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2006-07-05 08:30:29 · 58 answers · asked by eniola 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

58 answers

god is an imaginary friend for adults

2006-07-05 08:31:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Is God real?
by Andy Wineman

That is the big question. If God is not real then you can play by whatever rules you like. But if God is real then it is a whole new ballgame. It is interesting to note that the vast majority of people do believe that there is a God. George Barna, who makes a living by asking people questions like this, found that three out of four adults think that there is a God. Ask four friends and check it out for yourself. Of course the reality of God cannot be settled by majority vote. by Andy Wineman

How can we know if God is real? Wouldn't it be nice if we could pick up the telephone and give him a call? Or drive by his house just to see if his car was in the driveway? Fortunately, there are better ways to address this question. Consider this perspective: since God is infinite and we are finite, if God wanted to make himself known he would have to make his presence clear. So, are there any signs that point to the reality of God? Winfried Corduan put it this way, "...we can look at the world and see if the world is constructed in such a way that it is reasonable to believe that there must be a God." Just as the hunter follows the trail of an animal that he has yet to see--paw prints, clumps of fur, broken branches--we are looking for the fingerprint of God in the physical world.
Various signs (lines of reasoning) have been suggested over the last few centuries. Let us briefly consider three. First, the world seems to work according to the universal law of cause and effect. That is, every observable effect must have had an initial "push" by some agent or cause. Every "thing" (a highly scientific term) that we observe is dependent upon other "things" for its existence. For example, children are dependent on parents and the earth is dependent on the sun. Thinking all the way back to the first event, it could be asked, who was the cause? This is where it appears that there must be a being that is "uncaused." Philosophers like to call this a necessary being. Could that be God?
A second sign that should be considered is what scientists today are calling the marks of Intelligent Design. The suggestion is that the universe exhibits purpose, design, and intent. This is not a new idea; William Paley suggested that if you were walking through a field and found a watch on the ground that you would recognize it as a piece of machinery that had purpose and did not simply grow in the forest like plants and trees. A rational conclusion would be that someone intentionally built the watch. The universe is infinitely more complex than a watch and as a result points that much more to an intelligent designer.
A third mark has to do with the moral foundation of the universe. C. S. Lewis referred to this as the "law of human nature." This is not to say that people everywhere are in agreement on all moral values, but that everyone does tend to live by certain common moral principles. For example, people and cultures have different ideas about when it is appropriate to take another person's life, but no one (that would be considered sane) would hold that indiscriminate cold-blooded murder for no reason would be appropriate. It appears that humanity has been intentionally created with an internal moral compass.
All three of these marks appeal to our common sense and fit observations that can be made about the world. Everyone may not be completely convinced by this reasoning, but it seems to make more sense to believe that God is real than that he is not. If that is true, then maybe there are other things that can be known about God. Why don't you try to pick up the trail and see where it leads?

(There are a lot more signs of evidence listed on this website. Please go there and see for yourself.)

2006-07-05 08:57:59 · answer #2 · answered by stebdawg 3 · 0 0

If you really want to know and your not just asking a question to get stupid points or to see what answers you get, then do read the bible like a New king james bible or an new living translation and start in the 4th book of the new testiment called John and read the rest of the way till the book of Jude. You can also look outside and see His handiwork of how all life is dependant on each other to live. How the Human body works and how it takes care of you. Look at the animals how they instictively know what to do once they are born. There are no in-between evolving species such as humans and apes. If you read the word wanting the truth then it will be shown in some way. Ask God to show you the truth, not what you want but the truth and be patient and it will be given too you.

2006-07-05 09:27:07 · answer #3 · answered by Airman_P 2 · 0 0

Dearest Angel -

There is no "proof" that I or even God could give you that you would believe. Even one of the great Masters, Jesus had those who doubted his miracles and it is the nature of humanity to question. This is indeed a matter of faith. However - do not listen to the cruel and thoughtless words of others who are bitter with life or those who obviously do not know what it means to be a good Spiritual friend. There are many who stand in self-righteousness and tell you are wrong and evil to even ask this question. It is obvious that these individuals did not read or understand the Bible that they so proudly thump, when they tell you this. If they had - they would not condemn you. They would reach out to you and ask how they may help you. It is obvious you are in some sort of crisis and in need of the loving support a "Good Christian" should give. Those who know God understand that His/Her essence is LOVE.
So - dear one - how may I help you? Do you need someone to talk to? I may be a stranger, but I am here to give you support. It is my duty. Please contact me if you need a friend.


Reverend Holly Williams
Ordained Minister

2006-07-05 10:09:09 · answer #4 · answered by minkeytales 2 · 0 0

The concept or belief in God is not a result of fear in its origination but to its realization. For example, when it rains, you use an umbrella to protect yourself against rain but before the thought of using the umbrella, did not the umbrella exist? Of course God is Higher, and if we were able to see God, would that make him more worthy of worship or less? Scientifically you have to believe in God b/c matter is based on cause and effect so it can not go indefinitely unless matter is perfect and eternal, which it is not b/c matter continuously changes but some thing perfect would not require change b/c it is sustained by itself. So matter has a end, but none the less if you believe that matter always existed and is perfect, who was the Decision Maker to initiate the original change of creation, since you believe in its eternity, you must accept it as perfect in the first place. Thus God must be in the formula as the Originator of creation and its attributes of cause and effect.

2006-07-05 08:44:39 · answer #5 · answered by Ismael B 3 · 0 0

The existence of God is taken for granted in the Bible. There is nowhere any argument to prove it. He who disbelieves this truth is spoken of as one devoid of understanding (Psalm 14:1).

The arguments generally adduced by theologians in proof of God's existence are:

The a priori argument, which is the testimony afforded by reason.

The a posteriori argument, by which we proceed logically from the facts of experience to causes. These arguments are:

The cosmological, by which it is proved that there must be a First Cause of all things, for every effect must have a cause.

The teleological, or the argument from design. We see everywhere the operations of an intelligent Cause in nature.

The moral argument, called also the anthropological argument, based on the moral consciousness and the history of mankind, which exhibits a moral order and purpose which can only be explained on the supposition of the existence of God. Conscience and human history testify that "verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth."

2006-07-05 08:37:28 · answer #6 · answered by Mello-J 3 · 0 0

Here's proof that the Christian god exists:

(1) Doesn't it just make more sense that an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good deity created the world out of nothingness, from magic, essentially, and then punished us for eating a piece of fruit, and then incarnated himself in human flesh and came down to shed his own blood so he could break his own rules, and then went through hell on a temporary basis and then went back into the sky and promised to come back and take everyone who believed in him to this heaven no one has ever seen?
(2) Well, doesn't it?
(3) Therefore, God exists.

2006-07-05 08:32:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look in the mirror, YOU are the proof. Each of us is a miracle made by God, that spark of life that created us.

In science, they have been able to create clones, hybrid and genetically altered plants. However, they have never actually been able to create life - only borrowed from that which already existed and was alive already.

Only God can do that - you are a part of that miracle.

2006-07-05 08:36:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You don't need proof that God exists. It is a faith decision. I can not prove to you that He exists or that He doesn't. It is a decision based on faith.

But it is one you are responsible for making. That is if you are not a child and are in your right mind.

If you do not choose to believe in the existence of God and your choice is wrong, you are responsible for that choice.

I would say that it is easier to believe that He exists and live accordingly.

2006-07-05 08:37:31 · answer #9 · answered by cathyhewed1946 4 · 0 0

The proof that God exists is that there is design and purpose in the universe. If everything was purely random you wouldn't be asking the question.

2006-07-17 09:17:38 · answer #10 · answered by eschaton 3 · 0 0

Go outside at night and look up at the ski,(straight up) see how it goes on and on, see all the stars?
Go outside during the day and look up at the sky, see the clouds, see the blue sky?
Look at a tree, see the branches, see how it grows, all the leaves, how they are made.
look at a flower, how beautiful, smell it, take a few minutes to look at it every angle, the colors.
Listen, hear a newborn baby crying, imagine the miracle of a new little life.
Look into the eyes of a little boy/girl as he/she laughes with joy.
Look out at the vast oceans, all the wonders that lie beneath, all the creatures swimming in its waters.
Turn around, look back at the land, think of all the creatures roaming the Earth.
With all these things in mind, is it hard to believe that someone as wonderful, powerful as God created all of this? It didn't just happen. He created it for us.

2006-07-16 19:05:55 · answer #11 · answered by creeklops 5 · 0 0

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