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K Christians under 17 I know you love Jesus but please, just go pray or something, I know you wanna answer but, don't.

For the smart Christian over 18, what happened to all the water after the flood of Noah. I ask that you guys and gals answer cause I don't want to read a bunch of things saying that I am an idiot, or that I need Jesus, or that I need the holy spirit to understand, or that the water evaporated cause that obviously doesn't make any sense,

so the Bible says the water receded, but where to? And since the Bible is your weapon or whatever, could you please use some Bible quotes to defend your view on this, k thanks.

Again, under 17, I know you love Jesus, but grown ups are talking now, k thanks.

2006-07-05 10:15:05 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

I gotta see what answers you got so far...OOO your an idiot and you need jesus LOL Had to say that.. She's right you know you are better off with the monkey pic than Bill. The monkeys wouldn't want to be related to Bill..
Ok here goes.. We don't know how the world was before the flood, but we have evidence that mastadons were frozen in northern glaciers with food in their stomach. From this we think that the world went through a pretty drastic change. Could have even changed poles or experienced a complete climate change. How exactly God did it we don't know as we weren't there. The land mass may have all been connected, it kinda looks like it could fit. From the scriptures there were amounts of water under the ground and they came up. One idea is that there was double the gravity that we have now. Anyway the whole world changed at that time and flooded the earth.. Rain and sources of water under the earth. The water then went back underground and left us with the land masses as they are today.. Lots of water on the poles, and snow and rivers ect.. The bible says that the water receeded and decreased for about 4 months. God did not go into details where it went, but we do know that rivers flow all year round from the water in the mountains and springs under the ground.. Also if the earth went through changes of the land masses some of that could explain it... BUT I was not there when it happened..
Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Gen 7:12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

2006-07-05 10:41:18 · answer #1 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 1 1

The rain fell for forty days Genesis 7:12), and the food waters prevailed ( Genesis 7:24 )

At the end of the 150 days the wates decreased ( Gen 8:3 ). After that it was not until the fifth month after the rain bagan that the ark on Mt. Ararat ( Gen 8:4 ).Then about 11 months after the rain began , the waters dried up ( Gen 7:11, 8:3 ). And after one year and ten days after the flood began, Noah and his family emerged on dry gound. ( Gen 7:11, 8:14)

So we have words describing the event: the flood water "dried up", "receeded steadily"... Noah was left in the ark for over a year. That is along time for water to find a place. I am sure that water went exactly where God inteded it to go.

The water came from.... the all gates gates of the great deep burst forth, and the flood gates of the heavens...so I think that if he can let the water out from there, He is totally capable to let it back too.

And we have also very visible lakes, ocean, rivers, mountain springs, wells, swamps...

And snow and ice and...clouds in the sky...

After all, simply because a finite being does not see a solution for a big problem or answer to a hard question or a reason for some event does not mean that an infinite Mind does not have the solution or/and answer or/and reason.

This is my 2 cents.

2006-07-06 17:21:00 · answer #2 · answered by SeeTheLight 7 · 0 0

Ok, this is a really good question. You may not like my answer, but here goes. There are real scientists who hold the view that before the flood there was a sort of 'canopy' surrounding the earth made of water vapor. This would explain why people lived longer prior to the flood as we would be protected from background radiation from space. (Check a science journal, the radiation is out there.) In other words, it didn't rain before then as we know it. There was just a major amount of moisture in the air and of course the weather patterns were vastly different. The cycle of rain as we know it started with the flood when it rained for 40 days. If all the moisture from the sky fell at once it would flood the entire earth. I would suggest checking the website answersingenesis.org for more information on this. I know this sounds far-fetched to someone who hasn't read into it a lot, but that's the prevailing theory among scientific Christians. I know that science can seem to be a barrier to someone who genuinely wants to believe the Bible, but if you really study it, science backs up the Bible time and time again. Hope this helps.

Here's a scripture: The basis for the idea is Genesis 1:6-7 (KJV):

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

2006-07-05 10:31:20 · answer #3 · answered by luckyme 4 · 0 0

Since the Bible is just a compilation of some of the writings of prophets and others up to, during, and shortly after the time of Jesus Christ. Just because it's not in the Bible doesn't mean it isn't true. That being said, perhaps a major geoligical event caused the polar ice caps to melt. As the region stabilized, they could have refrozen, reclaiming the water back into the ice fields. Regardless, one should believe in God, Jesus Christ or any of his teachings, prophets or whatever because they were able to explain it scientifically. Faith is a belief in things which cannot be seen... or proven, for that matter. James wrote "If any of ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally... and it shall be given him."

If you truly seek wisdom, not just intellectually stimulating chatter, just kneel down and pray in the best way you can. God is not some mysterious power, He is your father. He loves you and wants you to be happy. Part of that happiness comes with knowledge and understanding. I promise you that if you ask Him if He lives and if Jesus Christ was, and is, real, he will answer you. It may not be in the way you expect, but if you ask in faith, being open to whatever answer you get and being truly committed to go with that answer, you will get an answer. We have to do our part, and having faith is what we have to do. On te other hand, If you have already decided that God is not real and Christians are crazy and you kneel down with the intention of proving that point, don't expect to receive any answers.

2006-07-05 11:03:43 · answer #4 · answered by Big Papi 1 · 0 0

I don't believe the Bible directly addresses this. But I was taught that there wasn't rain on the earth before the flood, and afterward there was. So I would conclude from this that it was dispersed among to remaining land masses, and the clouds. Remember their were no people left if their homes were flooded or their favorite vacation spot is now underwater...........

You can check the flood story starting in Genesis chapter 5.

Or you can go here and there is a word search option to look things up in a current day version of the Bible:


2006-07-05 10:28:23 · answer #5 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 0 0

The following is a quote from True Origins. You can find the complete paper at the link below:

Isaak: “John Baumgardner created the runaway subduction model, which proposes that the pre-flood lithosphere (ocean floor), being denser than the underlying mantle, began sinking. The heat released in the process decreased the viscosity of the mantle, so the process accelerated catastrophically. All the original lithosphere became subducted; the rising magma which replace it raised the ocean floor, causing sea levels to rise and boiling off enough of the ocean to cause 150 days of rain. When it cooled, the ocean floor lowered again, and the Flood waters receded. Sedimentary mountains such as the Sierras and the Andes rose after the Flood by isostatic rebound. [Baumgardner, 1990a; Austin et al., 1994]

“The main difficulty of this theory is that it admittedly doesn’t work without miracles. [Baumgardner, 1990a, 1990b] The thermal diffusivity of the earth, for example, would have to increase 10,000 fold to get the subduction rates proposed [Matsumura, 1997. (National Center for Science Education, a pretentiously named organisation totally devoted to promoting evolution. Its roots are firmly in atheistic humanism)], and miracles are also necessary to cool the new ocean floor and to raise sedimentary mountains in months rather than in the millions of years it would ordinarily take.”

Response: Some of Dr Baumgardner’s papers are available online, e.g.: Computer modeling of the large-scale tectonics associated with the Genesis Flood and Runaway subduction as the driving mechanism for the Genesis Flood. As for Isaak’s criticisms, I e-mailed Dr Baumgardner, who pointed out that these critics had not read his work properly, and didn’t understand the science. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, since Isaak apparently didn’t read the Bible or Woodmorappe’s book properly either, and has demonstrated crass scientific incompetence in other areas. Dr Baumgardner wrote as follows:

Baumgardner: “If these critics had read my papers carefully, they would have learned that a low thermal diffusivity actually aids the runaway mechanism. Whether or not the runaway occurs at all depends on a competition between heat production due to deformation and heat loss due to thermal diffusion. Low, rather than high, thermal diffusivity assists this process.

The timing of the uplift of today’s high mountain ranges is actually a problem for the uniformitarians. The current uplift rate for the Himalayas of 1–2 cm/year, for example, implies 10-20 km (or 33,000-66,000 feet) uplift per million years! Again, if the critics had read my papers, they would know my time scale for the isostatic rebound is the centuries after the catastrophe rather than months.”

2006-07-05 10:26:25 · answer #6 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

The story of Noah was actually just taken from a differnt story called the Epic of Gilgamesh...The whole earth didn't flood just a small part..and back then a huge disaster like that would have been seen as an act of god because its the only way for them to Interpret such things. Also the people who wrote the bible though that the world was flat so it would be easy in thier minds for water to reciede because they would just assume it would flow over the edge....

2006-07-05 10:20:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible doesn't say exactly where the waters went, but I think a majority of it is in the oceans rivers and streams. Genesis 8:3a says " And the waters receded continually from the earth. ..." The word receded means, to move back or away. As the billions and billions of gallons of water rushed across the earth, mountains and canyons formed, and where there are mountains and canyons there are valleys. As the mountains and canyons arose and the valleys sank down, the water receded off of them into rivers and streams which drain into the ocean. In short I believe the oceans are deeper and God put most of the water in them and dispersed the rest of the waters across the earth.

2006-07-05 11:02:06 · answer #8 · answered by Jordan R 2 · 0 0

If you don't want anyone calling you a idiot the remove Clinton as your picture put someone else,as for the water well where do you think the water goes now when it rain or floods?it took months and maybe year to get ride of all that water read the bible in that area and it will tell you.

2006-07-05 10:24:09 · answer #9 · answered by CHELA 3 · 0 0

That's an easy one Bill. The Landscape that was "Pre flood" was much different with less valleys and mountains. after the flood the water changed much if the landscape causing mountains to rise and allowing the waters to runoff into dry stream beds and rivers and eventually into the ocean. a large portion be lived to have been captured in the polar ice caps of the North pole and also in the antic region.

2006-07-05 10:26:14 · answer #10 · answered by WDJD 3 · 1 0

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