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Pro-War fanatics and Little Bush are all talking about how they support the Troops! Except, of course, when they come home. Then their "patriotic" job is done and they can rot in hell for all they care.

I remember passing by a one-legged Vietnam Vet every day in front of the Train Station when I lived in San Diego Calif in the late 1980s. He sat on his wheelchair as thousands of commuters passed by during the evening rush hour and waited for people to toss him a few coins.

Yes, you hypocite Neo-Cons! Say how much you "Support the Troops"! Buy a bumper sticker expressing that and wrap yourself in the US flag. Then maybe, just maybe, toss a coin to a homeless veteran from one of your "made-for-profit" wars you so love to cheer on. Yes, you can support the troops this way.

Your troops are so disposible, either during the war or afterwards.

Pro-War people are such hypocrites! .

2006-07-05 09:03:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

6 answers

not all, i am Pro-War but guess what i have a higher right to opinian on it cause its MY LIFE ON THE LINE, cause unlike u i have the balls to defend my coutry, and guess what if i dont get thanked for it thats fine u know why?? cause ill see MY american flag flying high and for me that will allways be thanks enough. so u wanna say because im pro war means i dont support the troops just shows that infact u are the hypocrite, do your homework I AM ON OF THE TROOPS

2006-07-05 21:36:41 · answer #1 · answered by a_ranger_boy 2 · 3 2

Nobody, or at least no sane person, likes war. I wish we lived in a "Everything is great and the world is made of marshmallows" kind of place, but we don't! Yes, I feel that there are times that war is necessary. If that makes me a horrible person in your eyes, well, I can live with that!
It's funny that you seem to have some sympathy for the troops, or the Vietnam Vet that you would see in front of the train station, but you come across that since you're not a supporter of war, you should have no responsibility in reaching out to our Armed Force Members. You don't have to like it, you don't have to believe it, but those men and women do what they do to keep all of us, even you, free. Therefor, it is the responsibility of EVERY American Citizen to support the military rather they are on foreign soil fighting a war, or at home where they are a bit more safe.I'm well aware that I can't reach out to every single service member, and I know there are a lot that slip through the cracks, and that is terrible. But don't you tell people you know nothing about that we don't do our part to support our troops. First, I'm a military wife, so not a day goes by that I don't support the men and women of the military! I'm the Ombudsman for my husband's command, therefor I'm the point of contact for the spouses if they need anything, or if there is some sort of emergency. I also am the go between the Co and the command spouses. You may not see how that helps the troops, but ask someone who has been to war, or on a deployment, and they will tell you that if they know everything back home is ok, and their families have someone to turn to in an emergency, they can do their jobs better. I have sent care packages, done fundraisers and visited countless injured military, not just injured from the Iraqi war, but the wars that came before as well, and talked to them, hugged them and shed tears with them. And I certainly am not responsible for the Vietnam War, I wasn't even borne yet, but it doesn't mean I don't have an obligation to those men.
So don't sit there behind your computer telling us what hypocrites we are. You owe just as much to the United States Military as anyone else does, and until you have done your share in supporting them, and I mean really supporting them, don't put down the rest of us who are reaching out.

2006-07-05 14:30:40 · answer #2 · answered by Naples_6 5 · 0 0


Ever listen to Randi Rhodes on Air America? She did a reading once of Administration officials and their military experience. After each name, she shouted "none!" because they had none. And there they are, throwing America's Youth into a meat grinder, shouting Support The Troops.......and cutting Veterans Benefits so billionaires can get tax cuts. This is so sick. So disgusting. I will stop now, but I could go on and on and on. Thank you for seeing the situation so clearly.

2006-07-05 09:09:39 · answer #3 · answered by jxt299 7 · 0 0

All the big people care about is their positions and their money. Bush and company cares little for the common soldier, or the common citizen for that matter. They are so far removed from regular life, they couldn't handle life as a common person.War just brings on more war.

"war can't give life, it can only take it away" Edwin Starr

2006-07-05 11:21:43 · answer #4 · answered by capnbeatty 5 · 0 0

Veterans have been treated like that since the middle ages in all parts of the world.

This is not a U.S / Bush / NeoCon problem. Its a human race problem.

2006-07-05 17:19:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not that you're making sweeping generalizations....or inciting arguments.

Erudite, indeed.

2006-07-05 09:08:20 · answer #6 · answered by Mary Beth 4 · 0 0

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