,

Abraham has many children
Not all follow the light of God, But many follow the lies of man.
To be a Jew is not the way to God. (Allah)
To be a follower of Mohammad is not the way to Allah (God)
To be a Christian is not the way to God (Allah)
Each religion has (issues with the others) and yet will not truly proclaim their own faults before Their bothers.

To live by Gods laws, to be right and just, and fair. To not accuse those who live differently,or dress differently of being wrong. That is the way to God (Allah) To take your enemy and feed him, To play with the child that has no father, That is the way of God (Allah)
To help those that have less and ask nothing in return is the way to God (Allah)

This world is messed up. It is not Gods fault, It is the pride of men that has ruined it....When our clergy can stand together and teach us that we have all been wrong then God's (Allah's ) will is on earth...

2006-07-05 14:52:15 · answer #10 · answered by Jerry S 4 · 0 0

I am not in agreement with your assumptions about what Christianity is and what it says. Who have you been talking to? Don't judge a religion or set of beliefs by what people SAY about it. Read the Holy Word, pray and ask God to reveal its truths to you. Yes, Christ is the truth. Christianity is not a word found in the bible, but the movement that followed the pursuit of Christ. Start your understanding journey with 2 Timothy 2:15 which says: "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

If you pick and choose little pieces of a bigger picture, you miss the whole beauty...and the truth. Peace, brother.

~Sleek, a follower of Christ Jesus

2006-07-05 14:51:23 · answer #11 · answered by Sleek 7 · 0 0

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