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Ok, I am a mom, 3 kids , all small... and they can turn the place upside down in less than 30 minutes. I used to be a neat freak, as much as I couldn't go to sleep if the pillow had a wrinkle on it, I mean really psycho... Since I havd the kids it was impossible to keep up. Now I find myself yelling at the kids for the same stuff my mom yelled at me... Seriously, it's ridiculous if you think about it, and I do believe that the home is a place for free expression, but right in that moment when something gets spilled, or something gets messy - and kids don't have the gift of small messes, they go all out - I become insane... well sort of...
If we had any burglars trying to rob our place, they will leave in an instant thinking someone has already been there...
I just need someone to let me know how they keep sane in the same situation/ or if there's any hope of this ever getting back to normal.. I love my kids and I would like to be more than just a good mom, a great mom.. ... Am I nuts

2006-07-05 12:10:56 · 43 answers · asked by Pivoine 7 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

You people have so much insight it's hard to pick a best answer!!! If anyhting, this made me more relaxed, and hopeful... And I do have a husband, and I am over 30... for those who questioned that... I am really thankful for your thoughts, I did get some perspective...
I'll go put my smile on.

2006-07-06 09:45:08 · update #1

43 answers

Watch Super Nanny. She has great ideas. One of her ideas that was with a mom and like 6 kids was to set up a job chart with pictures (because they probably cannot read yet). Have a family meeting and tell them what their job is. Give stickers on a chart or do something when the job has been completed for the day. Then at the end of the week, make up coupons for things like extra TV time or playing outside, and give them out as rewards for completing their jobs. If you need something that is more than once a day, do sticker charts that you check every half hour, hour, 2 hours, or whatever time necessary. You could also do random "checks" and whatever child did what he or she was supposed to do gets a reward. Another thing that super nanny did was to get a timer and make it a game to see how fast the kids can clean up. She said the most important thing was to keep it fun and be positive. I'm not a mom, so I don't know if it will work, but I am a teacher and kids love sticker charts.

2006-07-05 12:18:08 · answer #1 · answered by misschris459 2 · 1 1

I am also a mom of 3...but mine are 20, 22 and 23. I can honestly tell you it does get better...when they leave home!!! My daughter was never much of a problem as she is a bit of a neat freak like me. But my two sons are still living at home and I can't keep up with the mess! I travel quite a bit and I just dread coming home to see what the house looks like. I am a neat freak, too, but I just give up when I see the mess before me. So, I am biding my time until they both move out and comfort myself with the knowledge that when that happens, my house will look the same when I come home as it did when I left. Until then, just enjoy the time you have with them and don't sweat the small stuff. When they are gone, I'm sure we'll both wish we had the messes back!

2006-07-05 12:16:48 · answer #2 · answered by Cyndie 6 · 0 0

Helpful answers huh? I have found the best thing to do it to teach the kids to pick things up and to be neat too. My mom raised two kids that way and we're both very clean now. I had good luck making cleaning into a game. Screaming a freaking out is the last thing you should ever do. Even if it is what you have done in the past, changing 180* now will help. When you react by screaming, its attention and they want to do more for the attention. If you give them more and positive attention for being clean they will learn to do it. Don't worry if it takes time and good luck

2006-07-05 12:15:32 · answer #3 · answered by Brian 3 · 0 0

a million. call 911 2. And at the same time as i'm waiting for extra or less an hour or so until eventually they get right here i'd likely take some baseball bats and bypass on over in the experience that they pick help (throughout the time of the line and to my left both have youthful ones.. the only to my precise are senior voters)

2016-11-05 22:55:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

lol welcome 2 motherhood.damn u sound like me.hun after 6 kids n 4 grandchildren I can tell ya the house is always a mess ur always going 2 sound like ur mother n if u let it drive u nuts it will. I take paxil keeps me nice and relaxed,no stress. I also clean the house once in the morning,pick up around lunch n clean up again once the kids r in bed.by that time I am lucky enough 2 drag my *** 2 bed n get a couple of hours before it starts again.hang in there hun u r not alone. lol learn 2 laugh it off its just kids being kids n it does get a little better once they get older but by that time hubby will be leaving enough messes 4 12 lmao.goodluck.

2006-07-05 12:16:08 · answer #5 · answered by Lady Geo 5 · 0 0

One thing I did when my kids were little was kept a cardboard box in the living room for there toys, that way you are not running things back and forth to there rooms constantly and it's easier to pick up. You have to realize with small kids things will not be perfect anymore and find some compromise that will be acceptable for you. Set rules like no eating in any room but the kitchen. Try to figure out what rooms are just driving you crazy and set some limits in those rooms, and to start getting things in order start with 1 room a day or just a section of that room a day and work at it slowly. Things will get better I promise keep your head up.

2006-07-05 12:20:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Before we had kids, our house was immaculate and I used to look down my nose at homes with kids that were messy. I now have two kids...and they're messy. I learned a trip to the park or playing frisbee is far more important than worrying about the mess. Our house is clean, but there's always toys and stuff laying around. I get the kids to make their beds and help with loading the dishwasher and so on. But the rest of the mess? Oh well....far more important things to worry about and far too much frisbee to be played.

2006-07-05 12:15:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Teaching children to clean up after themselves is a lesson for life. This will carry over to their jobs, school, etc. It is your responsibility as their mother to teach them to clean up after themselves. Use timeout....one minute per year of age. Be consistent and persistent. At first, it will be difficult but if you stick to your guns, it will not take long before they get the message that things have to change. Don't yell. That only causes them to disrespect you because you are showing no disrespect for them. Make a game of it. Reward them when they pick up their toys, clean up their spills, etc. Award small prizes...ice cream cones, family fun day, etc. Anything that they enjoy doing and it doesn't have to cost much money. It can be as simple as having a picnic on a blanket in the backyard and playing in the sprinkler. Good luck!

2006-07-05 12:16:07 · answer #8 · answered by amomentssunlight 4 · 0 0

Your kids need to be taught rules and boundaries. If they misbehave dont let them have a desert or tv. if they still dont listen send them to bed without dinner. Make them stay home and inside on a beautiful sunny day just to clean the entire house. My parents did this when i was younger and i keep a clean apartment now. The trick is to be stern and not give in!!! They will listen if they ever want to do something fun again.

2006-07-05 12:15:33 · answer #9 · answered by dapperflapper 3 · 0 0

Think of it this way: Your kids will not remember if they had a spotlessly clean house when they grow up. What they will remember is that they had a Mom who was fun, who got down on the floor and played with them, who baked cookies, etc. Hire a cleaning service if you must and don't let the mess get to you. It's all about raising those kids, not about cleaning the house. As long as it's not a germ center, don't worry about it.

2006-07-05 12:14:49 · answer #10 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

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