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how does a person beleive in a god that will send you to hell if he loves you so much, i mean would your mom set you on fire if you do something wrong. also if you live in either heaven or hell for all eternity after you die, why should 1 life decide a fate for eternal suffering in hell. if other people decide to think differently from what the church teaches is it a sin. is it a sin to choose your own beleifs if so does that mean it is a sin to be lost and confused.i beleive that god is not a human being but an energy of purity and truth that created everything and maifests itself in all of us , i also beleive that we reincarnate and in each life we shed our ignorance and become closer with our inner god, this is what jesus originally taught before the bible was written hundreds of years after he died.
isnt it possible that maybe people misinterpreted his teachings and turned it in to something its not. am i a sinner for beleivng this.

2006-07-05 07:51:25 · 33 answers · asked by unknown 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

isnt the last person to burn people for thinking differently or beleiving something else hitle, this would mean that god is as much of a tyrant as hitler

2006-07-05 07:52:56 · update #1

33 answers

It's a mystery how someone can defend the actions of a being so blatantly insane.
Thankfully, god is only imaginary.

2006-07-05 07:58:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

If a judge's daughter was fined $500, but this daughter (we'll call her Sue) was unable to pay for it. The alternative to paying the fine was serving 2 months in prison. As Judge the man would be unable to pay the fine for Sue and would have to send her to prison. However, as a father he could give Sue the money. If Sue wouldn't except the money, then she would go to jail.
We as humans are like Sue and God is like the judge. God is perfectly perfect and his also just. He gave us the chance to be with him forever and we blew it (Genesis 3) by sinning. Thus, sin entered the world.
We actually DESERVE to go to hell for all eternity. But, "God so loved the world that he gave is one and only son that whosoever believes in him will have everlasting life [in heaven]" (John 3:16). Basically, God loved us so much that he killed his perfect son on the cross. His death was the sacrifice needed for our sin. Now, because our sin is covered we can come to heaven, but we have to except the gift before we come. If we don't except the gift we will still go to hell.

As for God being a tyrant like Hitler: Did Hitler create the earth? No. Did Hitler Create Animals? No. Plants? No. You? No. Did he know what was going to happen for an eternity in advance? No. Was Hitler perfect? NO!

God is perfectly just which means that he isn't a tyrant and he DESERVES the respect that we should all give him.

As for Jesus teaching something that contradicts what he said in the Bible. I assume you must have a document of some sort that says that. The Bible has undergone the 3 tests that all documents must go through to be called historical documents and passed better than any other document. The three tests are Internal: does it contradict it self. External: does it contridict historical documents that we have all ready. and Bibliographic: how many copies do we have and do these copies so the same thing.

Yes, although I don't want to sound like I am a righteous person because I sin just as much and probably much more than everyone else, you are a sinner for believing that you are a god and that God is not really anything, but unfeeling energy. That directly contridicts the Bible. Anyway, even if isn't a sin you still sin in other areas (EVERYONE does)

I wish you luck in finding the one true God!

2006-07-05 08:24:44 · answer #2 · answered by JustAskMe 2 · 0 0

First of all, if you do not agree with anything else I say to you, I hope that you will at least accept this much to be true: It is not a sin to be lost and confused. We're all lost and confused at times... and we all sin. If salvation was based on living a sinless life, we'd all be going to Hell. Salvation is not based on good deeds or perfect behavior... we cannot earn our way into heaven. We are saved by God's grace, through faith. The dictionary defines grace as "unmerited favor". In other words, it is not something that is earned, but is given freely by a loving and merciful God... not by an unyielding tyrant who wants to condemn you! If you have access to a Bible, go to Matthew chapter 12: verses 31 and 32. These verses outline the only unpardonable sin: denial of the Holy Spirit. For all other sin there is forgiveness... all you have to do is ask. The Holy Spirit embodies the "energy of purity and truth" that you speak of ... it is the Spirit who calls us to faith and is manifested in us through baptism. The plan for salvation is simple and clear: "You must be born of the water and the spirit" (baptism), and "You must confess with your mouth (confess your faith. For an example of this, research the Apostle's Creed, or the Nicene Creed). I hope this information helps you to understand my position on your first question. As for your comments/questions concerning the teachings of the church, I'd like to point out that even the universal church can't agree on the interpretation of scripture. That is why there are so many different denominations . When church officials have serious disagreements on doctrine.. the church will split and form new churches based on individual beliefs. So, is it a sin to have different beliefs than the church? Who Knows? The universal church is still splitting hairs with each other over that issue... because everyone has their own interpretations of scripture. As for your comments on the teachings of Jesus..... I am curious to learn how you formed your opinion about reincarnation and the "original" teachings of Christ? There is no evidence supporting this claim in scripture, and I am not aware of any other writings supporting this. Now I have a question for you... if "...in each life we shed our ignorance and become closer to our inner god...", why does it appear that humanity has drifted further and further away from the purity and truth that you speak of? Food for thought? Also, the New Testament (the part of the Bible that deals with the life and ministry of Jesus) was not written hundreds of years after he died. The four gospels were written as a testament (testimony) of eye-witness accounts. Later writings outline the formation of the church through the ministries of His apostles. Last question... did people misinterpret His teachings? Absolutely... we're still doing it today. To answer your ultimate question "Am I a sinner?" the answer is YES. And so am I, and so is the Pope. We're all sinners... but not for the reason you think. The only belief you should be concerned about is whether or not you believe that Jesus is the Son of God. If you do... confess it. Recieve the gift of pardon that has already been purchased for you.

2006-07-05 11:37:26 · answer #3 · answered by Tiffany G 2 · 0 0

Wow, so many misconceptions, so little time lol.

Okay, no, your mom wouldn't set you on fire or banish you forever for any reason, would she? But, what if you walked away from her? What if you refused your entire life to acknowledge her in any way, gave her the finger if you saw her on the street, and bad-talked her your entire life?

Sure, she'd wait, maybe even follow you around and plead with you to return home, but you didn't. So I ask YOU, what do you expect of God?

No, it is not a sin to be lost and confused. But the Bible clearly points out the way to not be lost and confused, and if you already know that information, then that's like burning a topical map of the jungle that you are lost in.

Jesus did not teach reincarnation, ever. The Bible was written just after His death and resurrection, not hundreds of years later.

No, you are not a sinner for believing this, you are simply wrong.

2006-07-05 08:01:50 · answer #4 · answered by arewethereyet 7 · 0 0

I don't think any one knows exactly how it all works. I know that at some point before a person dies, even if they were brought up not to believe in God, they will have an experience that will show them beyond any doubt, that God is our Heavenly Father. They can choose from that point if they want to believe in him or not. And if they don't believe in God or Heaven, then they are choosing not to. But everyone has that choice to be forgiven for every sin and be accepted by God. As far as only having one life, I personally don't see how someone could argue one way or the other until they are finally in Heaven and experience whatever it is that happens on the way.

2006-07-05 08:13:41 · answer #5 · answered by chris and amy 1 · 0 0

I believe that the bible is God's word. I don't believe it was written by accident. I also don't believe that what was put into the bible was chosen by accident. God has given us all a way out of hell through Jesus Christ. I do not believe in reincarnation. I think God makes sure we have enough time and teaching on earth to make an informed decision about the way we choose to live for eternity.

2006-07-05 08:04:51 · answer #6 · answered by Suesan W 4 · 0 0

You dont understand the reason why a loving God sends people He loves to Hell, and the answer is, He doesnt, we send ourselves to hell. Sin seperates us from God, so the only way to be brought to God is through the shed blood and resurection of Christ, not for the wrong church or for not being good enough or whatever. One of the thieves that died with Jesus acknowleged that Christ is the Son of God and in his own words expressed it, and Christ told Him he was going to heaven.Eph 2:8-9, you have to believe even though you were never there when He walked the earth and that you cant see Him now but to believe or have faith that He is the Son of God and the only reason we go to heaven isnt because of us but because of His grace, giving us somthing we dont deserve.

2006-07-05 10:31:16 · answer #7 · answered by Airman_P 2 · 0 0

Yes, its possible, and probable, that people misinterpret what god is trying to teach us, since evry religion, in fact, every sect, believes different things about god. Stick to your beliefs, they just may be the right ones. The sins are clearly stated in the ten commandments. Anything else is not a sin, but a church rule. As for reincarnation, from the time my oldest grandson could talk, he kept asking us, "do you remember when I lived in Toronto and drove that red car?" and then go on to say something that could often be proved but he shouldn't have known. So, I believe in it as well.

2006-07-05 08:00:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God does love us so much, since God is without sin He cannot be around sin. Look at it like someone who is deathly allergic to something. That person would be unable to be around that object. Same thing with God. He is unable to be around sin. He created Adam and Eve without sin. Also with the ability to chose. God desperately wants us to come to Him. He loves our companionship. As far as if you are a sinner, the truth yes, do not take offense, everyone is a sinner. With the help of Jesus Christ, he washes away our sin where as if we had not sinned at all. There for we can enjoy our eternity with the Lord.

2006-07-05 08:12:18 · answer #9 · answered by beaugator139 1 · 0 0

God will only send you to hell if you reject Him. He has to punish sin, but He made a way for us to escape that punishment. If you accept His escape (believe in His only Son, who He sent to die for us) than you will live with Him forever in Heaven. If you don't He'll punish you by sending you to hell. Rejecting His Son is rejecting Him (God) and His love for us.

I do not believe in reincarnation. Jesus did not teach this. If we reincarnate and shed our ignorance, why do we see people sueing McDonald's when that person spills coffee on themselves. Why do we need to be told not to use a hairdryer in a running shower or tub full of water.

The Bible was not written hundreds of years after he died. The Old Testament was written before he was born and the New Testament was written by His disciples and others after he died. Those who wrote the Bible were inspired by God and wrote what He wanted them to write, not what they wanted to.

We are sinners, not because of our beliefs, but because we were born sinners.

2006-07-05 08:10:19 · answer #10 · answered by redeyedtreefrog 3 · 0 0

What Really Is Hell?

- Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site

What is hell, and what kind of people go there? Is there any hope for those in hell?

What happens to the spirit when a person dies? Psalm 146:4 says: "His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish." When a person dies, his impersonal spirit does not go on existing in another realm as a spirit creature. It "returns to the true God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:7) This means that any hope of future life for that person now rests entirely with God.


2006-07-05 07:56:48 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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