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Yes, my mom is killing me on that one. She won't accept the fact she has raised an atheist child, and will not accept it, so now I am choking on it. Then when I tell people my beliefs they freak.

2006-07-05 10:25:54 · answer #1 · answered by roverriffer 3 · 1 1

As a whole? Yes and no. Some sects do, simply because they believe it is outlined in the bible. Some don't. Some don't care, and some decide that if others are meant to be Christian, then they will come to it on their own.

Religions have a tendency to try and recruit. Why? Because religion often involves leadership and power, and therefore can become corrupt very easily. The leaders need more followers (which often leads to more money), therefore they send the followers they have out to recruit more. This can also happen when a certain religion is starting to crumble and lose power, as can be seen in the continual criticism of some of the old traditions in the Vatican.

Is it good? No. Trying to force beliefs on someone will never make them a true believer, which is the central goal of forcing beliefs in the first place. The best way to increase conversion is to bare all, and show both the good and the bad of your religion. Since honesty is encouraged in most religions, this adds credibility to your actions, and increases appeal.

2006-07-05 10:31:39 · answer #2 · answered by eshtah 1 · 0 0

I think some do...just with any zealot in any religion. Christianity and it's "bad" points are caused by men...not by the faith itself. That is something that all people must remember.
But even with that being said, the faith of Christianity has some really good points for all of man kind...and you don't have to be "Christian" to practice them.
I am a Christian (of sorts) and I do not force anyone to think like me...I have the understanding of my faith to know that God gave all of us free will and choice, and all I can say is what I believe and what I think and leave it at that. Some will listen and understand and some won't, it's just that simple.
No one should force any religion or faith on anyone else...and that goes for everyone of every mindset including atheists, Muslims, pagans...EVERYONE. Here in America everyone has freedom to believe and not to believe, but that does not mean that there can be no moral standard...and you can have morals without being Christian. More people need to understand that...
Oh, and something that irks me...if people would actually understand that when Americas founding fathers put "In God We Trust" they were meaning any "god" not just the Christian one. If more people would understand that, I don't think there would be so much hostility.

2006-07-05 10:31:02 · answer #3 · answered by Poppet 3 · 0 0

Not forcing, sharing, there is a difference. It is up to the person whether or not they accept or reject what the Christian is sharing.

Some times, as like a mother and a child, the christian mother may share a little more intensely. This ceases to be a believer/ non believer relationship. This is a love of a mother for a child. The same could be said for a child to parent, spouse to spouse, friend to friend.

2006-07-05 11:40:18 · answer #4 · answered by suthrndaysi 4 · 0 0

There are few things that can truly be forced upon another and religion is one of them. Even God doesn't force us to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, so how could I, a mere human, force you to accept him? If you are feeling that you are being forced upon, it's probably the Holy Spirit convicting you to make a choice - ever think of that? Just because he may be using a person to keep you reminded, doesn't mean it's the person that keeps you feeling the pressure within your own thought processes. You can forget what a person says and go on, but if under conviction, you can't ever get away from the nagging little voice that says, Jesus Christ is the answer, why are you turning him down?

2006-07-05 10:31:33 · answer #5 · answered by dph_40 6 · 0 0

Some people of all religions or lack of religion try to force or coerce people into believing what they believe. That is not right, because you can't truly make someone believe something and it would be disrespectful to try. Christians aren't any more guilty of this than non-christians, they just seem to be accused of it more often. The christians who are following their beliefs are trying to save and help people. That is their duty. Think about it: If you believe in Heaven and Hell and that God made a way for people to go to Heaven and avoid Hell, wouldn't you tell people about it if you care about them? That's exactly what a christian should do, both out of love for people and love and obedience to God. But a person can't be forced to believe and should be treated with respect. They have a right to believe what they want to. And christians should be willing to hear about others' beliefs without being offended if they want others to hear about Jesus. That doesn't mean the christian has to accept the other religion as true. Christians also have a right to believe in their faith without ridicule or disrespect to christianity. The best way to share a belief is to be a good example and show love and consideration for others. Then someone might become curious and ask you what makes you tick, so you can share it without being pushy. But, in the case of relatives or friends, try to to be patient and forgiving of their pushiness. It's only because they love you so much and want you to have the best life and afterlife possible. They can't stand the thought of you suffering forever in Hell separated from them and God. And that's what they believe will happen to you if they don't get you to believe in Jesus as Savior.

It should be noted that christianity believes one must pray the prayer for salvation and believe, not just go to a christian church, so it's not about strenghtening the religion by getting new members. A person can be a christian without going to church, although they may miss opportunities to grow closer to God. BTW, I am a christian and never shove my beliefs upon others. I'll say what I believe and listen to others beliefs and invite them to hear more if they want, but I love and respect all human beings too much to act rudely and arrogantly toward them.

2006-07-09 02:33:32 · answer #6 · answered by Ashana 2 · 0 0

Even as a Christian I would have to admit that some do try to force their religion on people...people who knock door to door etc. But there are also others who simply try to show God's love through their actions and hope that people see that they are missing something and ask what is different about them. This is more my area. It makes me sad to think that people do try to force religion down others because it makes the rest of us look bad. Please remember that not everyone is like that.

2006-07-05 11:09:43 · answer #7 · answered by followmyleader1 2 · 0 0

Definitely - and Muslims too. You will never, ever see an atheist go into a discussion group on, say, model trains and start banging on about how no gods exist and we're all the product of evolution... but Christians and Muslims regularly pop up with entirely irrelevant preaching in all sorts of places where it's not asked for and not wanted.

2006-07-05 10:28:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good question.

There are some Christians are forced on others to believe in God or must convert to their religious belief. Some Christians try not to be forced people, just give them some opinions and or option. What is Christian’s one of duty to do is spread the gospel all over the small communities, and or to the world to know who is , Jesus and what has Jesus does for us. He has died for our sins.

Christians should not let them to be forced to convert whatever religious Christians force them to. God NEVER force. He is LOVE and MERCY. God gave us CHOICE, which mean people can believe in God or not. It’s up to them, not God. God LOVES us ALL. We are his children. He wants us all to be saved and deliver us home to His kingdom. We should be graceful for he is love, not hate.

2006-07-05 10:33:20 · answer #9 · answered by laurenstar22 1 · 0 0

Yes, Christians often force their religion on people. In developing countries, missionaries try to give orphans food AND Christianity.

Although our Constitution declares separation between church and state, the Christian majority still holds all the religious power as seen on our currency ("In God We Trust"), in our Pledge of Allegience ("One nation, under God"), and in the majority of our states' definitions of marriage, which in itself may not as well exist since marriage is a religious institution. But since opposite-sex partners of any religion can receive the legal benefits of marriage, it's unequal, discriminatory, and "Bible-based" to exclude same-sex partners from those benefits.

2006-07-05 10:28:54 · answer #10 · answered by queerness 1 · 0 0

When Christians lobby to have creationism taught in schools and the ten commandments displayed in public, and they run for public office and base their decisions on what is written in a book full of myths written by primitive goat-herders...what else do you call it except forcing their religion on others?

2006-07-05 10:28:02 · answer #11 · answered by Antique Silver Buttons 5 · 0 0

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