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Why is it that all these religious people on here are telling other people that their lack of religion is wrong and that they should "keep an open mind about religion"? Shouldn't they follow their own advise and consider the posibility that THEY are the ones who are wrong and need to "keep an open mind"?

2006-07-05 12:33:42 · 17 answers · asked by yogazen 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Yes I think we should all be more open minded, because the truth of God is much bigger than the limited ability of the human mind. We only know what God has allowed us to know... God knows much more than all of us.... so it is arrogant for someone to thing they know everything---that would be the same as believing that they are equal to God...blasphemy.

Just the work religion speaks of limitations... versus spirituality which is a more open acceptance to learn of the spiritual aspects of God. Those who are religious are missing out so much on knowing the true love of God and the sacrifice made by Jesus.

2006-07-05 13:04:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

Because they have nothing else to do...

And They just want everyone to be like them! I see mainly Christians on here, and when I was a Christian going to Church,
all they would talk a bout is Spreading the word of god, OHHH Hallelujah!!!
Then they would hold the bible in the air and start spazzing. Scared me a little....

I believe they are being Mind controlled to do so, with a new high tect hypnotizing machine or something!

And I agree, they do need an open mind, they will say they do but they really dont.

I say, let people believe what tehy want. But Scientology is just stupid.

2006-07-05 19:36:26 · answer #2 · answered by Branwen 4 · 0 0

It comes from both sides here. I am a Christian, and I wont let anyone run me down, but I enjoy, and often entertain the idea that others have thought of things in a way I havent, causing me not only to look for answers, but also to look into my faith and belief. Sometimes I think they are wrong, but totally accept the possibility I could be.

Around this board though, there are very few posts you can learn from, that ask honest questions, and get real answers. Most of it is just to pick on the opposing view, and that comes from all sides.

2006-07-05 19:38:09 · answer #3 · answered by sweetie_baby 6 · 0 0

UNITED NATIONS - China and Russia resisted an attempt by the U.S., Japan, and Britain to impose sanctions against North Korea for its missile launches Wednesday, saying only diplomacy could halt the isolated regime's nuclear and rocket development programs. Japan, within range of North Korean missiles, circulated a U.N. Security Council resolution that would ban any country from transferring funds, material and technology that could be used in North Korea's missile and weapons of mass destruction programs.

2006-07-05 19:40:46 · answer #4 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 0 0

man everyone knows that thyey are wrong its just some antient wiered bileaves
as ppl in the past needed some answers to the questions they werent able to answer some smarter ppl created religion now as we know some of the stuff they didnt know by that time we know that religfion is wronge but stell some ppl were raised not to ask about religion and to totally bileave in it and they will be druped in hell if they questioned religion and thats why they r afraid to be logical in this area and they r sometimes very aggrissive in this its what thier parents tought them
they r hopless cases its like an untreatable phobia but this time from god

2006-07-05 20:17:47 · answer #5 · answered by DR. Raed 3 · 0 0

First off, in the interest of full disclosure, I am a Christian. Now for the fun part:

Fact #1: I can’t prove to you I’m right. It’s the essence of faith…I can’t prove that Jesus is the Son of God; I can’t prove He rose from the dead; I can’t prove that responding to the call of God will save anyone from an eternity in Hell. My belief in these concepts is based on my experience and inquiry.

Fact #2: As part of my Christian theology, I believe in absolute truth. The idea that one thing is true for one person and another thing is true for someone else is counter to my belief system. Since I believe in Christian dogma, I am precluded from believing in contradictory dogma. This doesn’t make me intolerant, it makes me consistent, and what’s more, it makes me compassionate (see Fact #3).

Fact #3: If I believe that a faith in Jesus is the only thing that can lead a person to an eternity of companionship with God (Heaven), it is kind to make an effort to expose people to the concept. Please do not interpret this to mean that I feel it is my responsibility to preach at those who don’t seek preaching, or to hound those who don’t want to hear it. On the contrary, I believe that my theology is so personal, so intimate that it can only be effectively shared through a fulfilling and equal relationship with a friend. Relationships are built by two-way communication. Preaching is, by definition, a one-way activity. Conversation is another matter.

Fact #4: The modern, American Christian church does a lousy job conveying its message. Why? Because we Christians, like everyone else (my belief), are flawed and corrupt and greedy. Any time more than one person comes together as an organization, it involves politics. Sad, but true (absolutely true, I might say…see Fact #2). I’m sorry that we offend so many people by insulting them, assuming their stupid, forcing Christian morality on those who have never claimed to honor it in the first place. The really important thing for me to remember as I find myself embarrassed and ashamed of my Church is that it’s mostly made up of people who are doing what they believe it right and compassionate…they, and I, just suck at it most of the time. Feel free to judge or actions…we deserve it. But please try to have some grace when it comes to judging our motives. Furthermore, I ask for you to judge the message on its merits, not on our ability to convey it. We’re doing out best, even though that’s not very good much of the time.

2006-07-05 20:03:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think there is truth and beauty in all the world's major religious traditions. That seems pretty open-minded to me. I can't speak for anyone else.

2006-07-05 19:37:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

this is a trick theists use, they insist that you "have an open mind" and then the spout off on their version of the fairy tale god, but if you say no this is rubbish, then you "don't have an open mind"

well, santa isn't real, and im a 29 year old man who doesn't have an open mind when another 29 year old man tries to tell me santa is real

2006-07-05 19:37:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most Christians will tell you that it is their duty to convert us all. They actually think they're scoring points with God for converting us "heathens!"

Actually, I think we should just lead by example and unless they're really bugging us...we should just leave them alone. You know, sometimes you really irritate people by just ignoring their very existence. Maybe that's something we can try?

No, really, I don't know the answer to this one. My experiences with the Christians and Catholics I've known (and i went to a parochial school and church) is that they're incredibly hypocritical, beyond belief! So, I maybe hypocrisy just infiltrates most/or all of what they do.

2006-07-05 19:45:31 · answer #9 · answered by bitto luv 4 · 0 0

Yes, they do. People need to respect each other's opinions and beliefs. Sadly, many religious people forget that.

2006-07-05 19:37:20 · answer #10 · answered by hope03 5 · 0 0

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