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2006-07-05 07:33:20 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

AK..thats 3, even counting the US military action, which is a weak accusation at best.

2006-07-05 07:35:47 · update #1

America in vaded Kuwait?

I thought Kuwait called America for HELP !

2006-07-05 07:36:43 · update #2

Because in 10 years, we would have to write an encyclopedia set to get all the muslim terror attacks.

2006-07-05 07:37:31 · update #3

Just embassy bombings would cover a half dozen muslim terrorist attacks from the last 10 years,

2006-07-05 07:38:39 · update #4

LOL...keep trying. Noone has named 5 yet. You keep bringing up OK city bombing.

2006-07-05 07:39:39 · update #5

Heres a quote from a muslim from one of my other questions...this really puts it into prospective...

The top ten terrorists of the world include:
1) Sharon and now his follower Yahoodi
2) Bush
3) Blair
4) Puttin
5) Indian Congress
6) Indian BJP
7- 10) Various supporters of the above. Do you see any Muslim in this list? Muslims are on the receiving end of the terrorism From USS Liberty to 9/11 all these acts are committed by the enemies of Islam and was wrongly attributed to Islam and Muslims so that people do not return to the way of Moses and Mary and Jesus (All of these were Muslims). Yesterday they tried to kill Jesus, but they failed, yesterday they tried to detroy the message of Jesus but failed as the God All Mighty saved that message in Quran

2006-07-05 07:41:33 · update #6

Will T..I said last 10 years. ROFL

you STFU

2006-07-05 07:48:03 · update #7

Everyone says Iraq ..funny, would you rather live under Sadaam?


2006-07-05 07:55:12 · update #8

33 answers

In the USA? No..around the world, you can scrape that many up.

2006-07-07 05:10:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


Army of God
Michael Bray
Byron De La Beckwith
Donald DeFreeze
David Gilbert
Michael F. Griffin
Patty Hearst
Luke Helder
Mark Hofmann
Edgar Ray Killen
James Charles Kopp
Earl Krugel
David Lane
Timothy McVeigh
George Metesky
Terry Nichols
Paul Jennings Hill
Eric Robert Rudolph
Claudius Smith
Richard Snell (terrorist)
Rollen Stewart
Symbionese Liberation Army
Michael Townley
Clayton Waagner
Dwight Watson

now stfu

2006-07-05 07:42:57 · answer #2 · answered by will t 3 · 0 0

Terrorism is new to America, but it's been going on all over the world for a long, long time. A lot of European countries don't even have public trash cans because they are great for exploding bombs.


The IRA against Protestants in Ireland.

Israelis and Palestinians still trading terrorists attacks on a regular basis.

In the early 70s Arabs were stereotyped for being terrorists.

And let's not forget McVeigh and his buddy, who bombed the Murray Federal building a few years back. They were Americans through and through, but what they did was terrorism, pure and simple.

2006-07-05 07:48:45 · answer #3 · answered by C R 3 · 0 0

Muslims and Faith believers in the tradition of Islam are not synonomous. Anyone can call themselves Muslim and not be true to the traditions and beliefs of Islam. So, using binary logic which states the following as the proof statement to effect a categorical statement or concept must be true in relation to your question.
A=A; B=B; C=C; and if A=B and B=A, then if A or B = C , only then is there a true concept or definition of categorically same relationships. {i.e. A=B, & B=C, therefore A=C and C=A).

Not really that complicated, as a psychologist it is the basis of rehab. for head trauma induced asphasia, or the loss of a previous ability to recognize faces and associate them with the names of the people that go with those faces (for example, they know their children when they see them, but cannot remember their names, and when they hear their names they cannot point the the correct pictures of their children's faces, so alway wear a helmet with any two wheel cycle type vehicle, it is really sad to witness).

Simply put a true statement about anything categorical must survive the test that A=B, A=C, B=A, so C=A and C=B. Twist them anyway you want, but binary logic indicates its more like a closed circle, solid and never ending, but without the ability to change it, least it cease to be a circle. So, individuals of the Faith Tradition of Islam are also known as Muslims. But, some populations in areas of the Middle East have been labeled Muslim countries. And, at the same time, other Individuals have taken on the label of Muslim, without adopting the complete tenets of the Islamic Faith. So does A - Muslims that hold fast to the totality of the Islamic Faith, equal B - a commom reference to individuals living in a praticular area of the middle east, or does either A or B equal C - individuals that merely call themselves Muslim, while controverting the tenets of the Faith tradition of Islam to validate their outrageous beliefs and actions based on those beliefs. I don't think these uses of the word Muslim can withstand the proof statement of commonsense logic.

So I did not answer you question in a pointed, matter of fact manner. But to do so would have entrapped me into the same generalizations of many others, including those that practice a Faith Tradition of Christianity, as myself. That generalization is the matter of fact illogical conclusion that all members of the Islamic Faith Tradition are synonomous, or categorically the same, as terroists claiming the label of Muslim.

But, has it been over 10 years since the fanatic named Jim Jones, established a religion in the name of Chrisitianity and left to Ghana were over a 1000 people were killed by psycho-theocratic brainwashing.

It is really all about the human condition and desire for power, and 10 years is too short of a period; It will change, and once the use of the Muslim label loses the ability to allow individuals to have power over others, another label (man seems to relate to labels that invoke a higher power or thaumaturgical belief). Sorry, but that word just prevents simplification, reference "Ask Jeeves" or a good Dictionary.

I hope I have done a decent job of "in-effect" answering your question.

May the God in which you are in relationship with guide your journey and grant you Peace, Grace and Boutifully free Mercy.

2006-07-05 08:28:56 · answer #4 · answered by SA Rose A Billy 1 · 0 0

IRA Bombings in Ireland

Bombing of the synagogue in Argentina. Antisemitic

The first wold trade center bombing was done by Iraqis (and we all know they weren't terrorist , Just ask a liberal)

The gassing of the Tokyo subway was a cult.

Murah Building Oklahoma Timothy McVeigh home grown nut job.

Elian Gonzalas home invasion - Janet Reno
Waco - Janet Reno

Tamiur - Osma admitted no scratch that he bragged about being the designer and leader of the attack . We actually went in to Afghanistan because the Taliban refused to turn him over after several offers of assistance from the US.

Air America generalizes because it sound better. Make sure you check the facts..

2006-07-05 07:42:33 · answer #5 · answered by Luchador 4 · 0 0

the United States of Amerikkka along with Great Britain and Belgium are the biggest terrorist in all the world and of all time! Lets look at the almost total ahnilation of the Native Amerikkkans and the Slave Trade and Middle Passage of Afrikan people! Then in the 20th century the masaccres of the brown people of Vietnam and Laos! No one can top what the british did to India! So when muslims get to this level, then you have room to talk! No people in the history of mankind have been as evil to other people as these three!

2006-07-05 07:39:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oklahoma City Bombing - Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols (Not Islamic)
Darfur Attacks - Janjaweed Militant Group (Non Islamic)
Pan-Am Flight Lockerbie Scotland - (Non Islamic)
Atlanta Olympic Games - (Non Islamic)
Columbine - (Yes, seems odd but the definition of terrorism is to create terror. That those two kids did)

There you go, 5 terrorist attacks not linked to Islam.

2006-07-05 07:49:24 · answer #7 · answered by Justin 3 · 0 0

IRAQ WAR > American troops ( approx all are Christians) have killed 40 thousand (40,000) Muslims and injured 200,000 (200 thousand) innocent Muslim civilians, on the basis of Weapons of Mass destruction, which has not yet been found in Iraq. I ask you , Who are the real terrorists.? EVEN THE SO CALLED ALQAEDA, BIN LADEN, SADDAM HUSSAIN, AND SUICIDE BOMBERS , combinely have not reached that limit of massacre. CONGRATS AMERICA, you have beaten all of them.!!!


Casualties in Afghanistan war

Estimates suggest US bombs have killed at least 3,767 innocent Muslim civilians in Afghanistan, on the basis of Osama bin laden, whose involvement is not yet proved behind 9/11 attacks. Condoleeza Rice, in front of media, claimed on 23th september 2001 that America have proofs of involvement of bin laden behind 9/11 attacks. The whole world is STILL waiting for that proofs. >>> Isn't IT TERRORISM? If not, then what's terrorism?

( http://www.cursor.org/stories/civilian_deaths.htm )

100 innocent Pakistani civilians (residing in NWFP province) have been killed by American troops bombing on the coasts of Pakistan.

The Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, killed 168 persons and injured more than 500 caused by the CHRISTIAN CULTS group.


now stop your foolish ignorant questions.

2006-07-05 07:39:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is only one I can think of, the Oklahoma bombing.
Pretty much every other act of terrorism has been either perpetrated by a muslim or supported by islam as a whole.
Yes, they are a VERY dangerous cult of fanatics and MUST be watched carefully.

2006-07-05 07:43:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Irish Republican Army has been pretty quiet lately, or they're just not as active as in the past, seems the muslim extremists are hogging all the terrorism air time. PETA is getting pretty darn scarey though! Talk about extremists!

2006-07-05 07:37:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan.

2006-07-05 07:38:16 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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