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My daughter is 14 months old and still lives by a pacifier. I can not get her to let it go. Any help hint on how to ween her off?

2006-07-05 06:09:31 · 22 answers · asked by ihavedrive 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

22 answers

Don't worry too much. Don't focus on the pasifier at all.

Talk with her a lot, she has to take it out to answer you. You could say to her, come on sweety lets play... put your "word for pacifier" in this bowl/cup/ whatever it is and then play with her. When your done playing with her ask her if she would like it back. After about two weeks or so of giving her control, then simply forget to ask her if she wants it back- see if she asks. Then after about two weeks of that, say to her- uh oh, where did we put that, ask her to find the remote or the phone or whatever while you find the pacifier. When she returns give her the pacifier, do this little exercise every couple days or so. After a couple weeks when she returns ask her if she wants a snack, use distraction, plan your day steadily, and always allow her the pacifier otherwise, do you see what I mean?

The other thing is, if she uses it at bed or nap times buy her a special one for those times and ONLY give her that one at night- the other one should "disappear" the day after you give her her bedtime one.

Remeber she is still a baby, she finds security in this- you don't want her to have anxieties, etc. When left to their own accord most kids will grow out of it.

Who cares what people think about it-- as long as your sweet daughter is happy and well adjusted!

Hope this helps

2006-07-05 06:25:54 · answer #1 · answered by Intuit Birth 2 · 1 0

Around the age of 1-2 is the best time to get rid of the pacifier. Good choice for using a pacifier too - as people that let their kids suck their thumbs find it much harder (you cant take away a thumb).

Children over the age of 2, still using a pacifier - will end up having dental problems. No matter how many ppl swear its a myth...I've seen it. My friend's daughter's teeth literally stuck straight out.

The best way to do it cold turkey. Have her wake up in the morning, and not have a nuk. When she asks for it, probably when she's tired and wants a nap, simply say you don't know. She'll try to look for it, but if she don't find one, all she really needs is a blanket or her favorite other thing - and a mommy to rock her anyways.

It's not easy. But shouldn't last for more than a few days. No fairies to blame (hey, you want girls to like fairies!). With my kids, the first day was hardest. After the second day, they didnt ask for it anymore. And when they saw a baby with one, I just reminded them that little babies need them, and bigger kids who can walk don't.

2006-07-05 06:54:25 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

My sons were only using the pacifier to sleep until a few months ago. From birth until around 10 months, they used it during the day. I didn't give it to them all the time. I never left they laying around for them to grab. We started this month them going to sleep with no pacifier. It is a little difficult, but I want the pacifiers gone by 18 months.

2006-07-05 15:02:16 · answer #3 · answered by goofnwfy 4 · 0 0

OK, my daught just turned 3. She LOVES that thing. I want to get rid of it but my husband says she will when she's ready. I went to the doctor for help, thinking he would be on my side about it. I WAS WONG! He said as long as she's not getting any permanent teeth theres no reason to stress her by taking it away, some kids just need it longer than others. I was still concerned about her teeth and dont want her to need braces, Thats when he told me something very important and true. He said "in ten years from now would you rather be paying for dental work or a therapist"
Well, I still dont LIKE the pacifier in her mouth, but I guess she needs it for some reason.
I have got her to stop using it during the day and make her leave it in the bed under her pillow when she wakes up. I tell her its so she doesnt lose it, because if she does she wont have it when she goes to sleep That seems to be going well.
Dont let people harp on you about it (like my family does) she's your daughter. Its not hurting her so take your time and dont stress about it (like I was!) GOOD LUCK!!

2006-07-05 07:47:58 · answer #4 · answered by froggy 3 · 0 0

My son is 11 months. He does not take a pacifier. He did as a new child and up till he changed into about 3 months previous. After that, he merely not in any respect needed it and may get disillusioned each and every time we did attempt to placed one in his mouth!

2016-11-01 06:07:14 · answer #5 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

14 months is till a baby BUT if I were you I would at least to start trying to to wean her off. I see kids that are 4 & 5 years old & still have the pacifier in their mouths. It makes them buck tooth & it looks ridiculous !

2006-07-05 06:15:32 · answer #6 · answered by day by day 6 · 0 0

Try to gradually limit her use of it during the day, letting her have it to go to sleep. Then introduce the idea of not using it at nap time and so on. With my sons (who were 16 months and 13 months when I got them off theirs) they caught a slight cold and couldn't breathe through their noses well and therefore couldn't use a pacifier. When they were better they had gotton used to not having it and I just threw them away.

2006-07-05 11:56:58 · answer #7 · answered by bertha 2 · 0 0

I watched Super Nanny on ABC. She had the child to put all of them in a gift bag and hang it on a tree limb in the yard. She told the child that at night the binky fairy would come and take them to babies that needed them since they are not a baby anymore. And the next morning she had put a new toy in the bag for the child. The child was so happy about the toy that she never asked for the binky again. That little girl was older though. My mother-in-law swears by going by the signs in the farmer's almanac. She told me when to take my kids' bottles and it always worked. The sign has to be below the knees. (what ever that means)

2006-07-05 07:10:25 · answer #8 · answered by noseygirl 5 · 0 0

i tied my lil princesses pacifier to a tree and said it was going to the pacifier fairy then the next day i tied a pretty baby doll on the string and she was so happy she never wanted it again. i have a firy for just about everything to get her to do things its great. my son to potty train him i tll him the toilet needs poop n pee to be full so i tell him go feed the toilet hahahahaah kids r so cute .

2006-07-05 06:16:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't worry to much. She will give it up when she's ready

2014-07-18 22:58:08 · answer #10 · answered by bannyman 1 · 0 0

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