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I understand your skydaddy said it in the fairy tale book but that doesn't mean it's true no matter how much you've been brainwashed

2006-07-05 09:58:49 · 43 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

scottythecomic, You're waaaay off base. Seriously

2006-07-05 10:09:48 · update #1

43 answers

Sounds like a form of evolution. Man from dirt.

2006-07-05 10:01:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians are not the only ones that believe we came from dirt. After the big bang and the earth cooled. It began to rain on the rocks. Erosion happened to the rocks and a muddy substance was formed. This muddy substance, Primordial Soup, was turbulent. With the electrostatic from the turbulence and the lightening from the terrible storms, an electric shock occurred. This shock cause chemical to come together an form the first single celled organism. Which eventually turn into all the vegetation and animals known on earth today.

Christians are not the only ones that believe we came from dirt, so do the evolutionist and the people who believe in the Big Bang. They also believe that incest had to happen before humans were smart enough to know it was wrong. This still goes on in the other animal life forms.

2006-07-05 10:13:07 · answer #2 · answered by suthrndaysi 4 · 0 0

I certainly don't hate myself, nor does anyone I know. Not all Christians believe the exact same thing about creation, but in general, "made from dirt" relates to the belief that we, as well as the Earth, were created from matter that already existed in the universe.

I have a good question in return. Why do people who profess to not believe in God or religion spend so much time in the religious/sprituality forums on the internet? I have noticed this happens quite a bit.

2006-07-05 10:04:49 · answer #3 · answered by Big Papi 1 · 0 0

it seems that maybe you have had some bad experiences with religion, in general. questions that no one has ever completely answered to your liking, and that has left you questioning whether or not God exists? and if he does, does He really care about You? i'm not about to try to convert anyone or fill some quota, but in response to your question posted, the only logical answer i can offer you, is simply:

a seed comes from a plant, the seed is planted in the dirt, from the nutrients in the dirt, the seed becomes a plant, and produces more seeds...etc....etc.
now when reading "fairy tales" from yesteryears, the authors' writing abilities were often difficult to follow, understand, and even contemplate as the truth. so basically, if you stop to consider that maybe when the Bible said, God created man from dirt, it was simply a metaphor that from the nutrients of the earth (dirt) God created man. now, that's not necessarily saying that GOD created us as mudpies, but doesn't everything eventually begin and end as nothing more than rotted, decayed, dust and earth? even dead animals decompose back into the soil, which aids in the growth of the surrounding plants and wildlife. besides, i'd rather be made from dirt like plants, than from hate like prejudices.

2006-07-05 10:16:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The difference between creationism and evolution is that, for one thing, evolution has evidence to back it up. It has a LOT of evidence to back it up. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting creationism. That is why modern science does not concern itself with the outdated fantasy that is creationism.

We simply know better now. But at the same time, science is not content to sit on its laurels and be content with what we know of evolution. We continue to study it, to find errors, and correct them.

But that's the difference that so many theists fail to grasp. They want to say, "You don't have 100% proof that evolution is exactly how it happened! So it must not have happened!"

This is faulty logic however. Because if you want to talk percentages, 99% evidence in favor of evolution is a whole lot more believable than the 0% in favor of creationism. But unlike the theists, scientists don't claim to have the ultimate answer to everything. They're LEARNING. Theists simply have an amazingly arrogant belief that they have nothing to learn. It is really quite sickening.

2006-07-05 10:10:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're no atheist, you're simply an unbeliever with not enough information. Your hatred for all things good stems from a bad experience with a believer somewhere in your past. That is unfortunate. But I don't see you staying away from the stores, dentist or entertainment places where hypocrites also frequent. How absurd that a mind could conceive that they were atheist given all the splendor about the universe. It is evil in your heart. Cleanse it!

2006-07-05 10:05:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why do you hate yourself? Why do you hate the 2nd and 3rd law of thermodynamics. Order doesn't come from chaos. It's the opposite.

What advantage do you have over a Christian? In the hereafter, if there isn't a God (which there is a creator), are you going to laugh and say, "SEE I TOLD YOU". Of course not, you don't believe in the hereafter. However, if there is a God (which there definitely is ORDER), you'll be the one unprepared. Remember, you're taking a big chance when you close your eyes in death. No big bang will save you.

Dust you came from and dust shall you return!

2006-07-05 10:02:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Christians don't hate themselves. That question is kind of odd. Do you hate yourself? Do non-christians hate themselves? That question isn't a really good question. Second question... Because Christians believe in the bible. Since their faith believes that the bible is Gods word, then anything written in the Bible is fact and should be followed by everyone. No matter what faith you are or whether you have a faith, no one can really prove or disprove the BIble at this point. And the beauty is that we are allowed to believe in what we want to believe. Faith actually can bring comfort and happiness.

2006-07-05 10:04:24 · answer #8 · answered by Mae V 2 · 0 0

what is wrong with being made from the elements in the earth.
Any chemist will tell you it is true. We are made from materials found in the dirt. But so is gold, diamonds, rubys and emeralds.
Silver and other precious metals and stones..
I don't feel that's a bad thing. This is our beautiful home the earth and to be a part of it thrills me.
From our diamond ear rings to the saphire necklace to our golden slippers. what I ask is wrong with that?

2006-07-05 10:03:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The funny thing is, that both evolution and Biblical creationism essentially claim humans came from dirt. They simply quibble over the details.

Some clever apologist is going to figure this out eventually and use it to prove the Bible is scientifically accurate.

2006-07-05 10:01:57 · answer #10 · answered by lenny 7 · 1 0

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