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A mountiain of scientific evidence is showing that global warming is actually happening. Almost every climate scientist in the world acknowldeges that the earth is getting warmer and greenhouse gases caused by humans is the primary cause. The effects could be devastating: drought, more powerful hurricanes, increased insect-born diseases to name a few. Our goverment says we must study the problem more before taking any action because of the impact on our economy. But according to a number of studies, we may be nearing a "tipping point" for the environment. Can we really afford to wait and see?

2006-07-05 13:04:45 · 11 answers · asked by crepidula2000 1 in Environment

11 answers

People's naivete about global warming and other environmental issues confounds me! While I certainly don't profess to be any kind of an expert on these topics, it seems pretty simple to me.

One of your respondents said, "The Earth will take care of itself." I don't think so. I believe if WE don't take care of the Earth, we will spoil it for future generations. Another person points to a massive snowstorm on the East coast as proof that global warming isn't happening. Global warming is something that evolves over a period of years, not just one season. If the overall temperature of the Earth is raised by just a few degrees over time, we will experience droughts, hurricanes, floods, and all kinds of natural disasters that will affect the global economy, world health, and our quality of life for all human beings.

Unfortunately, in our misguided 'need' for money, material things, and the 'easy life' of conveniently-packaged products, gas-guzzling vehicles, and smoke-belching factories, we've been blinded to the realities of global warming. Will we do anything to combat global warming before it's too late? Not unless - and until - government philosophies, attitudes, and leaderships change dramatically. -RKO-

2006-07-06 00:44:25 · answer #1 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 7 1

It seems like everyone throws around personal opinion when it comes to the global warming debate. If you want the truth, go out and read the studies and reports yourself. I don't mean the articles on newspaper websites, or even the writings on global warming websites. Use a database, look up the reports that these people quote and read them, not just the conclusion or the abstract, read the whole study. You will be surprised how often what is concluded is different or exaggerated than what the original findings where. Don't you think climate scientists are all to aware of where their funding comes from? And check your information, "almost every climate scientist in the world acknowledges that the earth is getting warmer and greenhouse gases caused by humans is the primary cause"? This is just not true. You want the truth, go out and read the information yourself.

2006-07-06 03:20:58 · answer #2 · answered by Gekko 3 · 0 0

Well that might be a trick question. It is entirely possible that it is already too late to avoid serious consequences. The tipping point may have already been crossed but we don't know it yet.

That is no reason to sit around on our butts though because it is very clear that every gigaton of CO2 we pump into the atmosphere just ensures that it will be worse and last longer. Certainly very little is being done so far but momentum is starting to build. The impacts are now irrefutable by all but the lunatic fringe.

There is a very fortuitous event taking place, which gives us another very good reason and lots of motivation to eliminate fossil fuel consumption and that is Peak Oil. You might have read that a new all-time high of $75.40 per barrel was set just today. That is a result of many factors but the most important underlying factor is that the oil producing countries have not been able to increase production in the face of increasing demands from us, China, India and Europe. Oil prices have increased by about 5X in the last 10 years and yet production has only increased a tiny amount.

Doesn't capitalism tell us that supplies will rise if prices rise? It does but it doesn't factor in that we are reaching a physical limit to the amount that we can increase production. The market response to price increases is a very strong indicator that there really is no extra production left.

2006-07-05 14:41:50 · answer #3 · answered by Engineer 6 · 0 0

Well, looks like you just got back from the movies. The first part is fine, the earth getting warmer. The second item is not part of proved science, about the effect of anthropogenic forcing. But, you and Al can believe what you want. So, to stop global warming, just move the earth farther away from the sun. We will have to someday anyhow, as the sun just keeps on increasing its output (bad sun). Or maybe you want to eradicate all humans. At least then we won't suffer.

By the way, the effects could be very beneficial, decreased hurricanes, more arable land, less energy needed to keep warm in winter, blah,blah,blah.... All of Al's rantings for the future are conjecture and fear mongering, not facts. Hey, maybe we are nearing a 'tipping point' for the next ice age! Rapid onset ice ages are far more likely outcomes from long warming periods like the earth has seen (last 19,000 yrs). Get out the Mukluks! Fire up the dogsleds! I think it was your ancestors, who discovered fire, then burnt down the forests and started this warming period. Or maybe they did volcano dances...

Dear Sarah, should we eat more beans then (talk about methane)? Cause you can't eat rice. Yes, rice production puts more methane into the atmosphere than cows...

2006-07-05 13:25:34 · answer #4 · answered by Karman V 3 · 0 0

The sad part is, there is so much talk, and so little action on this subject. Most people I have talked to say they want to help stop global warming, but don't practice environmentally friendly ways. In my opinion, no we can't wait and see. The time for action is now. Even if the human race were to stop producing all green house gases right now, our Earth would still feel the warming effects of our carbon dioxide, methan, and other global warming gases for the next 100 years. Global warming is here, and despite all the warnings, our oil consumption is rising everyday.

Oddly enough, carbon dioxide is the most blamed gas for this phenomena, yet gases like methane are much more potent. Methane comes from a variety of sources including swamps (which is very natural) and even from - yes this is weird, but true - cow farts, and termites. So if you want to cut back on methane, eat less beef, which will in turn mean less cows, which means less cow farts, and finally less methane.

I just wish our administration would recognize humans as a cause to this problem and institute stricter regulations. The EPA can only do so much. It is up to individuals to really make the change in their own lives. Walk, ride a bike, take the bus, or eat less beef. Every little bit helps.

2006-07-05 13:25:20 · answer #5 · answered by Sarah 1 · 0 0

the biggest techniques that the persons can wrestle global warming is getting rid of their older type automobiles (1979 Buick) because, older automobiles emmitt extra poisonous fumes into the air. Its obvious that the extra technological more desirable a vehicle is, the a lot less risky gases it emmitts. A vehicle that replaced into equipped 3 or 4 years in the past will be extra economic equipment pleasant than a vehicle that replaced into assembled 35 years in the past. for prime populated cities which contain new york, Bus and Taxi companys could replace contemporary automobiles with automobiles that are powered through hydrogen or electrical energy. merely imagine, if each and every significant city used the Toyota Prius as taxi's, there will be a decreased aspect of toxins, and also taxi fares will be noticeably decrease as well.

2016-11-05 22:57:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If humans mess up the earth it will get rid of us. If the ice caps melt the water running into the Atlantic and Pacific this will cool off the water and it will stop the oceanic belt that flows from the Equator to the North Sea. When this quits flowing the loss of heat will cause the Earth to start getting colder and we will go into a major ice age.

2006-07-05 13:17:07 · answer #7 · answered by Desert Rat 1 · 0 0

The sky is falling the sky is falling. Listen carefully. I'm only going to say this once. THe earth takes care of itself. It was created that way! People who think they can do anything are egomaniacs! You can't control the uncontrolable.! Get it! And, I will restate, if global warming is such a problem, why was there one of the biggest snow falls in the eastern US. Why did the ice where people crab go farther south than it ever has.

2006-07-05 13:11:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

not if the christo-fascist-corporatist republicans have anything to say about it. what is truly behind their agenda to, in effect, destroy the planet is beyond my comprehension, and the understanding of most other people with an i.q. in triple digits. but, given the nature of these bloated, ego ridden psychopaths, one can only surmise that the are seeking death--perhaps to rid themselves of all the guilt (if they feel any--questionable)relating to all the heinous acts the've committed for yet more profit, even when they are already morbidly obese, and gain the delusional "rapture" they've been promised by such thoughtful and well informed religious experts as jerry falwell, pat robertson, and jimmy swaggart. oh, and probably rush limpbow, as well. what's going to happen? i wish us all luck in getting some intelligent, responsible people back into the necessary jobs to take care of it. noone will benefit from inaction, including the uber- fascist elite who "own the planet" that is unless they enjoy living underground. i say a pox on all the "elite" houses that feel they can do whatever they wish, to whomever they wish, whenever they wish in forwarding their plan for "world domination" really, get some counseling--your pathology is showing, even to a psych.1 freshman.

2006-07-05 13:27:14 · answer #9 · answered by drakke1 6 · 0 0

We arent goin to do anything about global warming.......its too much work and people are lazy

2006-07-05 13:08:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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