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You've probably seen the post by Dr. Stephen Hawking. He took the words out of my mouth. Although I am a very strong Christian and I feel that I will not have to worry about where I go on judgment day, I am apprehensive about having children, etc. as I think the the earth is in its final days. I broke down and cried last night after watching the craziness about N. Korea's missiles etc. I am so sad that all of this is happening. I am sure that God, like any good human father, would be disappointed at the mess we all have created... politically, socially, environmentally, militarily, etc. etc. Millions of people are suffering unspeakable situations and circumstances needlessly... He wanted something better for us, I'm sure.

2006-07-05 12:10:29 · 61 answers · asked by Mishy 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

61 answers

I do. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, wars, etc. Destruction feels imminent.

2006-07-05 12:12:55 · answer #1 · answered by theogodwyn 3 · 1 0

We are saddened by the things that are happening on this planet but we also say "Even so, come Lord Jesus..."
And that is because we know that the Holy Bible has to be fulfilled. All the good, bad, ugly, beautiful.
All these dying, starving children will go straight to heaven which means that they are better off in the long run than millions who live in comfort and apathy who will NOT go to heaven when they die.
I'd rather be that starving child than be a spoiled rich kid
who didn't care about anything other than myself.
Nevertheless it kills me to think of the suffering...
But it isn't God that does the suffering but Satan that
brings droughts and calamities that destroy the earth.
But God has a PLAN of salvation.
Many will be saved that never even heard of Jesus Christ.
Good people who never had a chance to serve Him in Truth.
If I was younger and had no children but was debatiing having one or more...One thing for sure, I would home-school my children and raise them in a Christian atmosphere and I mean a REAL Christian atmosphere...not Rock and Roll "Christian" music and not have CABLE TV where all kinds of garbage slip through.
Otherwise they stand no chance in this modern society.
The Bible says if He didn't hurry back and cut the work short there would be no flesh left to be saved...That's how bad it's going to get.
But, God will lead you to all Truth if you will ask Him.
Just don't live in fear for the Bible says that God is love.
God is not fear.
Draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to you.
And He will build a hedge around you, and an Ark of safety, and ten thousand may fall at thy side but it won't come near you if you live for Him and trust in Him.

The Scriptures must be fulfilled.
The fig tree has already blossomed...Israel is already a nation...and all the other trees will blossom out too...

Be glad that this pesthouse we call earth is coming to an end for a New Earth will take its place.

And in this New Earth....will be a city called the New Jerusalem. That's His Bride.
And many will live outside the City too.
In perfect peace and happiness.

So, dwell on the promises and not on the negatives.

And, God bless you and all who want more of Him.

2006-07-05 12:29:39 · answer #2 · answered by Joja 2 · 0 0

Yes.. It is kind of scary but I know that it is all under control and the people on earth have to do what they are going to do..
The whole thing is a big buildup and it will eventually just all fall in place. I cried when I saw the 9/11 pictures on the TV and I couldn't believe that it was happening. A neighbor called me over and said to look on the TV.
The USA cannot defend against all of this and eventually some will get through and do their deeds.. We can only look up and know that our redemption draws near. We need to understand that these people need to be able to live out their decisions before God so that they will be without excuse when they get to the Great White Throne judgment. They will not be saying that no one warned them ect..
One thing Sis don't let this throw you. It needs to happen and we need to stay firm. The churches in general are going liberal and we need to stay with God.. Train up your children and keep on for Jesus..

2006-07-05 12:14:50 · answer #3 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 0 0

the world has been at the exact same spot so many times, and one can never know when the end is coming. The best advise one can use for themselves is to realize that the only moments you have any amount of control over are those right now. This instance. Not the past not the future.

LIVE FOR THE MOMENT and just know that tomorrow will be there, you will need only to be concerned about yourself. Love is take care of the rest.

2006-07-05 12:19:02 · answer #4 · answered by kickinupfunf 6 · 0 0

How near is near and how far is far?
Is there a time table somewhere that says that there is x amount of time between such a such sign and the last one?

I think you are worrying needlessly. If you can't stop worrying then pray about it. Confide in a minister or someone who can help you.

I don't think about the end times that much. I think about the day to day times and worrry about what is going to happen tomorrow when tomorrow comes. Matthew 6:34

2006-07-05 12:23:59 · answer #5 · answered by helpme1 5 · 0 0

*raises hands grimly* We're really, really, REALLY mucking up Mother Earth here. Nuclear disasters, holocene extinction event, complete moral decline. Sooner or later, She'll get really fed up.

That, or we, humankind, destroys ourselves eventually. If we don't wipe each other out in a massive nuclear war, we'll murder every nonhuman species on the planet, thus we don't have nourishment, the air will be too polluted to breathe, and we'll go extinct along with everything else that we've destroyed.

"When the last tree falls, when the last river is polluted, when the last fish dies, then you'll know that money cannot be eaten." Native proverb.

2006-07-05 14:39:18 · answer #6 · answered by Maiden Moon 1 · 0 0

He never meant this for us but that's what happens when you give people free will. sometimes they don't always use it in the right way. If it bothers you how much more so it bothers our heavenly father. Our creator never meant for us to have to endure this. Soon very soon the wicked will be destroyed and the righteous will be left over in the earth. That's a quote.
During Noah's day he said, "I regret even making man, because he was so violent." He probably regrets it again.

Maybe we deserve togo upin a nuclear holocost.
But the bible says that that is not what is going to happen.
There will be survivors of the destrucition of the ungodly.

2006-07-05 12:18:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are no prophets of God today, even as there are no apostles. God has already revealed everything He wants men to know, and has placed this revelation in the Book we call the Bible. Today there may be interpreters of God’s Word and God’s written prophecy, but no one today should, in specific meaning of the word, take the position of being a prophet.

The experts say, “This is that,” when events happen and then they compare the event to a prophecy in the scripture. These experts are always wrong and will continue to be wrong as long as they try to fit Israel’s prophecy into the Church Age. There is one basic truth in regards to prophecy. Prophecy concerning the return of our Lord has to do with His return in Glory and not with His coming at the rapture. No prophecy needs to be fulfilled in order for the rapture to take place. The rapture, the translation of the Church, which is the Body of Christ (I Thes 4:17-18), is not dependent on prophecy. It may happen any time, any moment. Perhaps today our Lord will call for His Church.

It is after the rapture that prophecy relating to His return in glory will begin to be fulfilled. Today we are living in a period of time called the Mystery Program, which was kept secret since the world began (Romans 16:25-26). The following is a list of mysteries that have been made known to us today and have nothing to do with prophecies that pertain to Israel.

2006-07-05 12:16:31 · answer #8 · answered by Ray W 6 · 0 0

I believe there is only one prophecy left in the Bible left to fulfill all of the prophecies of the Bible: "A great light in the west can even be seen in the East." If you have the opportunity read the books by Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins, there Left Behind series. It is a fictional series of books, but describes the rapture and tribulation as per what the Bible tells us. It even tells about pregnant women. When we are raptured to Heaven, we will go "In a twinkling of an eye," Jesus will take us immediately from here on Earth and go to Heaven.

2006-07-05 12:19:03 · answer #9 · answered by Tim 2 · 0 0

Obviously, I don't share the same beliefs you do regarding the bible and judgement day. That is just fantasy land. But in a sense, it is right, because nothing can go forever. I'm glad you take N. Korea seriously, I wish others did also.

But you overlooked Global Warming. We are actually ALL contributing to the demise of the planet, right now. Every time we drive our car, or use bags or boxes for our groceries!

2006-07-05 12:15:50 · answer #10 · answered by brass 2 · 0 0

Yes, I believe so. There are so many signs that God has sent us signs and to prepare for the Lord's returns.

- Many shall come in my name and say, “I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matt 24:5
- There will be some false religious doctrines. There are some has occurred today over the world wide. Matt. 24:4, 5, 11 and 24.
- There will be wars and rumors of war. Matt. 24:6,7 . It happens currently.
- There will be some men’s hearts failing with fear. Luke 21:26
- There will be some natural disasters: earthquakes, famines, pestilence in diver places. Matt. 24:7
- There will be raising crimes and violence, and iniquity. Matt 24:12 . It begins to happen now.
- There shall be perilous times, moral decadence. 2 Tim. 3:1-4. It will be worst than Jewish slavery times in B.C., Christians persecuted in 15th century (I think), African and Native American slavery, Hitler and Holocaust times and so many more than that.
- Intemperate and morally corrupt. Matt. 24:37-39.
- Economic difficult times. James 5:1-5
- Overwhelmed by cares of this life. Luke 21:34
- Many Christians will spread the gospel to al over the world Matt. 24:14 and Rev. 14:6,7.
- The evil servant will say s “My Lord delays His Coming.” Matt 24:48.
- God’s advise to us is “Be ready” Matt. 24:42-44.

But all things will get worst eventually in the time of the trouble. So, brothers and sister please prepared and keep your chin up to the sky where Lord will come out of heaven. Bring your armor of faith!

2006-07-05 12:38:18 · answer #11 · answered by laurenstar22 1 · 0 0

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