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I mean, should we look in the mirror, seriously, why should I care if another human being believes in leprechans or lochness monsters or jesus or whatever

2006-07-05 10:23:42 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

To state your position calmly in a public forum is not harassment. Making fun of that which you consider asinine in the same forum is also not harassment.

Belief in leprechauns does not threaten my freedom or my life. Religious delusions do.

2006-07-05 10:29:21 · answer #1 · answered by lenny 7 · 3 0

Hmmmm belief is one thing.

If I believe in Pixies and Banshies who do I hurt? When I believe in somthing that ells me how to live is that bad ????

When I believe in somthing that tells me how you should live and it starts dictating world affairs and forign policy then maybe it should be questioned.And personally I don't find the bible says so or jesus told me a very good answer.

Jesus has not brought peace , good news or anything else. it has furthered the mindset of believe what I do or it's stoning time.

If your sexuality , religion , customs and/or culture don't interefere with me then all hail to the great Leprecon of your nation. That is not what Christianity does at all and it's not what Muslims do either.They are after me and you and the guy next door to adhere to be saved to be somthing. It somehow requires my participation and affects me.

This is why of all the religions i have encountered I like the Jewish religion - Simply based on te fact that they don't seem to care what I think or believe. The Jews have never knocked on my door to tell me about anything.

The Christians do.............

The Christians want to run the government

The Christians want to dictate foriegn policy etc etc.

I think I'd like them a lot better if they harrassed there own and not others but they can't do that "Preach the gopel unto the whole world and then the end shall come" - Basic translation go bug the piss out of everyone.

I am not a jew nor have I ever wanted to be one but I'd rather a jewish nieghbor to a Christian one and I was raised in the Anglican Church of Canada and had both as nieghbors.

2006-07-05 10:45:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nothing is wrong with you and I'm not an Atheist. I can understand why you choose to believe as you do.( I am also not a Christian) But don't feel alone Christians harass all others to their religion. I received a really bitter email form a guy on yahoo answers, BrianG, because I said some parents don't want their children exposed to certain movies,rated for religious content. I did not slam Christianity but supported freedom of religion. So they seem to want to go after anyone . I support each persons path as sacred to them.

2006-07-05 10:39:19 · answer #3 · answered by phaz7 2 · 0 0

I've wondered this at times myself.
I used to be pretty anti-christian after I finally decided it was all bunk. Part of this was because I had to deal with my mother who kept trying to get me to go to church again. Now that I've moved out I've mellowed a lot, but if people still want to engage me in conversation about why I don't believe all that stuff, I'm happy to oblige :)
I think another reason atheist sometimes ridicule Christians is that it really is hard for an atheist to understand how anyone believes in a great being in the sky who is into blood and sacrifice (of his own son no less) before he will grant forgiveness, and who thinks humans are so important that our sexual thought and actions are of great importance to him . . .
Ok, I used to believe all this too so I sorta understand. But a lot of atheist don't.

2006-07-05 10:34:46 · answer #4 · answered by mikayla_starstuff 5 · 0 0

"Why should I care". Christians have an excuse: Jesus told us to care. The second most important commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.
Atheists also have an excuse: most of them think religion is stupid (those who are undecided are agnostic), and idiots are either funny or annoying. Those who set out to win converts are categorically annoying. However, some atheists do try to win converts to their "religion", and some of those have jobs as science teachers teaching evolution.

"...what's wrong with us?" If you're talking politically, we Christians are the overrepresented majority, and hence should be discriminated against in the spirit of equality. Furthermore, Christianity is a _religion_, and here in America we _separate_ religion and government. (It's backfiring; they're establishing a secular religion)

Possibly (although nobody would admit it) they're afraid of the consequences of the existence of God. Namely, that they're accountable to Him, so their actions have consequences. This is not a null issue: what you believe has no effect on reality. So whether or not you believe in God does not affect whether or not He exists.

2006-07-05 11:31:16 · answer #5 · answered by Paranoid Android 4 · 0 0

Because some like me retaliate.When violated or spoken against everyone has a way to vent there anger by reactions of words and not actions of physical harm unless do not expect me to sit idle if you come piss in my living room floor then i may become physical.
until the day i find concrete proof of a god other than words on paper, i will follow evolution

also when i see someone throw up this country was based on freedom,built on freedom,but when indeed took the freedom from many races,just gets me going,also bringing up freedom can not all people have the right to voice there beliefs ,or is it better to create a one sided culture

2006-07-05 10:34:41 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Truly search, look in the mirror and look at yourself, and you'll discover that thesame principles and ideals that pushed you to aspire to change peolpe around you including the world by becoming the President of an influential country like USA for solid two terms is thesame conviction that makes adherents of Chistianity and other religions to push to change the world. If this principle and conviction does not exist how would the world be or what would it look like? Think about it, Mr. President.

2006-07-05 10:47:51 · answer #7 · answered by Leye A 1 · 0 0

People with an enlightened atheistic worldview will naturally wish to help other people who haven't achieved this yet, in the same way that many of us were helped in this way by other people in our lives.

Also there is the very valid point that religion is damaging and dangerous, being one of the main causes of conflict and suffering and ignorance in the world. The sooner we can eradicate it, the better off we'll all be.

2006-07-05 10:35:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nothing is wrong. We just want to exploit pocibilities .
The more Christians are there the easier we can push them into things to belive. Faith is a good thing when used comercially.
Some ppl wants to educate others , some ppl like to spread love msg like I told you about jesus now you don't belive go to hell. ( cute, isnt'it?)
in Any case its good to have uneducated ppl around. it Makes educated ppl looks even better. And at the end everything works in comparrison to other objects.
Therefore GOD and money exist.

2006-07-05 10:31:32 · answer #9 · answered by PicassoInActions 3 · 0 0

This country was founded on freedom of religion, Freedom of speech. Also free Enterprise. You and I have the freedom to believe in God or not. You also have the freedom to speak and say what you want about others beliefs. Or speak what you believe. We will never rule out hatred in this country as long as we have these freedoms. no matter what I say or believe there is going to be someone else who does not agree with me. AND you have that freedom. I respect your freedom. I hope you learn to respect others freedoms.

With that I believe there is a God . I worship him in all I say and do Here on earth you have the freedom to not believe that.
I also believe that once you die you must face that God. And the bible that I read says every knee shall bow, on earth or in heaven. I choose to bow before God here and now.

Great question thanks for asking.

2006-07-05 10:35:15 · answer #10 · answered by xxgq 4 · 0 0

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