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2006-07-05 06:01:41 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Oh, yah, by the way, from what i found out, the paligamy thing isn't true and ,obviously, a very common mistake of knowledge. Don't meen to offend people that already answered, just something that maby should be known.

2006-07-05 06:11:06 · update #1

34 answers

don't let the energy of hateful people get to you. i think mormons are fine and actively contribute to society though i am from an entirely diff religion. i find their cultural heritage interesting as there is always something new to learn everyday from strangers.

that and this query i predict would attract many bigoted response so ignore em. they are the ones holding humanity back from a peceful progress.

2006-07-05 06:07:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

People like to focus on the polygamy thing. While it is true that main stream Mormons don't do it now, they do teach that polygamy will come back during the "millenium" aka the second coming. And it isn't an equal opportunity polygamy (plural marriage), it is strictly polygyny (multiple wives) and no polyandry (sp? mulitple husbands). Polygyny is not only part of their history and subculture, but part of their future. And no matter how much they deny it, those splinter groups are very much like the Mormons in every way except they didn't change their religion to obey the law and times.
The cult thing, yes, it is a cult. Main stream LDS are not considered an extreme or severe cult. However, they still have many cult like practices. The most noteable are believing they are the only true religion, which is what makes them not as accepting of religious freedom and other people's beliefs as they repeatedly claim to be. Another is that when their young people become missionaries, their time on the phone and emails with their families is limited and they are not allowed to see their families at all. The missionaries are also not allowed to date, have free time that isn't structured by their religion, etc. They are only allowed to participate in missionary activities.
They used to practice something called blood atonement. You can put that in a search term and find it online. They now do something less violent in the same way as cutting people off. They do take care of their own IF THEY ARE ACTIVE MEMBERS. They cut off people who don't follow not only their religion, but their culture and drama.
While Mormons are genuine, usually sober, and law abiding, they are harsh, judgemental, and rationalize every mischievous, vindictive, mean thing they do because MORMONS DONT DO _____ fill in the blanks. They don't do anything wrong, and if someone did that, they weren't a Mormon.
So any Mormons reading this, that is how we really see you. It isn't stereotyping, it is personal experience.

2006-07-05 07:11:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are right, modern Mormonism does not allow polygamy but they used to; right up until the US government made them abolish it. There are a few splinter sects that still do practice polygamy, illegally.

I'm not a Mormon, and it is easy to see that the church does do a lot of good things for its members. They offer an excellent university, teach strong family-centered morals and encourage a clean lifestyle. They will also help a family in need. This is not often true of other churches (some do, some don't).

The flipside is that they are mildly cultish. They hate homosexuality and they will excommunicate those that don't tow their rigid lines as to what is considered proper behavior. They do not allow birth control. They were also closed to blacks until recent years, so they have a long history of being racist. Women do not have equal opportunities in the priesthood.

All in all, there are certainly worse options. However, I find it hard to back any religion that doesn't allow you to have your own personal relationship with God, rather than have to follow "their rules" to get there.

Signs a religion is a cult include:
1. They have their own testament and/or version of the bible
2. They will excommunicate non-believers
3. They usually claim to be the one true path to God.

2006-07-05 06:16:03 · answer #3 · answered by Lori A 6 · 0 0

Just a few point , consider all the experts above .

No magic rocks, just translating tools.

No more than one wife, only one.

LDS do believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

We believe Jesus Christ is the head of our church, and follow the prophets that he has called or will call.

We do not think we are better, but we do hold high standards.

Only 30% in Salt Lake are LDS, so the people the mexican
met might not even be a LDS.

Fiction or not is a matter of opinion., if you can not see it , does not mean its not there.

if you do not believe in prophet, it does not mean our prophet is fake. Its all come down to what you believe is different. so be a little respectful to each other.

No LDS Mormons are force to get marry before they want to.
What church you belongs to?

Women has no priesthood, does not mean they are any less important.
If you feel blacks are degraded because they got the priesthood later than most people, then why don't you ask those blacks why they still stay in the church?

Well, I'm tired of correcting you people.
Go to Mormon.org and ask if you want to know,

2006-07-06 11:31:35 · answer #4 · answered by Wahnote 5 · 0 0

Indivually, they are fine. All that I have met are very nice people.

The issue is that their religion is based on pure fiction, the church excommunicates anyone who dissents from their opinon, and its members tend to associate only with other church members which makes them seem cultish.

I respect the morals and ethics that the church instills, but there is no way to respect a faith that is pure fantasy. Where there is ZERO proof that their supposed history happened.

For those who aren't familiar, supposedly, there were these huge tribes of people in the Americas prior to the today, and Jesus visited them here. Yet archeaologists haven't found a SINGLE shred of evidence that they existed.

Their founder was a pedophile, who married young girls, and told them that they would be damned by God if they didn't.

Also, God is supposedly living on some planet named Kolab.

The whole polygamy thing was indeed abolished, but only because of pressure from the US government. They actually declared war on the mormons because of it, and took away all their holdings. Even once it was repealled from the church doctrine (it was a 'revelation' from God, very convenient), may of the church leaders continued to secretly take multiple wives.

The church will not allow women to hold any position of power, and it wasn't until the 1960's that black people were allowed in. And again, that only came about from intervention by the US Government. Their own scripture talks of the evil of dark skinned people.

Tough to swallow.

2006-07-05 06:07:55 · answer #5 · answered by fubiegirl 4 · 0 0

I agree with Karen (above me), I just want to say something to Renee (above Karen). I AM an active Mormon, and I am not like that at all. I do not "cut off people who don't follow not only their religion, but their culture and drama." one of my best friends is a protestant, and I have many friends who are non-LDS and inactive LDS, as well as LDS.
as for the polygamy thing: let's say a guy (mormon or not, it doesn't matter for purpose of this example) gets married and has kids. Then his wife dies. a few years later, he remarries and has kids with the second wife. Eventually, he dies,his wife dies, his kids all eventually die. What do you think would happen (assuming you believe in a JUST and LOVING God)? There are four possibilities:
1. the man would never see his kids or either of the wives ever again
2. The man is a family with his first wife and her kids but would never see his second wife or her kids ever again.
3. The man is a family with his second wife and her kids but would never see his first wife or her kids ever again.
4. The man is a family with both wives and all the kids.

now tell me, would a JUST and LOVING God do anything but number 4?

and if so, doesn't that make that man a polygamist in the hereafter?

and one more question: Abraham and Jacob both had multiple wives. Does that make them evil?

2006-07-05 08:44:33 · answer #6 · answered by annoying_bookworm23 2 · 0 0

You're right ... they are not bad at all, even though I don't believe in their religion.

Most of my encounters with Mormons occured while I was living in Japan. Mormon missionaries are quite active there. Almost all of the Mormons I met in Japan were Americans, usually from Utah or (for some reason) Oregon.

Some people just don't like missionaries of any stripe, whether they're Mormon or Jehovah's Witnesses or whatever.

And maybe some people have misconceptions about Mormons marrying five wives or marrying 15-year-old girls or whatever.

There are plenty of stereotypes about us Catholics and about Catholicism -- so I can relate to it when Mormons get stereotyped.

Again, I don't believe in their religion at all, but the Mormon missionaries I met in Japan were all rather nice young men.

2006-07-05 06:08:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would say people have a hard time believing in a latter-day prophet, like Joseph Smith of course. He saw God the Father and Jesus Christ and never denied it, even after everything he went through. People have a hard time believing that God and Christ would need to reorganize their church, especially through a young man of 14, which was when he was visited by them. They also don't believe the Book of Mormon could have been translated by him. I just don't understand how people think that because Christ died 2000 years ago, that that was it. His apostles died, the gospel was gone off the earth, why would He not have a reason to restore it to the earth?
Anyway, that's just my take. I am a Mormon.

2006-07-05 06:28:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Mormans I've met are very nice people. It is their beleifs and cult that is warped and perverted.

None of the book of Morman has any solid evidence; no artifacts that are in the book of Morman have ever been found. Joseph Smith was a boy with a wild imagination and a controlling spirit

2006-07-05 06:12:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can only speak for myself. Mormon people are probably the nicest people I've ever met in my life. It's not a dislike of them at all...it is what I believe their church does that I dislike. I believe the Mormon church does not teach the bible correctly, it does not correctly identify the person of Jesus Christ, it relies on false prophets (Joseph Smith being one) and a false gospel (the Book of Mormon).

Granted, that is my opinion, but based on the differences between what the bible says and what Mormonism teaches (i.e., Jesus is the spirit brother of satan....as man is, God once was)....that is why I feel this way.

2006-07-05 06:08:18 · answer #10 · answered by christian_lady_2001 5 · 0 0

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