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Why would you desire to bring more kids here? The Earth is dying, and we have almost destroyed our own homeostasis. Do you think perhaps your children will escape the inescapable doom we all will suffer (if us old folks are still on our respirators at that time) of "Weather gone wild", an extinction level cosmic event, or some other catastrophe? Lets not even get into the stse of the world now, I have two of my own and I love them dearly...BUT, I pray for their future. The future of their world. Hmmmm, just wondering. Or, is it just the "babies are so cute and I want a mini me, have my DNA sequence go on forever, have someone to love me, had one too many margaritas" type things?

I had mine because I was young, dumb, and disillusioned to the world. I love my babies, but I wish things were different.

2006-07-05 14:22:57 · 34 answers · asked by skube_cubed 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Beautiful queen, life is not always beautiful. People suffering in Iraq, Cameroon, Uganda, and Somalia...and a HUNDRED other places that you don't see through your rose colored glasses are suffering terrible..famine, droughts, plagues....what makes US immune? Nothing. Wake up, please.

2006-07-05 14:30:09 · update #1

Mizzzzthang, please pass that there that you are smoking...these rainbows you speak of, I'd love to see them.

2006-07-05 14:32:00 · update #2

34 answers

Thats just an excuse to make your life easier...why bother even trying if its all going down the drain...


Some guy said: If I knew the world was coming to its end tomorrow I would plant a tree today
And he said that living 500 years ago, so whatever it is that scares you today, people have been and always will be scared of the future.

Just make a difference, rais kids to become responsible and caring adults

The difference YOU make makes ALL the difference!

2006-07-05 14:31:13 · answer #1 · answered by ganja_claus 6 · 0 0

You have been reading too much doom and gloom about what is happening to the Earth. It is true that we are having and effect on the planet, but there is also some very good proof that the Earth itself is going through a warming period that is part of it's cycle. We are a long way off from the Earth's final death throws, and you should worry about your immediate problems, like driving in traffic. which is the most dangerous thing people do, but would never think of going skydiving, which has a much smaller accident rate. You can't change the world, but you can change your own world.

2006-07-05 14:34:40 · answer #2 · answered by Crowfeather 7 · 0 0

I think if people were smart in todays society that they would choose to not bear any children or to adopt children/ foster children. If people would choose to NOT have children of their own or use more prevention meathods or even self control (OMG what a marvelous revelation) we might actually realize that people are growing intelligent delicate gorgeous beings in need of guidance love and full attention without manipulation. But then again we have to think about all the careless adults who should know better but for some reason dont and give their children away for others to take care of them because they think that other people can afford or provide a better environment for them. Im sick at the world and I hate with what most of everyone has done with it. Just because there are good things that we all do doesnt neccessarily mean we need to take credit for it...
Just Do It.

2006-07-05 14:58:06 · answer #3 · answered by muselix 1 · 0 0

Doesnt matter how bad the world you think it is. As long as you raised your children with love and taught them to be responsible and make mature decisions what you think of this world doesnt matter cause they can make a diff. They decide to add to the chaos or to the solution. Wether they want to follow in someone else's foot steps or make their own in life, if they were taught to learn from mistakes made in the past this world has a brighter future. Your concern is understandable, Im sure every parent worries about their childrens future but unfortunately you shouldnt worry over the things you have no control of. How this world may be in your eyes may not be how your kids see it or anyone else's. I'm not saying always smile all the time, all I'm saying is look at it from diff. perspectives. To see life doenst mean to use your eyes.

2006-07-05 14:38:33 · answer #4 · answered by Chunky G 3 · 0 0

I really can't reassure you as to the state of the universe or the ways of DNA and fate or the principles of the world. And I believe that to give you a satisfactory answer I would have to delve into the depths of philosophy. I don't want to do that. Instead I'm just going to say that life is not easy, there are no easy answers, everyone has their own answer, and you can waste a lot of time asking why things are the way they are. We are blessed and cursed at the same time with the existence of our existence. And our awareness of it. You've asked a question that has no answer.

2006-07-05 14:33:00 · answer #5 · answered by jimmyrm_25 3 · 0 0

if the world gets as bad as you just described then you my friend have just missed the rapture of the lord ...lol im not a bible thumper but i do believe in god and his word.... as for me and my household we will not be on earth at that point . so i have a very rosey out look and am enjoying what we have and the love that these children give me this world and the usa are the greatest things and have so much potential for happiness. if the glass is half empty then you must get off your but and fill the glass.. not so hard of a concept

2006-07-05 14:35:02 · answer #6 · answered by joe 4 · 0 0

Yours is one of the most thoughtful questions I've ever seen, so thank you. I'm childfree by choice, and a teacher (the two don't have anything to do with each other), but I mention this to tell you that I've thought long and hard about these issues myself, both as a woman and as one who instructs the young.

Some part of wanting children has to be desire. In me, that desire never manifested. Just didn't happen, and I'm 38. I've known since I was about 6 or so that I did want to be married, but I also knew I never wanted kids. I kind of waited for the steroetypical biological clock to start ticking, but I think mine is either digital, or broken. ;) I've talked to many other women who say that it's something they "always knew". So my thought is, this is either something you really want in your life... or you just don't.

The world as it is now is up to ALL OF US, of all ages, to heal. The earth is not just for children. I am a firm believer that no one is more special than anyone else. No one is "more equal" on the Animal Farm! That way lies madness. Yes, it is our responsibility as the adults in charge, to help make things easier for the coming generations, but let's face it: humans are pleasure-seeking animals. There are a lot of adults out there who are adults in body only, not necessarily in mind, spirit or emotions. And we all want what we want when we want it. We're just not all that evolved as a species. But, when we put our mind to it, we can do great good, or great evil. The choice is always ours.

Things can always be different. You are always free to choose again. Remember that there are only two emotions in the world, love and fear, and love is the only thing that is real, because it's the only thing that lasts. Every one of us can make better choices all the time. It's a matter also of choosing consciousness. Sure, it's easier to be unconscious and just bumble along in life and live two inches in front of your face, strung along by gonads, hunger, thirst, etc. It takes effort to be enlightened and to make correct choices. And, that effort toward consciousness is a big part of what the human path is all about. After all, we are not human beings walking a spiritual path; we're spiritual beings walking a human path.

Keep choosing. Remember you are always free to choose again. Keep waking up, over and over. Wake up as many times as you have to! You, your family, your world, will always be better off for your consciousness and enlightened decision making and loving choices.

Cheers, K

2006-07-05 14:32:55 · answer #7 · answered by Kate 4 · 0 0

WOW.......and I thought life was great. Now I am all depressed and stuff. why did you have to go and ruin my day? I hate when that happens.......Seriously now, try to find all the happy things in life, and try to think positive. People have been thinking this world is going to end soon for a long time before you were born. Live as if there is no tomorrow. If we all lived how you look at life we might as well just curl up and die.

2006-07-05 14:27:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We can only hope that our children learn from our mistakes and hopefully make this a better world. As long as we teach them wrong from right and compassion then we can count on them to help make a difference and maybe turn around all the devastating this of the world today. But the only way we can teach them that is by example. As long as you try to make a difference the new generation will try.

2006-07-05 14:30:01 · answer #9 · answered by butterfly 4 · 0 0

Yes, I agree that these things are all happening around us, but it seems to me that you have a very bad outlook on life...Why would you not want to bring kids in this world when they bring you so much joy?????I have 2 children, and I still see beauty in the blue sky and stars at night, I still see beauty when my little one gives someone a smile that they'll never forget, I still see beauty in a rainbow, and I still see beauty in you since you said that you love your children dearly......What more can you ask for?????

2006-07-05 14:29:33 · answer #10 · answered by mizzzzthang 6 · 0 0

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