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Especially one you still work around?

2006-07-05 13:02:57 · 76 answers · asked by jdimmitt22 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

76 answers

Of course, unless you got into a huge fight.

2006-07-05 13:03:42 · answer #1 · answered by goldeneagle 3 · 0 2

Well two years ago that happened to me, my husband of 3 years and I seperated and we both worked at the same place. We let the owner and co-workers know and although it was extremly akward at times we got through it. I do have to say though neither one of us had a girlfriend or boyfriend which would have been very difficult. We tried not to bring our differences to the work place but as you may know some women are drama queens and right or wrong they want everyone on their side and I suppose the same goes for some men, just try to make the best of it and if your break up is fresh id stay away for a while but if you both have the right personality I believe everyone can be friends my ex-husband and I now are very close, we just cant be married I still have dinner with him almost every night and believe it or not there is no sexual interaction between us. He honestly is now my best friend and I cant imagine my life without him. Good Luck to ya!!

2006-07-05 13:13:45 · answer #2 · answered by charmaineannette 2 · 0 0

Well yeah, it is possible. What's in the past, should be forgotten and should be left in the past. Whatever hurts or heartaches it might have caused to the both of you, you guys should let it all go and start a new. It would be nice to be friends again. Let's not put it all to a waste.=D My ex and I are good friends, and even after our relationship ended we maintained that kind of friendship. We didn't wanna waste our friendship and all the good times just because of a single failure. Moving on doesn't neccessarily mean that you have to leave and throw everything away. Moving on means that you have to accept and take everything as a lesson. Take things positively and move on. Things happen for a reason and whatever that reason is, rest assured it is there to make you much more stronger and wiser. I'm actually in a relationship right now with someone I met at webdate.com and everything's going really great. He's perfect. He's just everything that I hoped, prayed and wished for. =D

2006-07-08 21:12:14 · answer #3 · answered by crazyangel 2 · 0 0

Yeah, I'm still friends with most of my ex boyfriends, and there are 18 of them, that's a lot of people to still be friends with. It will never be the same way it was before, but you can still flirt and hang out and work together and all, it's not an impossible feat. I've had to do that very same thing and I am juuuust fine. It only gets awkward when one of you moves on and the other hasn't, especially if the new person works with you as well...so long as you avoid that you guys should be on okay terms if that's what you want.

2006-07-05 13:06:52 · answer #4 · answered by Skitz628 2 · 0 0

I am friends with just about every ex I've had........

Even when things end on a bad note sometimes as you grow up and come across people you just learn to love live and let go......

Granted I've had my breaks from people for years and then they've come back into my life and i'd never be romantically interested they're still great people and cool friends........

There are those that the attachment may have been too much to be able to let go but hey no ones perfect and you cant be the good guy and get along with EVERYONE..........

Its really a case by case basis ...........trial and error..........and time heals all things............

So as stated before love, live and let go or let be..........

Especially if you deal with wonderful people is it really worth losing them entirely??..........Unless you just dont care to be bothered........and then all I have to say is............WHY THE HELL DID U ASK!! hahaha jk

Great question..........hope i helped some :)`

2006-07-06 10:28:37 · answer #5 · answered by CaliCutie 4 · 0 0

Yes. Absolutely. I'm still good friends with every girl I've ever dated. You both have to want to be friends, though. As in any friendship, it must be mutual, or it doesn't work. Also, it may depend on WHY you broke up in the first place. See, if one person cheated on the other, it might be hard to forgive and remain friends. But, if you break up because of a reason you both agree on, such as you need to see other people before you get too serious, you both need more free time, etc, then, yes. Absolutely you can remain friends.

2006-07-05 13:08:18 · answer #6 · answered by trentman22 2 · 0 0

Yes, but the key to staying friends is the fact that you have to have been friends during your relationship in the first place.

Friends talk. They try very hard to understand each other and support each other. If you were in a relationship that ended because you know he/she is not the one for you for a fundamental reason (you just don't get along, you manage money differently, you are different religions, you arent attracted) then friendship stands a chance.

However, if you were in a relationship that ended because you were not friends in the first place, didn't respect each other, cheated on each other, lied, etc... then you have no foundation to continue a relationship on. The only way you can be friends then and succeed is for you to have a heart to heart talk and apologize for the disrespect and recognize verbally that you want to honor that person and be friends. If he/she agrees, then you should have no problems.

Good luck.

2006-07-05 13:07:58 · answer #7 · answered by dasielady 2 · 0 0

Yes... I AM a friend of my ex-to-be. We're separated... (Does that make it a "dis-engagement...?") We are very civil w/each other, still. We both strive not to put any add'l stress on our 3 kids. I know a lot of couples have a very hard time of it and I'll put it this way: How well they got along afterwards probably only shows how well they REALLY got along before. In other words, the level of maturity within their relationship is evident. They were just wearing the masks we all wear & never really grew that much within the relationship. Actually, it may be more due to their individual capacity to handle pain that they can/can't get along...?

2006-07-05 13:15:44 · answer #8 · answered by KnowhereMan 6 · 0 0

I find it hard to stay friends with my ex's. But if your ex and you broke on good grounds and there is no hard feelings between you too, then I say yes, you can be friends. But if and when your ex moves on, you can't be all jealous or mad. That is when it will become difficult. Just make sure to keep enough space between you both, so those old feelings don't come back to haunt you, especially if your ex has moved on.

2006-07-05 13:14:49 · answer #9 · answered by Jodi C 1 · 0 0

Unfortunately, you can not stay friends with your ex. There will always be tension between the two of you, and the one who did the dumping will always feel resentment from the dumped. Ill feelings will be found, and it will just end up worse for the two people involved. Plus, if you work with that person, you should remain cordial and friendly, but not "friends." In doing so, things will be uncomfortable for you in your place of work, and you may start to even see your work suffer.

2006-07-05 13:12:43 · answer #10 · answered by pilotmanitalia 5 · 0 0

Yes you can, i have quite a few friends which are exes. the only thing i would say though is that it depends on how long ago you split up and how serious the relationship was.

The exes that im friends with, i went out with quite a long time ago and none of them were serious. although i tried to be friends with an ex i had went out with for 2 years straight after splitting up and it didnt really work because we always ended up getting together again.

2006-07-05 13:07:02 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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