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Once my husband and I became engaged we started getting harassing text messages and hang-up calls all the time, the messages say anything from: I’m cheating on him & vise versa, im a whore, the he's going to die, please call ASAP ect the number they are from is 143 which means I love you or 696969696 which is the obvious We have sprint who claims they cant trace texts which are obviously coming from a computer We reported it to the police and call every time we get a new text or call we have changed our numbers over 10 times we only give our number to family & close friends but eventually once we switch numbers it stops for a few months then it ends up happening again The police told us there are a million different ways people can obtain cell #'s my wedding day I got over 70 texts and countless calls our 1 year anniversary is approaching & its getting bad again I don’t know what to do its at the point that every time my phone rings I burst into tears Please help if you have any ideas

2006-07-05 07:48:16 · 12 answers · asked by Kini 3 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

We have a good idea of who it is, my husbands fathers girlfriend who had all of our numbers in her phone, which she should have never had in the first place, she also accused us of harassing her when we confronted her claiming that’s why she had our numbers, we went to the police with this info and they have done nothing they don’t even return our calls most of the time. I do realize they have bigger issues to deal with but I cant go on like this it will never come between my husband and I cause we know its all BS but I just cant deal I want to just hunt the bi*** down and kill her but I know that’s not going to help my situation. It’s very aggravating, please help if you have

2006-07-05 07:53:56 · update #1

12 answers

You don't want to hear this, but :

Prove the person that you think it is, is accually doing it. Then tell me how you can prove it 100% .

I hate dealing with the cell phone companies on stuff like this, because they are very hard to deal with and will not give out the information.

Try to get the information yourself from the cell phone company.

Also think about the fact that there is a leak in who you are giving your cell phone numbers to.

Why the police won't call you back, I can't answer that one. Not to be rude or tackey, but the police deal with familys who fued over nothing all the time over stuff they police can't prove and stuff they can't even do anything over to begin with. I have been to calls before where they wanted me to take other family members to jail because " they looked at them mean " . The family just has to grow up and move on.

I know this is not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. It is hard or impossibile to do anything about it.

2006-07-05 15:02:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well if you don't know who it is there isn't much the police can do esp if the number is coming from a computer. It would be a lot to trace the number to an ISP then to a person for all you know the person could be using the local library computer. My suggestion would be to change your numbers, make them unlisted and then go onto that do not call web page and put all of your numbers there. Also if you are doing things on the Internet don't put in your real phone numbers. That is how alot of those people searches get your numbers so then random people can pay and get your phone numbers. Oh one last though where I live you can have caller ID put on your phone and then you can also have your phone set to not accept phone numbers from blocked calls. I know you said the phone number comes up but you never know it might just help because that usually puts a persons name with the phone number.

2006-07-05 07:58:26 · answer #2 · answered by Knock Knock 4 · 0 0

Yes it does seem strange that once you've changed numbers this person gets them again. I don't know about this affair thing, however it would not hurt to ask your husband if there's someone in his life that might be jealous you two got married. Looks like you need to cancel all your phone numbers, if you have the money maybe hire a private investigator or go to a computer store and have a chat with one fo the technicians. I have found that these guys usually know how this information is obtained and can suggest ways to help you keep your information private. Only give your number to those essential people and tell them not to give it out. Sounds like you have a stalker, most likely someone that's obsessed with your husband can be female or male. But i'm gonna put my bets on female. Do a little investigative work on your husband's past relationships, i would then make my presence known to that person and act like I know that they have been doing this harassment, kind of a reverse harassment, but not illegal. When confronted or found out, these types of situations usually calm down unless you have a real psycho on your hands, then you might be able to actually get the police to notice if it gets worse.

2006-07-05 08:32:57 · answer #3 · answered by AMERICA NEEDS RON PAUL 2 · 0 0

What you need to do is get copies of all of the phone records with the numbers on it and highlight everytime a text came from the harassing number....and write down what each text message says in a log....once you have a page or so of messages and the log that shows when they called and what time and how many times, take that to the police....then they have to do something because you have hard evidence...police are lazy sometimes and will say they can't do anything....

2006-07-05 07:52:52 · answer #4 · answered by jenn 4 · 0 0

First let me start by saying that Jenn is wrong when she says that the police are lazy.... However, you do need evidence. The other thing you need to do is look up the law for your state and find out what it says about harrassment and stalking. Every state has different elements of harrassment and that is what the police have to go by. In Texas harrassment is :
Sec. 42.07. HARASSMENT.
(a) A person commits an offense if, with intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another, he:
~ ~ (1) initiates communication by telephone or in writing and in the course of the communication makes a comment, request, suggestion, or proposal that is obscene;
~ ~ (2) threatens, by telephone or in writing, in a manner reasonably likely to alarm the person receiving the threat, to inflict bodily injury on the person or to commit a felony against the person, a member of his family, or his property;
~ ~ (3) conveys, in a manner reasonably likely to alarm the person receiving the report, a false report, which is known by the conveyor to be false, that another person has suffered death or serious bodily injury;
~ ~ (4) causes the telephone of another to ring repeatedly or makes repeated telephone communications anonymously or in a manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, embarrass, or offend another;
~ ~ (5) makes a telephone call and intentionally fails to hang up or disengage the connection; or
~ ~ (6) knowingly permits a telephone under his control to be used by a person to commit an offense under this section.
~ (b) For purposes of Subsection (a)(1), "obscene" means containing a patently offensive description of or a solicitation to commit an ultimate sex act, including sexual intercourse, masturbation, cunnilingus, fellatio, or anilingus, or a description of an excretory function. In this section, "family" has the meaning assigned by Section 71.01, Family Code.
~ (c) [amended 6/14/95] An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor accept that it is a Class A if previously convicted.

Find out what the law is for your state and then go from there. Sometimes the police have their hands tied because there is not enough evidence to constitue a violation.

2006-07-05 08:09:05 · answer #5 · answered by me:0) 2 · 0 0

I feel your pain but I'm going to say this and it's not to be rude but blunt. People don't screw with other people like that for any reason then one person in your relationship did something very wrong. My honest guess is that your husband had an affair and this is that person's way of seeking revenge for him marrying you. The problem? He'll never ever admit it because he thinks you'll leave.

2006-07-05 07:53:39 · answer #6 · answered by jackass 3 · 0 0

You should switch to another service like to Cingular or T-Mobile. And when you give the number to close friends & family make shure you don't give it to that B i T C H and your father in law. She is sooo ignorant. Just delete the text messages all from her and don't even read it.

2006-07-09 19:46:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would cancel both my land line and cell phones. If you need a phone, purchase a pay as you go type phone from Walmart and register it under another person name (with his or her permission, of course). If it continues after that, apparently, it is someone closer to you than u may suspect sending the messages.

2006-07-05 07:58:14 · answer #8 · answered by Bill J 1 · 0 0

when you say phone i think you mean cell. your cell company CAN TRACE THE CALLS. if you don't git any relief from them try the fcc. they regulate and can find out. good luck for ex's can be a pain in the a**.

2006-07-05 07:55:28 · answer #9 · answered by elizabeth j 3 · 0 0

wow!!!.......i guess you know you have to change everything, email/phone/cell/etc.......do not let her or whoever have this info........also if it were me, i would move to another place, out of state if possible.........moving is impossible for some, but if possible this is a good idea........

2006-07-05 08:06:00 · answer #10 · answered by goatlady 2 · 0 0

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