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A youth pastor told me not too long ago that belief in the christian messiah was the only way to pardise after death. after some thought, i asked about native peoples in africa, or in rainforests, basicly anywhere where people havent been "witnessed to".
he told me, with the same soft voice he used to preach," the bible says that, through creation,man should know god exists." This shocked me. People still believe that drinking cow's blood will bring rain, becuase THEY DONT KNOW ANY BETTER, god will still send them to eternal pain? Wouldnt these people, never hearing of jesus being the only way to heaven, have the same (for lack of a better term) excuse as children, with the age of accountability? can anyone offer some insight on this? thank you.

2006-07-05 09:50:54 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

The Bible does say that they should know through Creation. But it also says of those who have much, much will be expected and those who have little will be judged accordingly. I believe that about saving knowlege. God is a just and merciful God. Maybe those people call Him by a different name but they honor the Creator which is more than some of the ones here do. God will do what's right, since He is the inventor of Grace and Mercy why would He not? And you know, God does NOT "send" anyone to hell, He does not want any to perish. People send themselves to hell, by disbelieving, and rejecting the one true God..

2006-07-05 10:02:31 · answer #1 · answered by Grandma Susie 6 · 0 0

I had the same question for my bible study teacher one night and I'll tell you what he told me. The Bible say's that everyone will have a chance to hear Gods word before they die. I know that sounds like an impossible thing since there are tribes out there who have yet to see a white man but, things get passed through generations and all races started in one place. We were all one people before the tower of babble. I imagine that just like you have heard of the religion of drinking cows blood for rain, everyone has at least heard of one God named Jesus Christ. Now, if that person chose to look further into who God is, or rejected the idea, that is another gift from God. The freedom of choice. Even the early Native Americans believed in a Great Creator. They just had to look for him. Is he a tree, or the wind, or the Great I Am? John 1:1 In the beggining was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. That means the word of God is the final authority in our lives. Some things we can't fully explain. Those are the things we just have to put our faith in and believe. God is not a lier. Some questions, we just have to ask him when we see him in heaven. I hope my babbling has at least taken most of the load off of your heart about this topic.

2006-07-05 10:13:53 · answer #2 · answered by cata4mom 1 · 0 0

If you believe what the Bible says, and you know that it says that Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation, then you will simply have to accept that all those people are burning in hell. They may believe in a god or gods, but they believe in the WRONG god, so they must be punished for what they do not know. Hey, I didn't write the Bible, I'm only telling you what it says, and it says that unbelievers go into the lake of fire! There is no mention of any exceptions being made for people who never heard of Jesus, or for the mentally retarded, or for babies, fetuses, and young children, or for those who are brain-damaged in an accident and cannot even think, let alone believe anything.

See, the Bible says there is only ONE way to salvation--through Jesus--and if God made exceptions, well then there would be MORE than one way, right? And that would mean that the Bible is lying, right? And if the Bible is inspired by God, then that means God is lying, right? We can't have God being a liar, so...into the lake they all go!

2006-07-05 10:02:19 · answer #3 · answered by Antique Silver Buttons 5 · 0 0

God is full of love and mercy, that is true. However, the Bible says that He knows everyone's heart and He knows who HAS the heart to accept Him. He knows that there are tribes out there that will NEVER believe in Him. Why would God waste the time of His missionaries to go preach the Good Word to people who won't convert and/or kill the missionaries. The Bible says that God will turn His back to those with hard hearts. This is where the Holy Spirit gives up on someone. This is blasphemy towards the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, this is the only unforgivable sin. God will send His people in the parts of Africa, South America, wherever, just to get to those people that have the heart to accept God. That's how it was explained to me. It's what makes sense to me. Hope this helps! God bless!

2006-07-05 10:14:08 · answer #4 · answered by Meg 3 · 0 0

They may burn. Depending on what kind of life they lead. If they lead an unsinfull life, the might be okay. Remember God is THE MOST MERCIFULL. There is something more mercifull. I am taught that if somebody does not know the truth about Allah SWT (GOD), that if they lead a good non sinfull life there is a chance.

A prostitute one time saw a dog at a well begging. Nobody would give it any water. If it didnt get any water it would have died. She gave this dog some water and for that one act alone even though she was an active prostitute, she is going to heaven. There is a highly religious man at the same time didnt give the dog water after he was taught to take care of all creations. He is going to hell.

2006-07-05 09:54:07 · answer #5 · answered by m_ousley 2 · 0 0

People that never heard the gospel will be judged by their own laws. If a person breaks their own laws willingly is proof enough that they are not fit to enter the kingdom of God. The Bible says, ´´the wages of sin is death´´. After the 2nd resurrection there will be the 2nd death for those not found in the book of life. God is very merciful.

2006-07-05 09:59:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If people were unaccountable who weren't told, the Great Commission (instructing us to go tell others about Christ) would be an act of cruelty. It would be putting people in danger of Hell that weren't previously. The Bible does assert that God's creation speaks for itself (Romans 1:20 states that "men are without excuse", so I must believe that to be true, although I do not fully understand it. I do know this. Thos people, who drink cow's blood to bring rain, do so because something about this world made them feel that there was something higher than themselves. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." All I know is that God promises His creation is enough to make men search, and that if we will search, he will be found. Having that said, if anyone is letting people go to Hell, it's Christians who are not sharing as we have been commanded.

2006-07-05 10:01:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the Lord will judge the ignorant based upon their good deeds and loving heart. yes, there is a spark of God in all of us to "sense" what's right and wrong. only the ones who hear the truth but ignore it or don't care will lose eternal life. but even this is not that accurate today since the gospel is being preached to every kindred and tongue in every nation via modern technology. so virtually no one will be left out from the Great News before Christ comes.

2006-07-05 10:11:37 · answer #8 · answered by 4hym 2 · 0 0

God is all merciful right. No exceptions. He has naught to go around.

Every body gets in. That part in the bible That stays only these that know Jesus get in was inserted so you will be afraid to think for your self. To know
God is like to know your parents. Are you afford of your parents?

Or your wife or husband, or friends?
God is some being not to be afraid of. We are told that to control us and stop us from thinking to much.

2006-07-05 10:06:12 · answer #9 · answered by Robert M 2 · 0 0

The insight is that Jesus is not the only answer. Do some research of your own on Christianity. It all starts w/ paganism. By the way, I used to believe the same way.

2006-07-05 09:56:31 · answer #10 · answered by ?me nuts? 1 · 0 0

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