You should definitely get tested right away. Even though you haven't been with each other for a while, there's no telling where or when he picked it up, but if he did while you were sharing needles, there's a good chance that you may have it too. So go get yourself checked out, and then see what a doctor has to say about what to do next.
2006-07-05 07:03:57
answer #1
answered by Archangeleon 3
Hep C is neither deadly nor benign. It can be either in different people. You don't need to plan your funeral, nor do you need to forget about it. It certainly *can be* a big deal, and the gentleman's wife does not have Hep C if she got it from food. It is a blood-borne illness, transmitted the same way as HIV, through contact with blood and some body fluids.
Sharing needles is the best way to get it, and it can remain symptomless for decades, then get serious. I was diagnosed 7 years ago, was sick as a dog for 6 months, and have had perfectly normal liver function ever since.
Get tested and see a doctor. There are treatments that can help your body fight the virus. Some people get rid of it completely! Read the links the other person posted.
In the mean time, you do not need to use condoms with your partner if you are mutually monogamous, but he may choose to until he learns more. It is seldom transmitted by vaginal or oral sex, but anal is more risky. He shouldn't, however, continue to use your toothbrush, nail clippers, razors and so on, nor you his. Obviously, do not share needles under any circumstances. If you are bleeding, treat your blood like poison to others. Bandage the wound and clean spilled blood with bleach. Be especially careful when menstruating.
You'll get through this either way, and it'll be fine. I promise.
2006-07-05 17:19:33
answer #2
answered by LazlaHollyfeld 6
Get tested & pray/hope you don't have it.
Quit doing drugs.
Change to a healthy lifestyle.
Get online & do some research. There are steps you can take if you aren't too far advanced.
I believe Wynona (sp) Judd had Hep C & is now asyptomatic.
This is exactly why I hate needles! Never done them, never will.
I have a friend who is dying from advanced Hep C. I go from worrying about his health to being angry at him for doing those stupid things.
Plus he is convinced you can't pass Hep C via unprotected sex. WHY TAKE THE RISK & infect other people. grrrrrrrr.
Slap him (my friend) up the side of his head next time you see him.
Good luck to you!
2006-07-05 15:12:32
answer #3
answered by carl l 6
Go get tested! Most county health offices offer free testing and it's anonymous also. Do it now so that you don't have problems down the road. Also, if you have an AIDS office in your town, they should offer the tests. Good luck.
2006-07-05 14:03:54
answer #4
answered by icddppl 5
You need to call your physician immediately to have blood testing done. Because it can be difficult to determine when your husband became infected there is a possibility that you too may also have the virus.
2006-07-05 14:05:06
answer #5
answered by drbeat1023 4
2006-07-05 14:04:08
answer #6
answered by The Answer 3
its not that bad my wife has it, she got it from food posing. its not contagious, you just can not donate blood, Nothing hurts, or anything like that. its not that big of a deal. My wife got it before we ever meet, like 10 years before we meet. You are safe, it will not hurt you.
2006-07-05 14:08:40
answer #7
answered by mike67333 6
u should get tested ASAP
never used a needle that some one has already used
you never know if they have AIDS/HIV disease
2006-07-05 14:08:49
answer #8
answered by countrygirlzrule 2
seven years is a long time . . but get tested anyway . . .
2006-07-05 14:15:02
answer #9
answered by Gavri L 1
Go see a doctor, the percentage that you will have it is great...good luck..
2006-07-05 14:04:47
answer #10
answered by Male Sicilian Trauma Nurse 6