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Did life turn out the way you excpected and if not how did you handle the disappointment, come to terms and acceptance and move onward and forward? Do you also think that we are "fairytaled as a nation" that if we do good we will always get good? Many chuches preach this, there are many that do good but dont get good e.g persectution etc

2006-07-05 07:01:04 · 8 answers · asked by encourager4God 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

i try to do good and police ask me to sign statements and winnipeg fangsters give orders to kill me. that a J.C as pronounce JOKE

2006-07-05 07:06:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OH no. Not in the least. :) I was supposed to be a Rock Star. Got turned down by 4 different major labels, for "Not having Representation."

*shrugs* Such is life. Good people never get what they deserve or want, because GETTING such things normally involve screwing someone else over.

Disappointed? Yes. I was. Very. But, you have a choice; deal and move on, or end it and hope for better next time around. lol. I opted to deal. No, my life isn't what I wished for, OR want. But, I do good as I can. Because it's the right thing to do. If we ALL did that, maybe more people WOULD be able to get where there should be in life, not just the a**wipes.

And Now, I shall step down off the soapbox. :)

2006-07-05 14:08:34 · answer #2 · answered by Quietman40 5 · 0 0

encourager 4 God,

I have found that my life is full of disappointments. It is just as full of successes and little miracles. Your experience of life is determined by your focus: gratitude, love, worship, obedience, etc. or complaining, bitterness, selfishness, etc.

The way you think and what you think about determines the way that you feel. Think of the worst experience of your life. How do you feel?

Think of the best experience of your life. How do you feel?

Pretty simple isn’t it?

Many people have a faulty view of themselves. Christians are not immune to low self esteem, in fact, our beliefs can often reinforce our feelings of failure or worthlessness or even persecution. We can often be disappointed by others, or life in general, and believe that we should act in ways that we perceive are biblical or “Christian” when actually we are just coloring our experiences with our paint brush of low self esteem.

There is another part of Christianity that is sometimes ignored to our detriment. We are constantly dying to our old life and experiencing more and more of our new life. We are consistently relinquishing our faulty way of life for a much more glorious life of love and service. In short, we are destined to become more and more like Jesus.

This process is often painful and can be prolonged. It is, however, very rewarding in the long run.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Please read my newsletter for May on my Yahoo! 360 page. You are welcome to read the newsletter for June, but the May edition is best suited to your needs at this point.

I took the liberty of reading a few of your recent questions, and if you need a friend, you can contact me any time.

God bless.

PS: I didn’t mean to ignore your second question, but my answer to your first question is long enough as it is.

2006-07-05 14:44:59 · answer #3 · answered by tom 4 · 1 0

Well, your question has several parts, so allow me to address them. First, no, my life has not turned out like I would've wanted it. I chose Plan D for my life, after God tried to get my attention by allowing me to choose less than Plan A (His will for me.).

As far as coming to terms with it, well, it's my own fault for not choosing His will in the first place, and He has been so gracious to me since, how can I fault Him for that?

As far as our nation being fairy-taled, I must take exception to that. The Founders were mostly Christians, (all but 2 of the signers of the Declaration were.) and they used biblical references to demonstrate how King George abused his power over the colonies. Then, the Bible was used as a reference for the Constitution more often than the enlightenment documents available at the time. So, I think the Founders knew what they were trying to achieve. In fact, John Adams stated, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other..."

Most churches I know do not preach that if we do good, we will get good. This kind of logic flies in the face of what Jesus Himself taught. He said, "If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you." (John 15:18) And "...If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you..." (John 15:20b)

2006-07-05 14:23:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow... Er... I have been dealing with the very painful reality that our storybook upbringings do not prepare us for the inevitable anomilies of life. Without sharing a life story, which has sooo many more details than the fairytales our mothers read to us, my disappointments have blindsided me by the very persons who instilled those 'Happily Ever After' expectations. I knew when I was 4, while putting away a favorite baby dress of mine into a hope chest for my own future daughter, that I was going to and was meant to be a mother. Through parent's divorces/remarriages, family fractures/fixes, addictions/recoveries, I still held to that notion. Well there oughta be a required 12 step themed class to prepare us for what comes next... for I now know what it takes to send a soul to the breaking point. And of all constants in this life, persecution holds top billing in human failure. Conforming to 'do good' has a such a hopeful ring to it until you realize that hope holds no weight in a situation of judgement. Especially when the powers that be have no intention of rewarding your intent, let alone support or encouragement along the way. Do you suppose that The Queen Mothers of The Handsome Princes cut off an allowance for Cinderella because she developed a shoe fetish, or Sleeping Beauty for her inflicted addiction to caffiene trying to counter the depression which comes from way to much 'down-time', or refused to allow Snow White to consumate her marriage because of her obvious weak immune system to fruit due to her pure looks??? We'll never know, but I suspect that these storylines would have fit in somewhere after Riding into the Sunset and Happily Ever After...

Being the daughter of a journalist, my naturally inquisitve nature has brought me multitudes of reasons why people do the things that they do. In too much information, there is little consolation for the disappointed, that is what spurs acceptance. If you are lucky enough to have the strength to be the author of your own story, chapters will come to and end and new ones will begin, untimately the end of the story will be in your hands. Choose your own adventure, if you make a bad choice, you may go back and try again to change that story, so that the character can live on. Or die. It's up to you to decide, that's acceptance. Any God worth his spit, would want all of his followers to be compassionate to these trials of life, and would want them to watch out for each other and help each other through... to the next level of person each of us has the potential to be in this one-shot-life. The outcasts represent failure to the human group as a whole, the churches cant get all the blame for their shortcomings. Human nature is flawed, that is how we survived natural selection, but, with that knowledge, I have come to the conclusion that there is yet another lesson to pass on to our children. Forgiveness.

These words come from a woman whose wealthy, influential mother had taken custody of her three beautiful children from her. Her mother's lack of acceptance of the father of these children, her intolerance toward her daughter's choices/trials, and her very own fear of accepting that she herself may have sent her daughter into the world with false expectations, only to "leave her for dead" just to save face in a group of their own select people, forced a crevasse between mother and daughter that has proven impassable.

Accept it I have...

And the chapters will be....

And the lessons will be shared...

And our children will be better for it

If we can forgive

Then between you and me...

I'd feel a whole lot better

Telling the whole story.

2006-07-05 15:16:39 · answer #5 · answered by jest1esta 3 · 0 0

to me life is like a long path and,on this path there are many things that will happen ,some good ,some not so good,yet,as i am walking this path,i am learning more and more each day,from this path(my life)i have gained understanding and accepting.if all the days were sunny,we would not know rain.

2006-07-05 14:08:02 · answer #6 · answered by deerwoman777 6 · 0 0

we cant all be successful in life, some will make it some not,
also there are so many disappointments in life but it also doesnt mean you have failed or a failure, keep on trying,be confident, be positive,pray,have faith. and stay focused.good luck.

2006-07-05 14:06:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

just receive..
things aren't always the way we expected.. it's natural =)

2006-07-05 14:20:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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