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19 answers

Most ALL OF IT-- for inspiration, guidance, and sometimes even the way it really should be!

2006-07-05 12:43:05 · answer #1 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 11 2

The bible no longer applies, it was just a way for people back then to explain the world around them. The morals and lesson it teaches can still be used. Now to ignore science and rely on the bible you might as well ask some one from the 5th century " how will global warming harm the planet"

Also the church has warped it into literal translation of power and hierarchy. Even if the church tried to change its too Little to late for many of the followers it has let down. Only the parts that teach morality and civility can still apply to today's world.

2006-07-06 16:07:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All of the bible applies to life yesterday, today, and for the end time to come. Yesterday served as an example as to how we are suppose to be living today, not to follow the ways of the wicked and evil doers. Today prepares us for our destination for when the end time comes, based on if we have learned anything from the examples given to us yesterday. Preachers and scholars have the bible broken down to about 136 books or more, but I want all you questionaires and readers to understand this. The bible is ONE book in which you can only have
one God
one faith
one belief
one baptizm
one truth
one way of life
all of these together make up
ONE RELIGION listen in
1 CORINTHIANS 1:10 the apostle Paul says
10) Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement.
So the people has taken the 136 or more books in the bible and chose which one they will use to apply to their lives, instead of taking the One book and applying it. Thats why there are so many different religions in division, disputing over who has the right belief. Good question. I pray for you. Amen

2006-07-05 20:12:12 · answer #3 · answered by Brother Marland H 3 · 0 0

There is some cultural context of the Bible which can make some passages seem as though they don't apply to life today, but the Bible contains God's truth, so I think that with enough study the entire contents of the Bible can be applied to life today.

2006-07-05 19:48:48 · answer #4 · answered by In God I Trust (a.k.a. infohog) 3 · 0 0

The whole Bible is useful for instruction...And all of it applies, if you know HOW to apply it (through the help of the Holy Spirit)

No - not everything is meant to be taken literally. But yes, everything does teach us something...

Do you know what I find remarkable...I know of lots of parents who use 'fairy tales' to teach their kids certain morals, and certain life lessons (ie. "don't talk to strangers, never give up on your goals in life, be kind to others", etc); and I'm not saying anything is wrong with that (afterall...if it's decent, and the kids can understand an underlying lesson why not use it?)

But why is it, there are SO MANY PEOPLE who cannot seem to fathom the Bible as being an effective method of teaching?

(1) It's fact. It's NOT fictional...(like fairytales)
(2) There are all sorts of parables, stories, if someone actually took the time to read it...(Some of which are very 'simple' to understand)
(3) It explains Unconditional love.
(4) If people took "Self" out of the picture long enough to view the whole picture, they'd see it's for their own good.

God wants the best for us. The Bible is His WORD, and His way of teaching us what's best.

2006-07-05 19:48:23 · answer #5 · answered by redglory 5 · 0 0

I am not sure what you mean by "apply".

If you mean, "Follow the actual words, literally", then there is much that do not apply. This is especially applicable in the area of the Ceremonial Law

If you mean, "Follow the PRINCIPLES", then ALL OF THE BIBLE IS APPLICABLE TO LIFE TODAY. For example, where in the Bible does it say that someone should not smoke cigarettes? However, from the principle that says that your body is the temple of God and that you therefore need to take good care of it;based on this PRINCIPLE, SMOKING IS PROHIBITED.

2006-07-05 19:51:29 · answer #6 · answered by flandargo 5 · 0 0

As a guide, filled with good and bad examples of how to deal with life, it is essential. Even a passages that deals you bull goring someone applies in how we handle the things and people we are responsible for/ in charge of when accidents hapen or they do wrong.

It is a challenge some times to find value or purpose in stories form thousands of years ago but the reality is peaple have not changed all that much in their attitudes and behaviors. Even with the guide book.

2006-07-05 19:50:14 · answer #7 · answered by mike g 4 · 0 0

Every single bit of it. Even the parts that seem to be really outdated, if you think about it you can find an analogy that would very much apply to today's world. God's word is forever.

2006-07-05 19:45:14 · answer #8 · answered by married_so_leave_me_alone1999 4 · 0 0

I think the Bible is very applicable for us today. In all the chaos of life today it is an oasis. If you're serious about your question try www.familylife.com and click on the different links available.

2006-07-05 19:44:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All of it.

It was written for the instruction, edification and correction in the life a the believer...although it is no longer necessary to sacrifice animals in order to obtain forgiveness...Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.

Nor is it necessary to abstain from certain foods any longer, as food abstension had to do with dietary safety and spiritual symbolism. Dietary rules were set in place by God and later removed by Him.

2006-07-05 19:53:14 · answer #10 · answered by steves_wifey 3 · 0 0

What doesn't apply to today's life? I can't think of something that doesn't apply. Good question though...

2006-07-05 19:41:45 · answer #11 · answered by Meg 3 · 0 0

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