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13 answers

Islam is an Arabic word and it connotes submission, surrender and obedience. As a religion, Islam stands for complete submission and obedience to Allah (God).

Islam, in fact, is an attributive title. Anyone who possesses this attribute, whatever race, community, country or group he or she belongs to, is a Muslim. According to the Qur'an (the Holy Book of the Muslims), among every people and in all ages there have been good and righteous people who possessed this attribute - and all of them were and are Muslims.

Islam is a universal and eternal religion. Its appeal is to the whole humanity. Any person who declares belief in La ilaha illallah Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah (there is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet) enters the fold of Islam and entitles him or herself to the same rights as those of other Muslims.

Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be upon him) has enjoined us to believe in five articles of faith:

1) Belief in one God Who has absolutely no associate with Him in His divinity;

2) Belief in God's Angels;

3) Belief in God's Books, and in the Holy Qur'an as His Last Book;

4) Belief in God's Prophets, and in Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be upon him) as His Last and Final Messenger; and

5) Belief in life after death.

One who believes in these articles enters the fold of Islam and becomes a member of the Muslim community. But one does not become a complete Muslim by mere vocal profession alone. To become a complete Muslim one has to fully carry out in practice the instructions given by Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be upon him) as ordained by God.

These five articles form the foundation for the superstructure of Islam. Their gist is contained in the short sentence known as Kalimah-tayyibah (also called the Shahada). When you declare La ilaha illallah (their is no deity but Allah), you give up all false deities, and profess that you are a creature of the One God; and when you add to these words Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah (Muhammad is Allah's Messenger) you confirm and admit the Prophethood of Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be upon him). With the admission of his Prophethood it becomes obligatory that you should believe in the divine nature and attributes of God, in His angels, in His Revealed Books and life after death, and earnestly follow that method of obeying God and worshipping Him which the Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be upon him) has asked us to follow.

Now let us see what code of conduct Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be upon him) has taught as ordained by God Almighty. The first and foremost things in this respect are the 'Ibadah (or worships) - the primary duties which must be observed by each and every person professing to belong to the Muslim community. 'Ibadah is an Arabic word derived from 'Abd (a slave) and it means submission. The concept of 'Ibadah is very wide. All your activities are 'Ibadah if they are in accordance with the law of God and your ultimate objective is to seek the pleasure of God. A set of formal 'Ibadah (worships) are thus the pillars on which the edifice of Islam rests:

1) Salah (prayers) - The most fundamental and the most important of these obligations. Salah are the prescribed daily prayers which consist in repeating and refreshing five times a day the belief in which you repose your faith.

2) Fasting - What prayers seek to do five times a day, fasting in the month of Ramadhan (the ninth month of the lunar year) does once a year. What is it that makes us voluntarily undergo hunger or thirst from dawn to dusk? It is nothing but faith in God and the fear of Him and the Day of Judgment. This consciousness of duty and spirit of patience that incessant fasting during a whole month helps us strengthen our faith.

3) Zakah - Its fundamental importance lies in the fact that it fosters in us the quality of sacrifice and rids us of selfishness and greed. Islam accepts within its fold only those who are ready to give away in God's way some of their wealth willingly. Every Muslim whose finances are above a certain specified minimum must pay 2.5% of their cash balance annually to the deserving.

4) Hajj (pilgrimage) - Mecca today stands at the site of a house that the Prophet Abraham (God's blessing be upon him) built for the worship of Allah. Allah rewarded him by calling it His own House and making it the center towards which all must face when saying prayers. He has also made it obligatory on those who can afford it to visit this place to perform the Hajj, at least once in a lifetime. The pilgrimage is, in a way, the biggest of 'Ibadah. For unless a person really loves God he would never undertake such a long journey.

In the name of Allah (God), the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All Praise is due to Allah (God), Lord of the worlds, the Beneficient, the Merciful, Owner of the Day of Judgement.

Thee alone we worship and Thee alone we ask for help.

Show us the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast favoured, not (the path of) those who earn Thine anger nor (of) those who go astray. (Amen)

The Holy Qur'an (The Opening Chapter, Al-Fatihah, Surah 1)


2006-07-05 09:50:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the chap, did never mentioned about accepting Islam( isee people jumping like what they say Monkeys)

wel man...Yes u have to say...

La ilaha ila LLAh
Muhammad Rasul LLAH

that is in arabic.
Now u will for sure want, 2 know what that means. Simple idea..first You refute than acknowledge..HOW...as this

that there is no IDOL wotrh to be worship(that u refute the worship of Idols, whether statues or humans.)
Ila LLA(that u accept)and Muhammad (S.A.W) is his Messenger.

2006-07-05 09:59:36 · answer #2 · answered by abjad 4 · 0 0


The Ocean of Tao
Cannot be called an ocean
For there is nothing else to give it name.
There is no sky above it,
No earth below it,
No shore that surrounds it.
And so it "is".
And yet, "it" is not.
For what is "it" if there is nothing else?
And so there is only "one".
And yet, there is not.
For "one" to be, there must be "two".
And there is not.
There is only entire.
And yet, there is not.
For to be entire Is to measure complete.
And can there be measure Of what has no beginning or end?
Void of name; Void of substance; Void of measure.
Such things define nothingness-
But only if such things "are".
And, since the "are" not, What is?
Everything and Nothing-
The Ocean of Tao
That can not be called an ocean,
or even Tao.

2006-07-17 06:33:15 · answer #3 · answered by Rylan N 1 · 0 0

So you want to learn how to hate jews and christians, train to blow yourself up along with innocent children. Great cult to get involved with. Along with the fact that it was founded by a pedaphile, so you also get to have sex with little girls just like monkey-hammed

2006-07-18 09:32:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes you have to say

In the name of Allah SWT, there is only One God and Isa p.b.u.h., Musa p.b.u.h. were prohets from Allah SWT. And Muhammed Peace and Blessings Upon Him was his final messanger and prophet. Or something along those lines.

2006-07-05 09:45:53 · answer #5 · answered by m_ousley 2 · 0 0

Words are unimportant, a true Muslim is submitted to God's will. Could be a rock or a plant.
Jesus said; "Not my will but thine."
Of course, if you are submitted, what are a few words?

2006-07-18 19:55:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes,it,s easy to say it,but you must know that it means ,No God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.It,s said so in Arabic:La Elah ela Allah ,Mohammed Rasool Allah.

2006-07-05 09:49:57 · answer #7 · answered by Ahmad 4 · 0 0

to that coldsauce, Islam is for good people and for everybody, and the only monkey, is you, and answering your answer, yes it's necessary because achahada, is to confess that there is only one God and Mohammed is his prophet,

2006-07-05 09:46:07 · answer #8 · answered by !!! Radwan !!! 2 · 0 0

yes you have to and thank you for thinking about being a muslim

2006-07-05 09:45:00 · answer #9 · answered by Jesse 2 · 0 0

pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee dont do it muslim is a religon for monkeys

2006-07-05 09:43:40 · answer #10 · answered by hotsauce919rr 3 · 0 0

not really but if that what u want go ahead

2006-07-18 11:59:39 · answer #11 · answered by dkny 4 · 0 0

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