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I'm concerned by the Americans who are doing illegal things they "belong "here?

2006-07-05 13:59:15 · 32 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

Rena I'll type slower How Many of you are personally affected by illegal aliens? Or hurt.

2006-07-05 14:04:03 · update #1

"stold?' Where are you from?

2006-07-05 14:04:47 · update #2

I have worked in health care also and watched Americans steal from the government 10x's more by rearrangeing mom's and dads bank accounts,property etc..........

2006-07-05 14:07:39 · update #3

No American Roses I'm probably more American than you are my family was here first I'm what they call c-o-m-p-a-s-i-o-n-a-t-e

2006-07-05 14:12:01 · update #4

32 answers

I like you,you should stick around.I'm not affected in anyway.And I live in South Texas.

2006-07-05 15:32:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

The immigration issue is not only about economic impact, it's also about principle. The laws governing immigration are being disregarded, and not enforced. I'm not sure which came first, the disregard or the lack of enforcment, but there's a correlation there, we've always had immigration, but in recent times the whole issue's taken on a whole new flavor. A BAD flavor, accompanied by the smell of corruption and evidence of incompetence. I mean, in one sense, it's just another boring chapter in a tired saga, but on the other it's also an issue that can have a direct negative impact on the lives of americans.
Mexican and pro-hispanic leaders have started this 'fun',
drumming up a lot of hate etc. against the United States and its' citizens, jumping on the band-wagon of other countries that have a carefully-guarded bone to pick with the USA. Most americans don't WANT half the third world to move in, and that's what our limp-wristed immigration enforcement has amounted to, for about the last 20 years. Sure, it's been beneficial for Nocashistan
Oilwellistan, and a laundry list of other ne'er-do-wells, but it's starting to take a toll on america. Draw your own conclusions, but when the majority of americans, democrat and republican alike, start uniting and saying 'this is a problem', it'd behoove other people to start paying attention and listening.
Read about california, they've got the most issues with illegal immigration...

2006-07-06 01:16:29 · answer #2 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

It's extremely difficult to get a job in my town if you are not hispanic, legal or otherwise. The business owners don't like to mix whites, blacks, and hispanics in order to keep all employees happy and productive. So if mostly hispanics work there and the company needs more workers, they tell people already there to bring friends or family for a job. Also, if all the workers are hispanic and particularly not american, no one complains about bad working conditions, or bad business practices. One non hispanic american could ruin the whole business just by asking for decent working conditions. Illegals as a group will accept lower starting pay than americans who know what the wages used to be like around here. It has made headlines in my hometown paper that one of the largest factories in this town has had charges filed against it by current american employess who have knowledge of the owners seeking and bringing mexican workers from the border. I also worked in a motel cleaning rooms (imagine that!) and the mostly illegal hispanic female room cleaners were some of the meanest laziest women I ever had the misfortune to meet. Whenever they didn't get their way they would threaten to all walk out. That always worked too. The managers would hide them all in a locked motel room when immigration officials came around too. No harm? Walk a few miles in an ordinary citizen's shoes. And I haven't even gotten to the points about no gang activity until we were flooded with illegal hispanics about 15-20 years ago.

While I'm on a roll, how about the fact that my kids can't even get a decent education because they are too busy teaching english to illegals' children? You should see how crowded the classrooms are, so much so that they have to use trailers as extra classroom space. We've had to build extra schools and extra jail facilities. No problem, right? We should welcome this new lifestyle with open arms if we don't want people to think we are racist, right? I hope you get to find out what this feels like on a very close and personal level someday.

2006-07-05 14:28:51 · answer #3 · answered by DJ 6 · 0 0

Living on welfare, getting put in jail... that actually sounds more like any group of people that have an extremely low income- not just illegals. How about giving the ones that are already here the chance to become citizens and then focus on letting others in legally? It seems to me that most illegals are actually hard workers and they work for dirt pay. If they were legal and could make at least minimum wage, maybe that would ease some of the strain on the welfare system. I think that they should have a certain amount of time to prove that they're able to get off welfare with a decent wage and if they can't, then deport them. It's not much different than a work visa.

2006-07-05 14:18:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My children go to Los Angeles Unified Public School District schools. That district has a more than 60% drop out rate. Thirty years ago the district was one of the best in the nation.

It is underfunded, overcrowded and the only special education routinely funded is ESL programs. I have seen it estimated that at least 40% of the children in those programs are illegal immigrants and more are children of illegal immigrants.

A huge population of the schools, now failing, are illegal immigrants. We don't have room for them, and we subsidize their being there at the expense of our own children's education. That is why there are limits on immigration of poor people to begin with: even if they pay all taxes applicable to their income, the bulk of their education and services are paid for by other taxpayers.

I could go on and on. However, that, and the lack of safety in the schools now, is my biggest problem with illegal immigration.
It is not hypothetical. Every parent sees it every day.

Individually, if I know illegal immigrants, I probably like them. However, there are way too many here, and they are ruining upward mobility through education for our own children. If it were a smaller number it would be a smaller problem.

It is no longer a small problem.

Why don't you spare some of your c-o-m-p-a-s-s-i-o-n for American children who have to attend these schools?

hayleylov, that is the longest single sentence I have ever seen from you. Packs a punch, though!

2006-07-05 14:22:56 · answer #5 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

Illegal alien's just cost our country, the USA, a lot of hard earned tax payer dollars. They get caught, are deported, and then come back again. It's a crazy cycle, with no apparent end in sight. Even a fence around the border won't stop them completely. Then while be detained by law enforcement if they need medical help, we give it to them for free. While "legal"
Americans have to pay even higher prices for the same services. Wish there was a way to stop or at least slow illegal alien's from coming into the US.

2006-07-05 15:12:06 · answer #6 · answered by Dakota 1 · 0 0

Everyone that is a citizen and here legally is. The illegals have no respect for our laws. They break what they want when they want. The use false and stolen Ids and don't care about what problems this may pose for the real person. They sponge off our system and bleed it dry. They are nothing but criminals and have no intention of changing their ways or of going by our laws. They just want what they want. Well they can all go jump off a bridge. No matter how one tries to justify it, they are nothing but worthless criminals. They have no right to be here. They are not worthy to be here. The sooner ALL illegals are kicked out of this country the better for everyone.



2006-07-05 15:05:03 · answer #7 · answered by Julie 5 · 0 0

I'm hurt by the situation because it has proven that Americans have not made much progress in the past 50 years. We've simply transferred our dislike and hatred to a new group. I'm hurt that we're overly focused on why immigrants are coming here and not at all concerned with why they're leaving their countries. I'm hurt that people make improper assumptions about those coming to our country-they're not all looking for a free ride.

2006-07-05 16:26:56 · answer #8 · answered by aj813 2 · 0 0

It hurts everytime a family member of mine has to wait hours in the emergency room, because the Mexicans use the emergency room as their PRIMARY care source.
It hurts everytime a teacher can't teach because students are unable (or more likely, unwilling) to learn the language, customs and History of the United States.
If they DARED to learn U.S. History, they would learn that the Southwestern United State territory was PURCHASED from Mexico, not STOLEN!
It hurts everytime that a broken down Mexican truck causes a traffic jam.
And it especially hurts the middle class- the TRUE backbone of this economy.
As far as a "guest worker program", doesn't the word "Guest" imply that they have to go HOME at a certain point? It wont be too soon for me! VIVA ICE!!

2006-07-05 14:17:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have 2 personal experiences.

1. My uncle owned a construction company. He would not hire an illegal immigrant. He hired only legal people. (of all races). Due to the fact that they do work for lower wages his company was not competitive enough in the construction market. He had to sell his business.

2. My brother owned a landscape company. Same thing as my uncle.

If they would come here legally I don't think either of them would have lost their businesses.

and by the way. Those 2 companies employed over 300 legal people that are now out of work.

2006-07-05 14:16:04 · answer #10 · answered by mikis1967 3 · 0 0

lets see my nephew has a mangled leg from a illegal running over him and leaving him there in the road and my sister had to pay the bill he didn't know if he would be able to walk again ,and my son almost lost his house because one is using his SS number and they thought something was funny so he had the IRS breathing down his neck he had to return his whole return until they figured it out by then he had spent most of his return and had to come up with the money and by the time he had his money back he was in the hole and my brothers had to find new livelihoods as illegals took over the roofing trade in my town so yes they have hurt my family one tried to pick up daughter when she was just 12 so please don't give me that bleeding heart crap and i don't think they are all bad but the facts are this is our country and they should come legal and mexico must be held accountable for their own people!

2006-07-05 14:12:32 · answer #11 · answered by hayleylov 6 · 0 0

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