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As an Atheist, I think Christians have been brainwashed by the brainwashed. They have to have a simple explanation for this complicated universe because their minds are simple. They just say "god made it". That's soooooo simple. Evolution is too complicated for them to grasp. There's too much involved for them

false assumptions by Christians
1. They think we're Atheists because something bad happen to us
2. They think we're mad at god.(This is stupid because how could we be mad at if we know it's fake
3. They think we're seeking God. How would you like it if I said you're seeking the tooth fairy?
4. They think we're going to hell which is proof that their belief is fear based
5. They think the devil tricked us. We dont go to the house of the brainwashed every sunday and give money. Christians have been tricked

2006-07-05 10:38:21 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


2006-07-05 10:46:07 · update #1

22 answers

Who is right? Hmmm-here is my opinion on who is right...both Atheists and Christians are. We are born of free will and the choice to make our own decisions and as long as man has been around there has been some form of belief in a God, who put that into the minds of man? If it gives some warmth and comfort to believe in a Supreme Creator then allow them to embrace that belief, my only issues are when it is forced upon us.

The same as with atheists, they choose to believe in evolution and the process of cells and microorganism evolving in water, but what began all this? Yes there are theories in Evolution that can be proved and disproved, but that is science, I suggest reading Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan- very insightful.

I believe atheist and Christians are right because we have that choice to believe or not to and at this point the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved-religion however is man-based and created by man.

2006-07-05 10:41:55 · answer #1 · answered by Wheels 5 · 0 0

"As an Atheist, I think Christians have been brainwashed by the brainwashed. "

I've been told that many times, but I could say the same about you. It all comes down to insults in the end and I try my best to stay away from slinging mud.

"They have to have a simple explanation for this complicated universe because their minds are simple."

God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. That is what I believe. That he created the world in 6 days and on the 7th he rested.

"They just say "god made it". That's soooooo simple. Evolution is too complicated for them to grasp. There's too much involved for them"

So everything has to be hard and complicated to understand? I never really got why an answer has to be that way.

1. I don't believe you're an Atheist because something bad happened to you.

2. In the end it's what you believe. If you choose to think God is fake then go ahead I won't stop you from believing that.

3. I don't wish to see any person go to hell. I wish to see them saved, but only if they want to accept Christ as their personal Savior.

2006-07-05 11:00:43 · answer #2 · answered by DoomFrost 2 · 0 0

ok, christians are not brainwashed, only two of the signers of the Decleration of Independence were not professing Christians and they did a pretty good job. and now to answer your question, Yea, Creation is simple, so is life, you are born you live, you die, you go toeither heaven or hell, simple as that.

1. Iv'e been a Christian all my life and i have never been told atheists are atheists because something bad happened to them.
2. point taken.
3. we know you are not seeking God, you don't believe in Him so why would you?
4. Our religion is not fear-based its gratitude based. Gratitude for Jesus Christ dying on the cross so we don't have to go to Hell.
5. The devil has tricked you. You are too greedy to give to God what he has blessed you with, and we go 3 times a week, not just Sunday. If you want to discuss this more in depth. say so in the yahoo forum and i will give you a temp addy you can reach me at.

2006-07-05 10:42:47 · answer #3 · answered by stretch2390 2 · 0 0

It is natural to believe in what the human mind can perceive with the senses. Science has come a long way to discover what makes our earth tick. There is much that science still cannot explain. As both a scientist and a Christian, I believe that the two are not as far apart as some think. God worked in natural ways to accomplish the creation and the production of all the living features of this earth. We are the culmination of the production effort. There are many reasons to believe in the eternal nature of the spirit of man. Our spirits don't age like our bodies do. We still feel young on the inside when our bodies feel old on the outside. Our distinct personalities testify to the uniqueness of our spirits. The feelings of inspiration that we get from our prayers and contemplations testify of the existence of a spiritual realm. Those that deny the existence of God are more comfortable believing only what they can prove with the senses and with the mind. Those that do believe in God are comfortable believing in the unseen elements of life. Faith is the difference. Faith is the evidence of things not seen that are true. Faith motivates us to move forward when we don't know the end from the beginning. In the end, we can look at it pragmatically and say that the Christian has nothing to lose if he/she is wrong. They will still have led a good life and history will remember them fondly. The atheist will have much to lose if they turn out to be wrong. When their body dies and their spirits continue, then they will have a sense of oops!

2006-07-05 10:55:00 · answer #4 · answered by rac 7 · 0 0

I'm a Christian. As a former atheist I understand your concerns. I have not been brainwashed. As a matter of fact, I really looked into the science regarding creation vs. evolution. I am a scientist at heart. There is simply too much evidence FOR creation to ignore. Atheists just haven't looked into the matter deep enough and with an open mind.

2006-07-05 10:44:07 · answer #5 · answered by luckyme 4 · 0 0

I don't believe it is as simple as that, some christians are intelligent, open minded and tolerant and pray for your soul, others are very antichristian like and without hesitation will break the deadliest of the seven deadly sins pride and wrath and condemn you to hell, ask mean questions here about atheists and other religious groups on yahoo answers and send you hate email or give vulgar answers and curse at you for insulting their personal jesus, in a typical self righteous hypocritical manner,( I have experienced this negativity from christians many times and understand your frustration)however not all are like this and not all are delusional hatemongers, one could argue that all have been brainwashed for what ever beliefs one holds, there is no one right and wrong ,for everyone, we are all from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, the only right I can think of, is tolerance and acceptance of what is right for someone else is wrong for me and vice versa, live and let live and what is wrong is imposing your will on others and acting with condemnation,negativity ,fear,intolerance, apathy or hatred towards those who hold different views, and not looking for common ground to communicate as adults with each other

2006-07-05 10:51:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What makes us any more brainwashed than you? Even Christians have bad things happen to them and get mad at God. Christians continually seek God. Hell is a very real place (ask anyone who has had a near-death experience and has gone there temporarily), and I must admit that I'd rather spend eternity with my family than burn in Hell forever. What I do with my Sundays and my money are noone's business except God and mine - certainly not yours. Are you saying that Atheists do not donate money for ANY causes? That's just being miserly ro selfish.

2006-07-05 10:45:43 · answer #7 · answered by Sherry K 5 · 0 0

As a Christian, I think that atheists are people on earth that God also loves. You don't have to love Him back, but he will still love you. I love you too! Why wouldn't I, you are my brother/sister? We are all non-believers until we are taught the truth about God's love for us, His power over Satan and God's promise to save us from perishing if we truly believe in Him. It sounds simple, because it is that simple. Not because my mind is simple. A good Christian will never call you names or argue that you are living wrong. But a good Christian may want to give atheists the "Good News" that they may not have heard "yet". It's the same Good News that I just mentioned above. See John 3:16. I hope that you are as respectful to my brothers as I am with you.

2006-07-05 10:49:09 · answer #8 · answered by joe_on_drums 6 · 0 0

Is truth really obtainable? For instance, Meat is good my grandfather lived to 100, meat is bad my grandfather died at 50 of a meat related illness. The point is truth is not universal but relative. If there were a definitive truth there could be no debate.
To take your question further you must clearly define what God is to prove there is no existence. Is God a cow, an energy, an alien etc.
Agnostics may claim that it is not possible to have absolute or certain spiritual knowledge or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no such knowledge. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnostic

2006-07-05 11:00:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Christian answer a is simple...but so is the evolution one. "It just happened". Just because we believe that God created the universe doesn't mean that we stop trying to figure out how it runs. As for the assumptions, it is true that some believe that. I believe you are atheists because you are stupid :)....joking

2006-07-05 10:44:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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